
Majed Jarrar

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Assalamu Alaykum! Do you have any book recommendations (english) that I can read during my summer break?

How about Sophie's world?

I read all of your texts on dropshipping here and on facebook, jazak Allahu khairan. Does the same apply if I start an online t-shirt business and work with a company that does print on demand and send the product to the customers?

That's not drop shipping, that's custom/pre ordering, and it's fine.

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لو واحده بينها وبين شخص زنا وهي تابت ومش هترجع للذنب دا تاني بس هي عايزه تنفذ حكم ربنا فيها اللي 80 جلده دا اصح ولا كفايه التوبه ااصادقه يعني شرط غفر الذنب التوبه ام الجلد وهي عايزه انها تتعاقب في الدنيا مش في الاخره انهي افضل عند الله

israasodan’s Profile PhotoRori Sodan
التوبة والستر.
قال ربنا يا ايها الذين امنوا توبوا إلى الله توبة نصوحا
سابقوا الى مغفرة من ربكم
وسارعوا الى مغفرة من ربكم
ولم يقل سارعوا وسابقوا وابتغوا لإقامة الحدود
قال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم: ما يستر الله على عبد في الدنيا إلا ستره يوم القيامة.

السلام عليكم اخى الحبيب. احبك فى الله و أسألك الدعاء I have a question but the limited letters are not allowing me to send it in full. Can you help me out and tell me how can I use something that would allow me to write the full question. جزاك الله خير الجزاء

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اعتذر على كثرة السؤال في الموضوع، لكن لتفادي استثمار الرصيد بشكل ربوي، ما مدة بقاء الرصيد في الحساب التي لا يمكنهم أنهم يستثمروا بها؟ أسبوع كافي مثلا؟

هو مبدايا الفترة التي يعتمدوا عليها هي الفترة بين الارسال وسحب المبلغ. وهي فترة قد تساوي اسبوعا، يزيد او اكثر
ويعتمدوا على زيادتها بفرض غرامة احيانا على من يريد أن يسحب مبالغ صغيرة من الحساب الى حسابه البنكي، طمعا في إبقاء تلك المبالغ الصغيرة حتى تكبر ويستفيدوا منها مؤقتا.
لكن ذلك لا يعني بالضرورة أن النقود التي وصلتك عينا هي ذاتها تم استثمارها في هذا الاسبوع. عموما، للحيطة، ومن باب التورع، فالافضل أن تسحبها على الفور. والله اعلم.

يعني لا دلالة من كلامهم انه يستثمر الاموال بطريقة ربوية؟ وما معنى iterest من ناحية مالية؟

لا دلالة لفظية، والعرف الاصطلاحي أن interest تستخدم في الأرباح عموما.
لكن، الغالب على مجالات الاستثمار السريعة (اي التي يكون راس المال فيها قابل للسحب في اي لحظة) هي استثمارات ربوية، مثل استثمارات سوق المعادن الثمينة والاستثمارات في قروض البنوك، إلخ.

قولي خطوات اقدر اتنقل من خلالها من الصفر الي مستوي حضرتك في الانجلش فضلا ؟؟

١. ذاكر
Liked by: Mohamed Emam

اعلم هذا،لكن هذه الجملة من صفحة القوانين PayPal combines your PayPal balance with the PayPal balances of other PayPal customers and invests those funds in liquid investments in accordance with state money transmitter laws. PayPal owns the interest or other earnings on these investments.

نعم، هو شأنه كشأن اي مؤسسة مالية، يستثمر رصيدك في مشاريع وياخذ أرباحها. الافضل أن لا تبقي على رصيد في الحساب درءا لشبهة أن تكون بعض استثماراته محرمة.

انا كنت استعمل بايبال لفترة ثم تركته لاستعمالهم كلمة interest(فائدة) في قوانين الاستخدام، لكنهم حدثوا القوانين،وانا الآن متحير من استخدامه من عدمه،كما ان لغتي الانجليزية لا تسعفني لفهم كل القوانين،فهل يمكن أن تساعدني على معرفة وجود الربا من عدمه، www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full

بايبال لا يُقرض، وانما هو شركة تحويل أموال تأخذ عمولة مقابل خدمة تحويل المال حول العالم، لا حرج في استخدامها.

This may sound like jahl but what do we say about fuqahaa that differed in big issues like the validity of divorce? Did Allah allow this for a mercy between us? If someone sincerely follows their mufti who says their marriage is valid but another mufti believes it's not, what happens in the akhira?

No problem. Scholars differed even on major wars. You were commanded by God to ask a scholar when you don't know.
As long as you do your best in choosing a knowledgeable and pious scholar, you're not held accountable on whether or not that opinion was the strongest or most correct.

As salam alkyum shaykh, as to the previous question, doesnt the muhhadith have the tools too derive fiqh rulings? for example he has all the hadiths that relate to the topic, therefore he is able to make a ruling on what he has on hand. what is the difference with the faqhee then?

