
Majed Jarrar

Ask @MajedJarrar

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To follow up on the subway question, do we need to ask them anything specific before they start making our food (like clean the knives, change the gloves, etc)

They are required to wash all utensils, cutlery and change gloves between customers. If for example, you notice the employee is still wearing the same glove they handled meats in it - which happens on campus locations very often because the employees are probably students, you can ask them to change gloves.
I feel sorry that you have to resort to subway, I hope you get married soon.
Liked by: Rashad Ragab

Salam Shaykh, is it permissible to eat machine slaughtered chicken based on Islamic guidelines?

If it has been certified by a Muslim authority, then yes. There's no difference between slaughtering with a knife or a clown robot that has knives, both are machines.
The duty upon Muslims that God has commanded, is to ask the people of knowledge, and trust them in their expertise.
If someone is not a qualified scholar doing a research, nor an appointed supervisor for quality assurance, then it's prohibited to dig up beyond what other Muslims tell you, or assume ill intent, unless an evidence comes your way. In that case, you present it to a scholar to see if it stands.
Liked by: Basma

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As salaamu alaikum Shaykh, may you answer my question I sent 1-2 days ago regarding masturbation as an unmarried woman. Barak Allahu feekum.

Please resend, and forgive me for the inconvenience. Wallahi there's a dozen new questions everytime I check, and I check sometimes twice a day.

true, who would work for a psycho with a god complex.listen you twit. God's rules are not illogical every single one is there for a reason,and that reason is explained, like why something is haram or an obligation and a Muslim should know 😉

Oh boy, how much do you remind me of my young self.
Sadly, not everything has to bound to the human logic. I know it's your game, and you'd like to feel in control. But if you get up earlier than the crowd and excited to stone the devil in Hajj, and go stone him at 12:15 PM. Your Hajj is incorrect. If you wait until 12:45 PM, your Hajj is correct. The answer to why would God do anything is very simple, and found in the first story in the Qur'an. You can read it for yourself.
If I were to time travel and meet my young self, who talks just like you, I would shake him by the shoulders and say: you need to submit to the fact that God is not assessed by us. We are the creation. He is the Master. We are servants. We can't judge Him; Not by human logic, not by human standards, not by human definitions of what He should and shouldn't do.
God does not need to be merciful, nor fair, nor good. He chooses to. It is beyond our authority to question His choices. Questioning our choices is something He will do on the day of judgement, and He knows everything we hide.
Actually, a significant portion of the proofs for the truthfulness of the Messengers of God, is that they brought things that defied logic and human knowledge.
Imam Ali, may God be pleased with him, said: had the law of God been subject to human logic, wiping over leather socks would have been from the bottom of the feet, not over the top.
You need to acknowledge that logic is a servant to the Law of God. So is manners, and may need some help with both.
You have a sharp mind, but that doesn't qualify you to think that you can assess God's actions. You can choose to submit your intellect to Him, and restrain yourself from foolishness, or you can continue on this path, and you might not get a second reminder until you find out you were wrong on the day of judgement. All the logic in the world will not squeeze one drop of guidance, if He choses not to bestow His guidance upon you.
Read this answer again.

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Sheikh, regarding the discharge question in Shafi'i fiqh. Does that mean that I wont be able to pray if I have discharge (whether its sexual or regular) unless I renew my Wudhu and change my underwear? But how should I practice that if I am outside the house?

I believe women who have that issue, and can afford the cost, end up using daily sanitary pads.
Also, in Shafi'i Fiqh, if I recall correctly, they have rulings when if you had najasah that you can't get away, and prayer time is about to end, you pray with the best you can, then you repeat it when you're clean. Or something like that. Verify with a Shafi'i scholar because this is my memory from almost a decade ago when I studied Shafi'i mathhab.
Liked by: Nada Alaa

I want to know about the madhab's opinion on Yazid bin Muawiyah? I see many sufis and shias stating that imam Ahmad used to curse him. Then other salafis says imam Ahmad did not curse him. Whats the truth

If he could've he would've. He was asked: what do you say about people who love Yazid. He said: Would anyone who believes in Allah and the hereafter love him!
His son mentioned Yazid to him once so the imam swore heavily at Yazid and called him names, but didn't curse him. So Abdullah said: how come you don't curse him? He said: your father was not a curser.
Numerous scholars have explicitly cursed Yazid, and those who didn't have implied it, like the Imam, and those who know what Yazid has done and still think he doesn't deserve to be cursed are curse worthy.

But does it matter if Apple deals with riba and etc? I mean does it effects the permissibility?

It does, scholars look into assets, liabilities, major stakeholders, revenue and expenses of public companies before they confirm or deny the permissibility of investment, this gets reviewed every quarter to all public companies.

Assalamu'alaykum ya syaikhi. Why you choose the hanbali madzhab? Syukran.

I've answered that before, please look up the previous answer gave a detailed explanation on how to choose a mathhab if you wanted to study Fiqh.

