
Majed Jarrar

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غ.س طب بالنسبة للي ف نفس السن ولم يتزوجوا 😅!

ما هو متجوزتوش علشان متعلمتوش الحاجات دي
نساء جاوزن ربع القرن أعقد قرانهن (أنا المأذون مش العريس) وأوصيها على معدة الرجل تقولي أنا لسة معرفش أقلي بيض. 😱
والناس مستغربة هي البيوت بقت بتخرب بسرعة ازاي.
+1 answer in: “نصيحة لفتاة في ال٢٢ من عمرها ياشيخ وجزاكم الله خيرا”

Male student. The TA is high-fiving everyone. She’s funny and happy and i feel it’s rude to reject it and not high-five her.

You should. NEVER. Feel coerced to do something just in order to fit in.
Especially if it's against your faith.
Es.pecia.lly if it's about physical interaction with the opposite sex.
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Is it normal to admire shiekh that i had watched a lot of his lessons and followed him on social media ?he is in late thirties and I'm 22

Yes, it's perfectly normal. In psychology it's called tranferrance.
You see a teacher teaching well in their field, and that's the only dimension you see of that person.
Your mind starts to extrapolate - or transfer - your expectations to the rest of his character. Omg he is funny. Look at how he listens attentively to his students' questions, he must be such a good listener as a best friend, or a husband. I wonder else is he good at as a husband... And your mind takes you to lala land.
The truth is, that the vast majority of celebrities - yes, because his videos are public he is practically a celebrity -, they suffer from bad personal relationships.
It's either because they put up this fake kind personality, and after a long pretentious lecture they need to vent by going back to being extra greedy, extra rude, or even extra violent.
Or they are truly kind, which means as a celebrity they're often taken advantage of, they are captive of inconsiderate students who spend their day and night asking questions, leaving them virtually no time for family.
Even with either of those, you'll also have to factor in the effect of envy and the frequent evil eye someone would get in this situation.
No matter what is the back story, I strongly discourage anyone from allowing any room for feelings towards people with a higher order of authority over them (teachers, doctors, psychiatrists, etc. and above all, imams), as it is risky (abuse is more likely to happen when there's a difference of powers) plus it can be mentally exhausting.
Keep in mind that both men and women like the feeling of being sought after by the opposite sex. That is particularly why it's a moral duty of anyone in power to discourage their clients, students, or subordinates from falling into that.
I know some imams might not be pleased with this - especially single ones -, and I know it looks like I'm shooting myself in the foot, but it is inappropriate, and needs to stop. Period.

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هو مش ده ميليون روزز بتاع بوبجي ولا غيره؟

alsebaey86’s Profile Photoجمال السبيعي
معرفش هذه البدع يا مولانا
وإن كنت لا بد سائلا، فأنا في نفسي منذ الطفولة أن ألعب هذه الألعاب. لكن عودنا الوالد رحمه الله منذ الصغر على عدم تضييع الوقت. واشترى لنا كومبيوترا باهظا في الثمانينات بدلا من النينتيندو والأتاري، قال لي تعلم البرمجة واستمتع بها بدل من الألعاب. وقد كان.
المهم لما أنال وقتا نادرا للعب وحدي، لازم تبقى حاجة في قمة الهدوء، يعني كاندي كراش بالنسبة لي مرهقة جدا، فما بالك بالشوترز. في لعبة جميلة على الاندرويد اسمها old man وجدتها منذ حوالي سنة واعجبتني، لعبت يمكن أول صفحتين إلى الآن، ولعلي أكمل اللعب عليها بعد تخرج الأولاد من الجامعة إن شاء الله إن كان في العمر بقية.
+1 answer in: “فرحان هوايا لاني اشوف وجوهكم مبتسمة اهلا بيكم مرة لاخ”

😂 اذا الخيار الأول موجود جد انا من فلسطين 😜

شوفي يا بنت بلادي
أنا اتزوجت واحدة جدودها من ايطاليا وفرنسا وبريطانيا، وجبتها لعند ستي - الله يرحم ستاتنا وجدودنا - قعدت عندها لحد ما صارت تقاقي زي الفلاحات، وتطبخ مقلوبة تبيض الوجي في الديوان.
Tempting, but I'll pass for now 😃
إلهي يرزقك بعريس تتهني فيه وتحرقيلو الطبخة ويقولك تسلم ايديك.
+3 answers in: “هي جنسيه حضرتك ايه😏”

Important continuation

MajedJarrar’s Profile PhotoMajed Jarrar
I'd like to notify you that, with 12,000 followers on my profile, it might be inevitable that you'll get some unsolicited messages, to which I can only apologize if they cause any inconvenience.
(A kind reminder to readers not to do that)
+1 answer in: “Stumbled upon your profile, not looking to be converted(atheist through and through) but I’m curious on where you’re from? And I’ve read up some what on the Quran and some of the things that are stated are certain aspects taken too “literally”, what’s your opinion?(Don’t mean any offence)”

Stumbled upon your profile, not looking to be converted(atheist through and through) but I’m curious on where you’re from? And I’ve read up some what on the Quran and some of the things that are stated are certain aspects taken too “literally”, what’s your opinion?(Don’t mean any offence)