1. Hadeeth is one source of derivation. The Muhaddith didn't master the Qur'an, or Arabic language, or ranks of consensus (clearly, Sheikh al-Albany fataawa broke numerous ijmaa'), or Qiyaas, or Istishaab, or Istishaan, etc.
2. The study of hadeeth was created to defend the religion from external fabrications, NOT to remove parts already part of the religion itself. There are numerous acts of worship that reached us by tawaatur, with no or weak hadeeth. The muhadditheen of the salaf, like Imam Tirmithi and others would say: the hadeeth is weak, but it's THE accepted practice. You can just search the phrase "wa alayhee al'amal" and see how many times it occurs in books of hadeeth. So, a muhaddth cannot say 'this act is invalid because the hadeeth is weak', because we have authentic accounts of numerous companions and followers etc practising that act.
3. Examine these statements carefully to know the true status of muhadditheen who knew their true status.
Imam Sufyan bin Uyaynah A.k.a Ameerul Mo'mineen in hadeeth, whom Imam Ashafii described as: "I met Sufyan and found he memorised every single hadeeth of Fiqh rulings, except six." Whom was described "had it not been for Malik and bin Uyaynah, all the knowledge of Mecca and Madinah would've been lost."
This imam Sufyan, he would be asked about a Fiqh ruling in *his* own class, and he would answer: are any of the companions of Abu Hanifa present? And if Bishr was there he would say: you answer him, I will follow your answer. For the submission to the scholars of Fiqh ensures safety to one's faith.
This same Sufyan bin Uyaynah, the Muhaddith of Mecca, said: Hadeeth leads astray, except scholars of Fiqh.
Abdullah bin Wahb would say: every scholar of Hadeeth who has no imam in Fiqh to follow, will go astray. Had God not saved us with Malik and Laith, we would have gone astray.
Imam Ahmed, an imam of both Hadeeth and Fiqh, said: How little is Fiqh (understanding) among the scholars of Hadeeth!
I hope this helps.

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As Salam alkyum shaykh, Is it okay to take fiqh rullings from a muhadith, such as shaykh albanis rulings, or should I take it from a faqhee who specializes in fiqh. Jazak allahu khayran

Sure. Take fiqh from a muhaddth, and aqeedah from lughawi, and tajweed from a faqeeh, and might as well go get medicated by a barber and let a drama teacher fix your car.

Is Allah, subhanahu wa ta'ala, sitting (juloos) on al-'arsh?

Istiwaa' was explained by the salaf with four verbs:
Istaqarr which means settled
Irtafa' which means ascended
'Ala which means raised
Sa'ad which means elevated
All these meanings are correct. As for Juloos and Qu'ood (sitting), the salaf rejected those who denied these verbs, but they didn't affirm them themselves. They would say that only a jahmee would deny the meanings of istiwaa' such as Qu'ood and istiqraar, etc. This opinion was reported by Ibn Taymiyya, Ashafii, Wakee', al'A'mash and Sufyan Athawree.
Imam Malik famous quote (istiwaa' is known...) Means that he affirms the meaning that is plausible linguistically.

What are requirements for a person to lead the prayer?

Adheres to the prerequisites, pillars and obligations of the prayer***
* Must not be known to commit major sins publicly, or actively promote deviant beliefs
** Except 1) all-women prayer can also be led by a woman, 2) non-obligatory prayers can also be led by minors.
*** According to any mathhab.

What would you do today if there is no more tomorrow?

Some of the salaf would be described "if they knew that today was their last day to live, they could not be any more righteous."
Ali - may God be pleased with him said "Perfect your work in this life as if you live forever. Perfect your work for your hereafter as if you die tomorrow."

How many times a day do you eat?

One of the salaf said: "If someone eats once a day, then that is the lifestyle of the pious. If he eats twice, that's the lifestyle of the righteous. If eats three or more times a day, tell his family to put him in a barn."

Salaam Sheikh. When I was younger I used to not pay for parking because I felt that I would not be caught. This was the same for getting the train. Now however I am more practicing and realise this was wrong. Do I have to find a way of paying that money back?

Wa alaikum assalam,
Many scholars have indicated that a repentance of something that caused harm or transgression against others requires all four pillars to be accepted:
1. Remorse
2. Stopping the action
3. Determination to never do it again
4. Return the rights to its people.
As the case with institutions it is harder to pay for a service you have used before. So you can either buy tickets and gift them, or, it is permissible to give the same amount of money to people in need.
Liked by: AW Ahmed

Salaam. My gums bleed and sometimes this happens while I am fasting. Do I have to constantly go to the sink and spit it out? It happens a lot

Perhaps if you eat an orange everyday and use lip balm this won't happen as many times.
Swallowing your saliva during fasting is fine, but swallowing even the smallest amount of blood knowingly breaks your fast. You must wash your mouth and spit it out.

https://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/141048231490 I cannot seem to find it. Please don't hurt me..

I found that I answered it in Arabic, forgive me.
The sunnah is to recite in the first two rak'at of Dhuhr and Asr silent. Reciting loudly - where whispering is the Sunnah - does not invalidate the prayer, and vice versa.
Keep in mind though that those who choose to walk away from the Sunnah are heading in the wrong direction, and that path does not lead to God.
Liked by: Exposing A Catfish


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