
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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I am working in Europe now. As you now they dont use water in the toilet. The work 9 hours plus 2hours on the way It is very hard not to go to the toilet How should I wash (wodo'o)to pray? Also how should I wash my feet if I washed them at home then I wore the schoes? Can I wipe on it? I am woman

Keep a bottle in your purse for cleaning, something like this:
As to your feet, you may wipe on footwear (socks or shoes), given that:
1. You've done wudu before putting them on
2. They cover the entire feet, to the ankle bones, all inclusive.
3. They are not see through, and have no holes. You can't see your skin colour through them,
4. They also fit well. you can't see your feet from above (e.g. you're wearing large boots that you can see your ankles or part of your feet inside when looking from above into the boots.)
5. You can walk with them normally. (i.e. They don't fall off on their own easily and they don't fall apart or tear after a few steps)
If all the above conditions are met, then you may wipe on the footwear.
You wipe most of the top of the feet. No wiping of the bottom or the ankles is needed.
You may redo your wudu and re-wipe unlimited times within 24 hour period of continuously wearing the footwear since you broke your wudu.
The permissibility to wipe over the socks ends after 24 hours (3 days if traveling), or if you take them off, or if a hole/tear appears. Your wudu also expires at that moment, if it depended on wiping.

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عاملة أسلمت عندنا بفضل الله،الان سترجع لبلدها وزوجها نصراني لم يسلم وعندها منه اولاد،واعلم من عقليتها أنها لن تتركه ولا أظنها تستطيع،ماذا علي أن أفعل لها؟اضافة الى خوفي عليها من الردة لانه اهلها نصارى ايضا؟انصحني جزاك الله خيرا

تختبر إيمانها، فإذا اقسمت انها ما أسلمت طمعا في دنيا ولا هربا من بطش زوج وإنما رغبة في ما عند الله وحده، تبقيها عندكم وتنفقون عليها، ويعتبر زواجها السابق باطلا، ولا بأس أن تجدوا لها زوجا مسلما.
قال تعالى: ياأيها الذين آمنوا إذا جاءكم المؤمنات مهاجرات فامتحنوهن الله أعلم بإيمانهن فإن علمتموهن مؤمنات فلا ترجعوهن إلى الكفارلا هن حل لهم ولا هم يحلون لهن... الآية
وانظر تفسيرها هنا

Salam alaikum dear Sheikh, does it still count as sadaqah if I sponsor a charity event with the intention of giving sadaqah but my buisness gets promototed on their flyer as an "exchange" for the sponsorship? (Urgent question since I have to reply them today or tomorrow)


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ياشيخ الرياء يفسد العمل مثلا الصلاه اذا كانت فيها رياء فترد وتبطل فهل يجب إعادتها ؟؟؟واعظنى لانى لا اعمل عملا إلا وانا مشرك به الناس ماذا أعمل وقرأت الكثير عن الرياء وادعى لى؟؟؟

ليس الرياء من مبطلات الصلاة اتفاقا.
وتبرؤ الذمة بأداء الصلاة ولو راءى فيها،
وليس عليه إعادتها
ولكن ينقص من أجرها بقدر ريائه فيها، وقد ترد كلها إذا فعلها كلها رياء.
ويستحب عند أصحابنا إعادة الصلاة التي ارتكب فيها مكروها، أو نقصا في كمالها، ما لم يخرج وقتها، وهذا فقط للصلاة الحالية التي لم يخرج وقتها، فلا يشرع إعادة الفوائت.
وليس للمرء إلا ما فعله خالصا لوجه الله، متبعا لسنة رسول الله. لقوله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إنما الأعمال بالنيات، ومن عمل عملا ليس عليه أمرنا فهو رد. وهذان الحديثان عليهما مدار نصف الدين. فليحرص السائل والقارئ أشد الحرص على إخلاص النية لله في جميع عباداته، وأن تكون على سنة رسول الله.
Liked by: Ahmad Hamouda

Please, can you tell me the meaning of داعية in English??

Daa'iyah means someone who calls/invites others, usually to religion. Depending on the context, it can be used for a Muslim missionary, celebrity, or a TV preacher.
The term is usually used to Muslim public figures who neither have enough qualifications to be called an Aalim, i.e. scholar, nor old enough to be called a Sheikh.
Liked by: Dan .Y.

هو مين حضرتك معلش ع السؤال اصل لقيتني متبعاك ومش فاكره صراحه تابعت حضرتك امتي

وأنا والله كذلك معرفش حضرتك متابعاني ليه ولا امتى. وقليلا ما أجيب عن الأسئلة المرسلة باللغة العربية.

What Hanbalī Sheikhs do you have an Ijazah from with regards to books of the Madhhab?

