
Majed Jarrar

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AsalamuAlaykum honorable Sheikh. My dryer is broken and hands I've been walking around with damp clothes, but they aren't dripping with water. If something that is najis brushes against my clothes for no more than two seconds are my clothes impure?

Dampness and moisture are not sufficient attributes for najaasah to transfer. The minimum is wetness. Wetness doesn't mean water must be dripping, but a small squeeze would certainly get water to drip.
Since there's nothing better to talk about than food, here's a simile used by scholars for reference:
If a clean knife is used to cut a najis watermelon, it will become najis. But if the clean knife is used to cut najis feta cheese, it will not become najis.
Bon appetit.

Which would you recommend for the student to study, the Zaad or Umdat atTalib? What are the pros and cons of one over the other? I feel an affinity towards Umdah only because of my love for sh. al-Buhuti but I want to make an educated decision.

Both are excellent choices.
My preference: you study Hidayatur Raghib first then Rawdh alMurbi'
But don't delay because you want it one way, if there's something available that's sub optimal, take it immediately.
Liked by: اللآ شئ.

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معايا عشين جنيه وعاوز اتعشي بيهم عشوه،حلوه تشبع كده اجيب ايه 😂؟

لا أقول في القرن الماضي، بل قبل قرابة عشرة سنوات، كنت أتردد إلى مطعم بجوار سكني عند سور الأزبكية، في الزقاق الضيق خلف مطعم جاد، ربما كان اسمه مطعم الأصيل، لا أذكر بالضبط.
المهم، كان المعلم محمد يبيع صنفا واحدا كل يوم، إما ملوخية، أو بامية، أو تورلي الخضار، مع كاسة رز وربع فرخة وعلبة بيبسي، بخمسة جنيهات ونصف. ثم أذكر يوم أن اضطر المسكين إلى رفعها إلى ثمانية جنيهات بسبب ارتفاع الاسعار، كان يوما مشؤوما عند كثير من العاملين حول سور الأزبكية.

هل حضرتك تعرف شروحات على النت للمذهب المالكي؟ انا وجدت شرح لمختصر خليل للشيخ آل نابت. هل حضرتك تعرف شيخ له شروحات على النت للمذهب؟

أسأل الشيخ @kamel_marzouki

Sir, seeing that you are a Hanbali, would you be ever so kind to tell me a little about the book: Zadl Mustaqni, in your school of thought? How has it attained some much precedence and what are its unique features. Thanks a lot.

The Zaad is an incredible manual of Fiqh, its unique because:
1. It was authored by the great Hanbali imam Musa al-Hajjawi, of Nablus, (d circa 970 H). He's the author of al-Iqnaa', which is arguably one of the greatest two references of Hanbali Fiqh to date.
2. The Zaad is actually an abridgement of an earlier book called the Muqni' by the great imam Ibn Qudamah, of Jerusalem. That Muqni' was the main Hanbali primer for about three centuries, until it was replaced by the Zad.
3. The Zaad is extremely abbreviated in its terminology, so concise that some scholars argued every single letter in the Zaad has a purpose. Despite its brevity, it has approximately 3000 explicit rulings, and about another 3000 implicit rulings. It's so codified making studying it without a teacher a nearly impossible task.
4. This is probably the most important reason: the Zaad became famous because of its explanation, the Rawdh.
Arguably no book of Fiqh in any Mathhab has been explained in more perfection than it. The Rawdh was authored by Imam Buhooti (d. 1051 H), the last epic Hanbali editor of the mathhab, no one who came after him was able to match his intellect or contributions to the Hanbali mathhab. al-Buhooti is also the author of the Muntaha, which is the second of the two greatest reference books of Hanbalis scholars to date. He also authored kashaaf alqinaa', which is the explanation of the Iqnaa' by al-Hajjawi. The kashaaf is the largest Hanbali book ever; the copy I have is 23 volumes, the last 3 of which are indexes!
You may understand that the author who has all this knowledge, when they explain an excellent short manual like the Zaad, how much more they can add, despite the explanation also being concise. The Rawdh boosts the Zaad to include over 30,000 Fiqh rulings - if explained thoroughly.
Since then, it has been established that memorising the Zaad and studying the Rawdh multiple times, is a standard path which every Hanbali student takes.

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My friend and her husband want to recommend another friend of mine to the husband's friend to consider for marriage. The guy wants to see a picture of her before he meets her, the girl is not a hijabi, is it wrong for me to pass this picture? The girl knows and agreed of course.

No worries.
Liked by: أحمد فضل

I gifted my father a water well in Pakistan under his name, hoping that it will make him happy and be an everlasting gift which will forever reap reward. Does me seeking his pleasure conflict with sadaqa being for the sake of Allah only?

The prophet said: the pleasure of God is in the pleasure of the parent. And his wrath is in the wrath of the parent.

Can you take some question from me off anon?

You may send the question and a symbol, then send a symbol only in another question and I'll send the answer on the symbol only, to ensure your question remains hidden.
Is that good enough for you?

