
Majed Jarrar

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How do you maintain Fajr prayer everyday?

If the One who commanded you, wants you to do it, He'll help you do it.
The Messenger of God said: "whoever loves to meet God, God will love to meet them."
On the other hand, He said: "But God hated that they set off, so He put obstacles for them, and it was said to them stay behind along with those who are behind."
Preparing for Fajr begins at Asr time. Remember the next prayer right after you've prayed the current one, don't overeat late at night, don't stay up later than you can. End your day at Isha prayer. Go to bed with wudu. Make all the going to bed prayers.
If you make all the above and sleep in, then it's a charity from God, pray the first thing after you wake up, before anything else.

Do you want a second wife?

My wife says yes please. She's even willing to pay her Mahr if she's a good cook. 😁👌
Okay jokes aside, this has been going on a lot so let me clarify a few points:
1. Polygamy is not the default family structure in Islam. Islam did not invent nor call for polygamy. In the contrary, until Islam came, men in all religions had unlimited wives. Until today, polygamous Jews and Christians have dozens of wives per man. Islam was the only religion that limited polygamy to four wives, and required equal time and wealth to each wife. The companions were already polygamous, and they had to keep only four wives and let the rest go when the verses were revealed.
2. Many prophets had only one wife. Some prophets did not have any. Men who are polygamous are neither more righteous nor more manly.
3. Polygamy is not encouraged nor recommended. In fact, in our mathhab, polygamy is the opposite of the norm. Imam Ahmed explicitly stated that polygamy is inherently unfair to women and should be avoided unless there's a need.
4. Muslim women are not prohibited from disliking polygamy, just like Muslim men are not prohibited from disliking Jihad. It is not appropriate to intimidate women by telling them if they don't like polygamy then they don't like God's religion. Sadly some men do that while they're engaged, before even marrying the first wife! The Prophet prohibited his son in law from marrying another wife other than his daughter, peace be upon them all.
5. It is not true that polygamy was abrogated in Qur'an, nor that it was fitting for the time of the prophet only but not fit for today's world. Women are instinctively monogamous, while men are instinctively polygamous. Societies around the world that have banned polygamous marriages are plagued with extramarital affairs.
Finally, I personally can't keep up with one, let alone more, so please stop sending requests. There are plenty of unmarried men out there.

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Follow up from your previous answer: So, what constitutes as "entering the city" exactly?

Entering the land gates
Or seeing the first houses of the city,
Or arriving at the sea port
Or passing customs at international airports
Or entering into the airport if there are no customs, in domestic airports
Liked by: Warisha.

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Is it allowed for me as a mature girl to visit the grave of my neighbor?.. She was my friend and I'm polite (I don't scream and that stuff like the old women)

The default case in our mathhab is that it is discouraged for - using your own words - polite women to visit graveyards.
There are two exceptions:
1. Visiting the grave of the Prophet and his two companions during Umrah or Hajj. This is encouraged for men and women alike.
2. Visiting a graveyard by women who are known to be weak, and will likely succumb into forbidden practises such as wailing, tearing clothes or beating their own chests. This is prohibited.
See also: alkashaf by albuhooti and almughni by Ibn Qudamah.
Liked by: Noura Eldesoky

نفسي اخس واتعلم علم شرعي واشتغل في الدعوة ، نفسي اتعالج صح من مرضي واخد الدواء ، انا في طب نفسي اذاكر زي الناس .. همتي في الارض بمعنى تاني بطيخة مش بعمل حاجة في حياتي مل اللي بعمله هو ان نفسي ، يمكن لو خسيت ده يديلي حافز اني اكمل اعمل اللي مفسي فيه بس لا عندي عزيمة اخس ولا نيلة مش عارفة اعمل ايه

انت محتاج دكتور يقنعك أن التخسيس مش الهدف
كلم @ziadbasyouny

دائما ما يخذلني أصدقائي لم أجد الصديق الوفي الذي استند عليه يكن بجانبي دائما كلهم لايعرفوك الا اذا احتاجوا إليك !!