Hanabila from which I received Ijazaat in books:
Sheikh Hamad alMurri
Sheikh Amir Bahjat
Sheikh Mutlaq alJaasir
Sheikh Waleed al-Meneesi
I also had the privilege of learning from sheikh Faaris Faalih alKhazraji and sheikh Muhammad Abdul Wahid
May the Almighty bless them, preserve them and allow us to benefit from them.

هو ممكن ينزل مني لو شوفت صورة محرمة كده ع النت اللي هي بتظهر دي ؟؟؟

تقصد هل يمكن الإمناء بمجرد تكرار النظر؟ نعم.

ممكن في مصر الاقي مأذون يكتبلي كتابي بدون توثيقها في اي جهة حكومية رسمية يعني مجرد كلامياً ؟؟ و الكلام ده بموافقة اهل العروسة لأني لو اتسجل ت الجوازة دي بشكل رسمي ممكن تفسد عليا ورق الهجرة خارج مصر و لو معملتش كده مش هعرف اتجوز قبل ٤ سنين كمان

ممكن تجيب مأذون وتكتب كتاب وتطلع شهادات زواج وولادة أطفال كمان وانت لسة ما اتعرفتش على بنت.
مصر بلد العجائب يا حبيبي.

Is it permissible for a woman to wear shoes that are open and show the skin of her feet or does she have to cover them?

In our mathhab, she must cover both the top and the bottom of her feet, in prayer, or around strangers in public.

Is it recommended to follow one madhab alone? Or can I just pick from all madhabs the opinion I find convincing

It's permissible to follow one mathhab alone, or follow any one of the four mathaahib, as long as you're not surveying the mathaahib regarding one matter then picking the one that most suits you.
However, as a beginner, you're incapable of knowing what's a stronger opinion. Don't assume that what's convincing to your (pardon me) limited logic is necessarily good. If anything, I would advise to go against your desire.

عظّم الله أجرك الله يرحمه رحمةً واسعة وجميع اموات المسلمين

شكر الله سعيكم

my dad told my mom in anger that now there is no relationship between him and her and she shouldn't call him her husband. Where do these lines stand in the hanafi fiqh. ?

Ask a Hanafi judge.

AssalamuAlaykum Sheikh Someone I know had a surgery for their nose and the doctors have placed some filling in their nose and said to not blow their nose for at least 3 days. How does this person make wudhu?

In our mathhab, the nose is obligatory part of wudu. The person unable to clean their nose with water do their wudu in full, but they skip the nose, then after they're done wudu fully, they do tayammum (face and hands to wrists) to make up for the incompleteness of the wudu.

Some say Yazid was among the people of Ghazwat Madina Qaysar, so he's guaranteed janna according to the hadith. What do we make of it?

There are no blank checks to Paradise. Even the devil had a higher status than this and look what happened to him because of his actions.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/142163310146 we're supposed to love all muslims for the sake of Allah no one but your woman loves you romantically, chill. Why are you such a bitter grumpy old man, who hurt u

Maybe I am a bitter old grumpy man, but that has nothing to do with what I said.
1. Muslim women cannot tell stranger men they love them for the sake of Allah. They can't even exchange salaams, it's prohibited to initiate salaam and it is discouraged to respond to salaam between a man and a woman if fitnah was plausible, who in their right mind and righteousness would allow a girl telling a man she loves him for the sake of Allah. What religion is this?
2. People often use this "love for the sake of Allah" when they actually mean something else. Like, hey you're cool, or I like the way you talk, or I agree with what you're saying... Etc. All these are okay, but they don't mean love for the sake of Allah. This is a very heavy word, and if people actually knew what it entails they would think twice before writing it to someone they've only met online.

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I'm non Arab and struggling to learn tajwid for years now and this prevents me from reciting the Quran. I know how to pronounce the alphabet and rules like qalqala, iqlab, idgham etc. What is the minimum any lay person must learn to be allowed to recite the Quran?

Being Muslim and having wudu is all you need to recite the Qur'an, the Prophet said: the person who finds challenge in reading the Qur'an has double the reward.
For leading prayer, you must know how to pronounce each letter and harakah correctly.
The rulings of tajweed are obligatory as indicated by scholars of tajweed, and you need them to get an ijaza in the Qur'an.


هذا مذي، نزوله بهذه الصورة يفسد الصيام، وعليك أن تغسل الملابس الداخلية مع فركها سبع مرات أو حتى يذهب أثره، وتتوضأ.
وهذا الفعل محرم، عليك بتقوى الله في السر والعلن، واشغل نفسك بما ينفع ولا تسمح لنفسك بالبقاء وحدك والاسترسال في هذه الخواطر.


Language: English