
Majed Jarrar

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assalamu alaikum shaykh. Im a 19 year old sister who receives £250 every month from the government as I'm not in formal education & my job doesn't pay me over £250 a month. I still live with my parents, and dont have any responsibilities like paying bills/ tax etc. am i eligible to pay zakah?

IMPOLSE’s Profile Photosammi
Zakat is about stored wealth, not income.
If you have more than £400 pounds stored for twelve months consecutively, you should give it in zakat.
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Salaam sheikh, I’m asking on behalf of a friends son who wants to marry a catholic girl. I know that the Quran allows marrying a person of the book. However this boy has been given different opinions on this matter because he himself is not very strong in Islam. What would your advice be?

Tasleem Hussain
Depends on him, her, the relationship they have, his and her family, and the alternatives. Based on these factors, it could be deemed obligatory or prohibited for them to get married.

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Assalamualaikum warahmatullaah wabarakaatuhu,hafizhakallaah yaa Ustaadz.. if i perform ablution from a small scoop or small bowl of tahuur water, and then the drop of the water from my hands or my face fall into the scoop/bowl, will it makes the status of water become tahir? Jazaakallaahu khayran.

Liked by: Shiraaz Mohab Ali

السلام عليكم. عزمتني صديقتي على حفل عشاء في مطعم واعملتني ان العشاء مختلط اذ سيحضر بعض صديقاتها وازواجهن. هل يحل لي الذهاب؟ وان كان حراماً، هل يجوز ان اذهب اسلم عليها واقدم لها هدية واخرج؟

لا بأس أن تذهبي وتسلمي عليها وتهديها
Liked by: Hamad Aqrabawy
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Assalamu'alaykum Syaikhna. Syaikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah رحمه الله تعالى said: “… It seems that the view of Ahmad is that every part of her is ‘awrah, even her nails, and this is also the view of Maalik.” (Majmu’ al-Fataawa, 22/110). Is the female eyes awrah in the opinion of the Hanbali madhhab?

IlhamIbnu’s Profile PhotoIbnAriadi
The definition of awrah varies, and one needs to understand that there's an awrah for gazing, different than awrah required to cover up during prayer.
There are multiple opinions within our mathhab, either the eyes are awrah and hence it is prohibited to look at them. Or, they are not awrah, but it is prohibited to look at them, or they are not awrah, but it is discouraged to look at them, etc.

We have a brother in our masjid, he was leading Fajr prayer for one year and he was doing a very good job. Then, A new brother who has more knowledge and memorize more Quraan joined our masjid, then we wanted him to lead fajr, the old brother said no, and he stopped coming masjid demanding to lead.

moustafamaher11’s Profile PhotoMOustafa Maher
Has no right to say no unless he's a full time imam.
Liked by: Mohamed Abdelraouf

السلام عليكم شيخ ماجد أنا بحفظ ترجمة القرآن للدكتور عبد الحليم عشان أقوي اللغة الإنجليزية عندي وأكتسب مفردات جديدة وأقدر أشتغل في مجال دعوة غير العرب رأي حضرتك أكمل في الترجمة دي ولا أشوف حاجة أفضل يا ريت توجيه حضرتك

Assem_Khataan’s Profile Photoعاصم ختعن
جيدة، وكغيرها من الترجمات لها ما لها وعليها ما عليها
وليست هي ولا أي ترجمة مصدرا لتعلم اللغة

لو نزل دم بعد 12 يوم طهر دا حيض؟ بسبب مجهود نفسي وبدني وهل لو استحاضة يبقى كل فترة الدم استحاضة ولا بس اول 3 ايام بحيث اكمل 15 يوم طهر وبعدها اعتبره حيض؟؟ محتاجة افهم الموضوع بيتكرر معايا أحيانا محدش جاوبني ومحتاجة الرد فعلا

عند سادتنا الحنابلة: أقل الطهر ثلاثة عشر يوما
وبه أفتى علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه ولم يخالفه أحد من الصحابة
Liked by: فارس

انا صائمة اليوم واستنشقت دخانا من غير قصد و من ثم غطيت انفي لكيلا استنشق المزيد منه و بعد فترة من الزمان ازلت الغطاء و كان هناك القليل من خيوط الدخان في هواء الغرفة .. انا الان خائفة اني استنشقت من هذا الدخان المتبقي..هل صيامي صحيح؟

aerono11’s Profile PhotoAero
لا بأس إن لم يكن عن قصد

Salam. When praying in a boat, is it necessary to change direction in the midst of prayer if the boat changes direction?

tarik_49’s Profile PhotoTarikul Islam
For voluntary prayer, no, unanimously.
For obligatory prayers, it's required to keep the Qibla facing one's chest within 90° range throughout the qibla. And one must change direction if qibla goes outside the 90° range.
Assuming this is a travel, the requirement is waived if someone doesn't know the direction of qibla and can't find any way to tell.
Liked by: am

Assalamu alaykum. Is a millionaire obligated to give any more charity than zakat and spend on poor relatives? I don't mean it's good to be stingy but just asking because often people judge the rich as if they are obligated to give away most of what they own. How much can one keep of ones money?