في المدارس في كندا في تأمين صحي على الأطفال في حالة الحوادث أثناء ممارسة الرياضة. هل يجوز الاشتراك فيه؟

هم الناس كلها في كندا اصلا عندهم تأمين حكومي مجاني شامل الإسعاف والطوارئ والعمليات.
الذي لا يشمله التأمين المجاني هو العيادات الخارجية، والادوية، والأسنان.
فالحوادث = الإسعاف والطوارئ، لا حاجة لتأمين إضافي لها.
ثم فلنفترض أن هناك تأمينا إضافيا، مثلا لتغطية مصاريف العلاج الطبيعي أو الكايروبراكتر أو التأهيل الرياضي بعد الحادث، لا قدر الله، هل يجوز الاشتراك فيه؟ الجواب مبني على عدة عوامل، منها على سبيل المثال فقط: هل عندك أصلا الخيار أم هذا أمر إلزامي في المدرسة، وهل هناك تأمين منضبط بقواعد الشريعة، مثلا التأمين التكافلي أو الصندوق المجتمعي غير الربحي الخ؟
الحاصل، الموضوع يحتاج تفصيل وفتوى من أهل العلم الذين يعرفون الواقع في مقاطعتكم، لأن التأمين في كندا يختلف باختلاف المقاطعة، فمن كان في اونتاريو لا يعرف الحال بالضبط في البريتا، ولا يحل له أن يفتي دون دراية بالواقع.

1. Is it obligatory to recite the basmalah after the Fatiha if one is only reciting a brief passage and not start of a soorah? 2. Is it allowed for one to recite the basmalah out loud when continuing on from another soorah even if he takes opinion to not recite basmalah? Jazakom Allah Khair

Re: 1 and 2
The answer depends on which narration you're learning. Refer to your tajweed teacher.

Salam alaikum sheikh. Manytimes when I want to drink water I generally use the crane from the kitchen. But the problem is when I open it, it's warm water in the beginning and I have to wait 3-4seconds to get cold water from drink. During these seconds, maybe liters are wasted. Is this haram?

Faucets give on average 8 litres per minute, or 600ml litre per 5 seconds.
But technicalities aside, instead of wasting this water you can fill it in a bucket to use later for wudu, watering plants, or making tea, etc.

Which madhab is most suitable (the easiest opinions) to follow if you live in the west?

The mathhab of the most knowledgeable and righteous scholar in your town, whichever of the four mathaahib it is.
Liked by: Hanan

According to the four madhab, generally istimna' is haram. But according to many doctors, if you cease to ejaculate there is a big chance of getting prostate cancer...

Getting married is mandatory in our mathhab if a person fears harm without it.
As to the doctors who don't care about what's permissible or not in God's religion, what benefit will a healthy body add on the day of judgement?

هي مياه البيسين بيبقى عليها كلور بيسين في فيلتنا يعني ماعرفش ادوقها بحيث اقول طعمها متغير ولا لأ انا باحس بفرق في طعم بين المياه المعلبة والمياه من الحنفية وماعرفش ريحتها ايه ولونها لون المياه مش عارفة صراحة ينطبق عليها "إذا بلغ الماء قلتين" ولا هي مش ماء أصلا عشان الكلور؟ وأعرف إزاي؟

حكمها حكم الطهور.
وأنصح باستخدام الملح البحري للتعقيم بدلا من الكلور
أولا، لأنه فعل ربنا في البحار.
ثانيا، لثبوت عدة أضرار صحية يسببها الكلور الحر، خصوصا للأطفال.
منذ سنوات وأغلب الفنادق والنوادي في امريكا توقفت عن استعمال الكلور وبدأت باستخدام الملح البحري
وهو اسهل في الصيانة، يمكنكم البحث عن التفاصيل في الانترنت
Starting and Maintaining a salt water pool

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/142176663618 Sheikhna what are other acts of sunnah that are close to wajib? I'm not asking so that I'd be doing the minimum, but for fear I might be missing on something so important, and hence sinning, without even knowing.

You can't be sinful for not doing something you didn't know about it.
You may become sinful if you intentionally choose to refrain from learning about your religion, and fall into a prohibition that you could've reasonably avoided.

السلام عليكم. هل يجوز أن أسامح شخصا أذاني و ظلمني ثم أتراجع عن مسامحتي له و أقول حسبي الله و نعم الوكيل في فلان. و هل يسقط حقي منه عند الله ؟ ارجو الرد جزاكم الله خيرا.

لا أعلم، لكن في نظري أن موضوع تجاوز الصدمات لبعض الناس قد يحتاج إلى استشارة نفسية أكثر مما يحتاج إلى استشارة فقهية.
Liked by: Emoo Spring

Is witr wajib?

It is not mandatory in the sense that neglecting it once is not sinful.
However, our scholars see that it is one of the closest acts of Sunnah to be mandatory, and so if someone misses it, they are encouraged to make it up after sunrise (as two rak'at, instead of one, because there's no witr in the day). A person who neglects witr altogether, always, is sinful. Imam Ahmed ruled: their testimony may not be accepted.
Similarly about the raatiba prayers, some of the Tabi'een used to say: if I neglect the Sunnah of Fajr or Maghreb, I fear that I will not be forgiven.
The believers never ask what's obligatory and what's not with the intention of doing the minimum, but rather they ask so they can learn how to keep offering more acts of worship knowing that they are voluntary.


Language: English