Krigol’s Profile PhotoMentally Defunct
Hey, thanks for stopping by.
To answer your first question, my father was Palestinian and my mother is half-turk-half-persian Iraqi. I was born in Jordan, studied in Egypt and married a quarter-italian, quarter-french, quarter-irish and quarter-scottish Canadian. We hopped around 4 different continents, then settled in Canada, where I teach engineering at the university, serve as an Imam at the mosque, and work on a PhD in educational psychology.
So, yeah, basically just another guy on the internet.
As to the second question, no offense taken at all.
It would help to have a specific example of what you read, but generally speaking:
Muslims believe that the Quran is the unchanged, verbatim word of God. It is the final book - of hundreds - that were sent to humanity, all of which had been eventually corrupted.
This final manual for humanity contains:
1. A detailed description of Paradise and Hell and what's eternal life is like in each of them, like no other book from God ever has.
2. Asserting the Oneness of God, not just in creation and control, but also in worthiness for all forms of worship. God uses over two dozen logical proofs and open challenges to disprove them.
3. Stories of previous nations and Prophets, lessons not to be repeated.
4. A comprehensive code, mostly a framework, but also specific rulings, manners and etiquettes pertaining to a) Worship b) Business c) Family and d) public order.
The reason why it's mostly a framework is because, afterall, this is a final message sent to all humankind with the intended use being for humans to rule themselves with it until the end of the world. So the laws are divergent in the Quran, contrary to the Torah and the Gospels, for example.
Like any other piece of literature - let alone one that self claims to be the greatest thing ever recited by humans, and dares them to try to replicate - it has all literary tools. The discourse can be literal or not based on context.
I hope this helps as a start.

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طيب يا شيخ انا هنا عالاسك مش ملتزمه اني اخد براي شيخ معين ، يعني لمه يجي علي بالي حاجه بسال فيها الشيخ المتاح انهارده لقيت شيخ مجاوب ان افرازات الفرج لا تبطل الوضوء ، اخدت برأيه ,بعدين لقيت شيخ تاني بيقول تنقض الوضوء ، انا اعمل ايه دلوقتي انا بصراحه بتعب في الوضوء عشان موسوه ومش بحب ادخل الحمام

خدي بأول شيخ يجيك وخلاص
+5 answers in: “الرجاء الرد هل قول( رب اغفر لي) بين السجدتين واجب؟”

هنا من فضلك 》《

هو ابتلاء من رب العالمين، كل كلمة سيئة وظن سيء واتهام تجاهك، سيأتي يوم القيامة حسنات.
تخرجي من الجامعة وابتعدي من شلة السوء تلك وربي يفتح عليك أبواب رحمته وفضله.
+1 answer in: “السلام عليكم ممكن احكي مشكلة بس تحت الرمز دا 》《”

مش هترد على سؤالى ولا اى

أهو رديت.
ودي أخر مرة حعيد الهزار السمج ده.
بعد الآن أي سؤال على صيغة من الصيغ الآتية:
§ ممكن أسأل سؤال
§ مش حترد على سؤالي؟ — أو أي صيغة من صيغ الابتزاز العاطفي المبتذلة من بتوع أنت مبقتش تحبني زي الأول يا حنفي
§ حاجة كاتبها في البايو زي: ما مذهبك، وأنت ساكن فين، ورابط الفيسبوك بتاعك ايه
يبقى بلوك للسائل على طول ومن غير نقاش ولا تحذير.
وقد أعذر من أنذر.

Asalamu Alikum. What do you think of Numan Khan arabic lessons and Quran’s interpretation?

I enjoy NAK lectures very much. And listen to almost everything that I find of his Tafseer reflections.
However, and this might not appease to many, but
Anyone who hasn't memorized the Quran, _and_
Has become fluent in Arabic in a sense that they have studied at least some Sarf and Balagha, _and_
Has taken about a year of study in Uloomul Quran, _and_
Completed _at least_ two books of Tafseer bil Athar,
Then I don't recommend this type of Tafseer to them at all. It can be quite misguiding as a matter of fact for the beginner.

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته شيخي انا تعبانة كثير من هالحياة خاصة بعد ماخسرت عائلتي وبصراحة كارهة كل شي حواليا اريد ابقى ثابتة وماافقد الصبر

عوضك الله.
والله يا أختي إن القلب ليتفطر حزنا على حالك وحال إخواننا وأخواتنا في العراق وسوريا وجميع دول المسلمين.
ولا عزاء إلا باحتساب أجر الصبر العظيم، ورجاء أن يكون زوجك وابنتك في عداد الشهداء.
ولتكثري من قول لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله، فلها أثر عجيب، يربط الله بها على قلبك. وأكثري من قراءة سيرة رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم، فمن استشعر مصيبتنا بموت خاتم النبيين، هانت عليه سائر المصائب.
حفظك ربي ورزقك الطمأنينة والسكينة في قلبك، وآجرك في مصيبتك وأخلف عليك خيرا منها.


Language: English