Yes, obligatory charity is not just zakat. The messenger of God said: "By Allah, whoever sleeps with a full stomach, while their neighbour is hungry, and they know it, then they're not a (real, complete) believer."
Liked by: Bella am

AsalamuAlaykum Sheikh. I hate to be super OCD about this, but it’s been bothering me. For holes that exist in socks, do the “ribs” that are part of the elastic qualify as gaps? When you stretch them a bit, you can see through them easily, but if you’re not stretching them, it seems to hide the skin.

anoorzai’s Profile PhotoFiz
As long as the skin is hidden, it is valid to wipe on them. If the skin got exposed, albeit temporarily, due to a hole, stretching, or accidental slip off, then the wiping on those socks is nullified.
Liked by: Shiraaz Mohab Ali

Shaykh, Is Women’s voice Awrah?

Ayeblackk_’s Profile PhotoBintSalim
There are multiple opinions in there.
But there's no difference of opinion that chastity and modesty are among the greatest virtues in Islam.

لم أعلم أن الزكاة يستحب خروجها بنصاب الفضة لأنه الأنسب للفقير إلا قريبا جدا ولم أكن أخرج الزكاة لأ، ما عندى من مال لم يبلغ نصاب الذهب، ماذا أفعل فيما مضى من سنوات؟ وهل ألزم نصاب الفضة علما بأن الشائع فى بلدنا - مصر - هو نصاب الذهب؟

Saad Gameel
لا حرج فيما فات فالقول بنصاب الذهب حصرا قول معروف ومعتبر،
ولا يحتاج من انتقل من قول سائغ إلى غيره أن يعيد أو يقضي شيئا مما كان يفعله سابقا

Are watches that contain gilt dial and hands allowed for men? Some gold might also be inside the clockwork for technical purposes. See link. JazakAllahu khairan http://www.baume-et-mercier.com/de/clifton-10130.html

samim91’s Profile PhotoSamim Mu
Our scholars agree that if the gold or silk was not showing, such as a silk undergarment, or a watch with gold mechanics, then it is not prohibited for men to use.
As the hand and dial are visibly gold, I do not see how this can be permissible, and God knows best.

هل أخرج زكاة المال كلها فى مصرف واحد من مصارف الزكاة الثمانية ولا أوزعها بحسب المتاح وبحسب اللى أقابله؛ فإذا قابلت غارما مثلا أعطيته كل زكاتى.. إلخ؟

Saad Gameel
السؤال يجاب عليه من جوانب
فأما فقهيا، فلكل مصرف من مصارف الزكاة حده
فالفقير والمسكين حدهما ما يكفي مؤونتها لعام كامل
مثلا في كندا الفرد الأعزب الذي دخله دون عشرين ألف دولار في السنة يعطى من الزكاة ما يبلغ به العشرين ألف بحيث لا يصبح اسمه فقيرا في العرف، فلا يجزئ أن يعطيه ملياردير مليون دولار ويقول هذه زكاتي
وكذا العامل عليها لا يجزئ إن طلب ألوفا مؤلفة، وإنما يعطى له مثل قيمة عمله، فمثلا لو المحاسب يأخذ ثلاثين دولارا على الساعة فلا يجزئ إعطاء العامل على الزكاة سبعين دولار على الساعة
وكذا الغارم يعطى ما يسد دينه، ولا يجزئ ما زاد
فهذا الجانب الفقهي
وأما من جانب الإحسان، فيسعى العبد أن لا يحرم أحدا يرى ماله من نصيب من زكاته، وليحرص على تفقد الجيران والأقربين بالمعروف فهم أولى الناس بالزكاة، وليكن هدفه دائما ما كان أحظّ للفقير (يعني أكثر خيرا للفقير) وأقرب لمرضاة الرب.
Liked by: Saad Gameel

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/145916895810 baarakAllahu feek, however i dont think any scholar says that not wearing niqab is the better option? so its not the same as your example...

IMPOLSE’s Profile Photosammi
Better could mean "more pious", in which case niqab wins, or "has more and stronger evidence", in which case not wearing niqab wins.
Either way, you're right, there's no need to establish that it is better, but to know its authentic proofs, and that it's a valid opinion in the four mathaahib, is sufficient for her to be free to choose it.

Asslamu Alikum Sheikh Majed, I learned that in Arabic thank you means "Shukran" when I say it people say "Aafuan" but they can't explain what does it mean!

HebaYoussuf’s Profile Photoهبة يوسُف
Shukran and Afwan are adverbs, literally mean thankfully and pardonfully, for an omitted verb, so they would actually mean
"I thank you, thankfully."
And the response "pardon me for any shortcomings, pardonfully."
And God knows best.
Liked by: IbnAriadi


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