شيخ، سأل واحد (من الكفار) من الغرب في المناظرة، كيف تكون الحروف المقطعة معجزة؟ بوسع أي شخص جمع بعض الحروف والزعم أمام العامة أنها معجزة. ما الرد؟

أسأل الاستاذ @MaherAmeer

as Salamu alaiikum shaikh, am I allowed to have shares in the Apple Company? Or is that haram?

Permissible, but I can't help but note that you're four decades late on the apple stocks.

هل يغنيني جمع الجوامع - كحنبليٍ دَرَسَ عِدة كتب أصولية وحَفِظَه أحدها - عن كتاب مثل مختصر التحرير؟ لأني وجدت شيخاً يدرّس جمع الجوامع لا من يدرّس مختصر التحرير.

جمع الجوامع مرحلة متقدمة عن مختصر التحرير
إذا لم تدرس التحبير و الكوكب المنير، أو على الأقل أحدهما، ستفوتك مسائل لن تفهمها.
في النهاية ليس هناك افضل من ان تستأذن الشيخ وتخبره بحالك ولو أشار عليك أن تدرس معه فافعل.

Asa Shaikh , what can I say to my kids about the story of Nouman Ali khan , I used to take them to his speeches even with a traveling distance? They r 19&14 boys

There are three lessons in the Qur'an where Allah described the handling of the hypocrites to the news of accusations:
The first, is a future narrative, as the hypocrites are brought into Hell on the Day of judgement, God says they would be asked what led them to the Hellfire, one of their answers were: "we used to dive into any vein discourse along with the people who did so."
The second is when the accusations against the wife of the Prophet spread. God said "As you passed on [the news] with your tongues and said with your mouths that of which you had no knowledge and thought it was insignificant while it was, in the sight of Allah, tremendous.
And why, when you heard it, did you not say, "It is not for us to speak of this. Exalted are You, [O God]; this is a great slander"?
God warns you against returning to the likes of this [conduct], ever, [in future accusations] if you should be believers."
The third is when the rumors about the eminent defeat of Madina began to spread during the siege. Here, God says:
"And when news comes to them about [public] security or fear, they immediately spread it around. But had they referred it back to the Messenger or to those of authority among them, then the [scholarly] ones who [can] draw deductions from it would have known [how to deal] about it. And had it not for the favour of God upon you and His mercy, you would have followed the devil, except a little."
These are three lessons from the Qur'an for the audience in times when accusations are broadcasted.
As to brother Nouman, I ask the Almighty that if he's innocent, He will find a way out for him, and humiliate the accusers, and expose anyone who rode the bandwagon of rumors out of gloat, envy or ignorance. And if he's guilty, then I ask Allah to guide him to repentance, heal the victims, and protect the Muslims from deviation and mass hysteria.

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مش غريبة ان الحنابلة ليس منهم محدثين بوزن الشافعية مع ان امام المذهب امام في الحديث؟

وهو الامام أحمد مش مالي عينين حضرتك مثلا؟
نعم للحنابلة محدثين في كل زمان، بل لهم أحاديث مسلسلة بفقهاء الحنابلة كما للشافعية احاديث مسلسلة بفقهاء الشافعية، مما يدل أنه كان ولا يزال فيهم محدثون في كل عصر منذ الإمام رحمه الله.

Making the 6 harakaat madd in وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ is wajib?

It's waajib sinaa'ee, i.e. scholars of tajweed consider it wajib in tajweed; it's not a waajib in prayer.
Liked by: أحمد فضل

I'm always worried about what's coming, I wish I can live at peace, I know I should put my trust in Allah and just keep going, but it's really hard to stop thinking, any advice?

Did someone tell you that putting trust in God meant you stop thinking?
You busy yourself with that which you were created for; your duties towards God, planning for your death and afterlife.
God says: O child of Adam, focus on My worship, and I shall fill your heart with content.
The Prophet said: whoever puts the afterlife as their [top] concern, God will bring their matters together, and place content in their heart, and bring the world before their feet in subdue. But however makes this world as their concern, God will scatter their matters away, and place poverty between their eyes, and they will not earn anything from this world except that which was already destined to them.

My wife is struggling with hijab. She wore niqab for years and now wears a scarf and hat sometimes revealing ears and neck if careless at times. I have tried advising her but she doesn't take it well. I want the best for her and am willing to be patient but I fear for my own accountability.

Every utensil overflows with that which is already inside. The desire to remove the Hijab is just the tip of an iceberg. This needs a long sit down, realignment of life - and afterlife - goals, direction, and motivation. You are responsible before God on how she dresses when she leaves the house, so you need to deal with this situation wisely.

ASA. I want to know wheter we can beat our women or is that wrong? Many muslim elders justify it by the verse in surat Nisaa. I think their interpretation may be wrong bcz many of them dont read tafsir or study Quran. You, however, have studied Islam under shuyokj. Can u tell us about the beating.

First reaction: gif.
Calm answer: Alaikum assalam, that's wrong brother. God commanded us of treating our wives kindly and with excellence, even if we didn't like them.
The Prophet commanded us to treat our wives gently, and drew a parable about how fragile they are.
His last words before passing away to the Ummah was: The prayers! The prayers! And your womenfolk! [Meaning, take care of them].
ASA I want to know wheter we can beat our women or is that wrong Many muslim


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