من كان معه الله ما ضره من خذله
ومن جعل التوكل على الله والأنس به والقرب منه همه الأعلى لم يهمه خذل إنسان ولا عداء سلطان، بل كان لسان حاله:
فليت الذي بيني وبينك عامر
وبيني وبين العالمين خراب

تركت صلوات وانا بالاعدادي والسنة الاولى بالثانوية ومن قم التزمت ، هل يجوز اصلي نوافل بنية جبر هذا النقص،؟

بل يجب قضاؤها بنية الفوائت، لأن هذا دَين في ذمتك، ودَين الله أحق بالقضاء.
قدّر عدد الصلوات، وصل كل يوم ما تيسر لك من القضاء حتى تقضيها كلها، وهي أهم وأولى من النوافل. لقول النبي فيما يرويه عن ربه: "وما تقرب إلي عبدي بشيء أحب إلي مما افترضته عليه"

صليت إماما بأخي وأمي وتقدمت عنهم شيئا ليس كبيرا ولكن أخي وأمي كانو جنب بعض اخي كان جالسا ( مركب جبيرة ) فهل صلاتنا صحيحة أم ماذا ؟ المكان ليس كبيرا

الصلاة صحيحة، لكن الموقف الصحيح أن يصلي الرجال في صف والنساء في صف. فيكون اخوك بجانبك وأمك خلفكما.

جاوبني أرجوك .. قريبي شغال برا والمقاول جايبله شغل في بناء كنيسه ما حكم ذلك ؟

يحرم، وهو إن سلم من الشرك، فهو أشد
جرما عند الله من بناء بيوت البغاء والملاهي الليلة والخمارات وصالات القمار، بل أشد منها مجتمعة.

If a person perfects Muntaha, Iqna', and Ghayah, as all as all of their explainations — is one fit to become a Hanbalī Qadhi/Mufti? Or is it required that he also read works like Insaf, Muqni', Sharh al-Kabir, Mubdi', Kafi, etc?

One can't perfect the Rawdh without reading those works, let alone the Muntaha.
Once someone perfects the Muntaha OR the Iqnaa', they are eligible for iftaa'. The requirements of perfecting are far too many to include in this answer.

Salaam brother. A friend is having a charity cake sale at her house. As part of it she is asking people to guess how many sweets in a jar and to pay a £1 to do that. The winner gets the jar. She wants to know is this allowed?

I don't know.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answer/142296583490?utm_source=copy_link&utm_medium=android As for the source, it was based on what I read (or misread) on your page here. In my mind I remembered 9 days as the limit... So I should have confirmed. Hence why I sent the question right away :/

Four days is the maximum limit for travel in our mathhab and the Shafi'i mathhab, with a minor differences of counting the days of arrival and departure.
19 days in Maliki.
Liked by: Doaa sabry 12

dropshipping ما ترجمتها الصحيحة هنا : https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141670910786

مصطلح يعنون به: بيع السَّلَم الحال لما ليس في ملكه.
وحكم بيع السلم بأنواعه مبسوط في كتب الفقه وهو أنواع منها: السلم الحال لما ليس في ملكه. وصورته: أن ياتيك مشتر يطلب منك سامسونج اس ٨ اسود، فتقول له حاضر بكذا، فتأخذ منه المال، وتذهب مسرعا الى المحل المجاور وتشتريه بجزء من المال وتعود، والفرق: أي الربح، غير معلوم للمشتري. بل أن جهله به شرط لتمام البيع غالبا لأنه لو علم لذهب بنفسه.
وهو محرم بالاتفاق لقوله عليه السلام: لا تبع ما ليس ملكك.
ومن الصور الجائزة البديلة: أن تقول له ليس عندي لكن اجيب لك إياه وأخذ ١٠ دراهم على كل ساعة اعمل فيها حتى أوصله لك (وكالة) او اخذ مكافأة محددة إن اتيتك به (جعالة).

لو في بيت صديقتي مربيين كلب لازم اغسل ملابسي بس ارجع البيت لانه ممكن يكون الكلب قعد مكان ما قعدت ؟

النجاسة لا تنتقل بإلتقاء نجس مع طاهر إذا كان كلاهما جافا
مثلا لو شعر الكلب وقع على ثوبك، تزيليه بفرشاة أو بيدك ولا حرج، ولا حاجة للغسل إن تيقنتي رفعها.
أو كما تعلمنا في الطفولة: جاف على جاف = طاهر بلا خلاف
لكن إذا جلستي على لعبة أو مخدة مبلولة بلعابه مثلا، أو مشيتي على بوله أو برازه، أو لعق ملابسك أو يدك، فهذا الذي فيه الغسل سبع مرات اولاهن بالتراب أو ما يغني عنه من المنظفات كالصابون وغيره.
وحديث "لا تدخل الملائكة بيتا فيه كلب..." صحيح، ومقتضاه أنه منزوع الرحمة والبركة، وما نبذته الملائكة يصبح مرتعا للشياطين، وهذا فيما إذا كان الكلب لغير حاجة كالصيد والحراسة وما شابه.
ويبينه حديث مسلم "من اتخذ كلبا إلا كلب زرع..." ومقتضاه أن تربية الكلاب للزينة إثم.

تناقشت مع أحد المشايخ في مسألة فقهية متعلقة باحكام النظر , فقال لي أن الأشياء التي الأصل إباحة النظر لها كالنظر للرجال مثلا , تحرم إذا كان فيها شهوة يعني يحرم نظر رجل لرجل بشهوة و هذا نتفق فيه جميعا , و لكن قال لي أن العلة ليست ذات الشهوة بل غلبة الظن أن تقع الفتنة بسبب تلك الشهوة , فهل كلامه صواب

نعم، لذا نظر الرجل لعورة المرأة الأجنبية محرم ولو بغير شهوة.

There are some people who are criticising Shaykh Qwaimis Madarij Tafaqquh Hanbali book saying that he didn't mention a single thing about Usol alFiqh even though he wrote about all the way up to Muntaha. What do you think?

A very strong point indeed.
Sheikh Ahmed Salem complemented his work and added what a student needs to learn for Usool, with a few remarks on what Hanbali students need to study specifically. It's an adequate addition, and perhaps the best plan written in a book.
Usool is a much more difficult branch of knowledge, and finding excellent teachers is very rare. Hence, unlike furoo', you will more likely be learning from several teachers, using several textbooks in parallel, and get the best of each.
Here's a brief plan:
In our mathhab you begin with furoo' first at the first level (Bidayatul Abid or Akhsar), then you do Usool first level (Hanbalatul Waraqaat [online free pdf only, not yet published] or al-Bulbul)
Then the Nuzhah after the second level of furoo',
(In qawaa'id you should study the major five by ibn Taymiyyah here)
After the third level of furoo' (or concurrently), begin studying mukhtasar attahreer, you can read the explanation of Sheikh ibn Uthaimeen it's very good but incomplete.
A beneficial external reads on the side: al-Muswaddah by aal Taymiyyah,
In qawaa'id: ibn Rajab's 40ish.
Then as a final stage, likely after you finished almuntaha in furoo' you study the explanations of attahreer: the tahbeer and the kawkab almuneer, they're massive works, and while one may slightly cover the other, both are indispensable for a specialist.
A beneficial external read on the side i'laamul mouwaqqi'een by Ibn alQayyim.
After you've completed this you're officially eligible to become a Hanbali mufti or qaadhi.
This plan will take about 10 years of full time study, or twice as long in part time.
Think of it as the equivalent of bachelor's, master's and PhD in Hanbali Fiqh.

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