
Majed Jarrar

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I'm going to an amusement park tommorow that is about 160km away from my home. How will that affect my salah? How much am I still obligated to pray (in terms of rakats) for zhur, asr, mahgrib and isha? Am I eligible to pray qasr? But how much is that? Explain. In detail 2 me. I don't want confusion

1) Ruling
it is encouraged to shorten the four raka'a prayers to two (i.e. dhuhr, Asr and Isha becomes two) while traveling. It is permissible to combine dhuhr with Asr, and Maghreb with Isha while traveling.
2) Duration
You can shorten prayers if you are staying for less than four full days (20 obligatory prayers in total), or if you have no idea how long you're staying there. If you are planning to stay longer than four days, you can only shorten while traveling between the two cities but once you arrive to a city you intend to reside over four days you pray like a resident of that city (no shortening and no combining)
3) Distance
You must be traveling a proper distance of travel, which is approximately 90km or more (some say 130km or more) and what's considered a travel in customary language.
4) Purpose
The trip must be at least for something permissible, such as leisure, studies, business, meeting friends or relatives etc. If the trip is for something prohibited like gambling, attending sinful concerts, etc, then no shortening is permissible.
5) First and Last
The first prayer you can shorten is the one that *calls* after you have departed from your home town. If dhuhr calls before you leave, you can't shorten that prayer even if you delayed it until after you set off.
The last prayer you can shorten is the one you *prayed* before returning to your home town. If dhuhr calls on your way back but you arrive home, then you can't shorten that prayer.
6) Making up
If you remembered while traveling that you missed a prayer from back home, you make it up in full without shortening. If you remembered back home you missed a prayer while traveling, you make it up in full as well.
Have a nice trip!

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السلام عليكم ، بإذن الله ربما يتقدم لي شخص عما قريب لكن ستأتي أمه وأخته أولا وهو لن يأتي في اللقاء الأول ، تقول أمي أن هذا ليس بالصحيح لأني ربما لا أكون حلوة في نظر أمه وأخته وأكون حلوة في نظره هو والعكس صحيح ، فالأفضل أن يأتي هو معهم ، ما رأيكم

الأفضل أن تأتي أمه وأخته لوحدهما وتتعرفوا على بعض، والمقصود الأساسي أن تتعرف على شخصيتك وأخلاقك وطباعك، فإذا ارتضوا منك ذلك يأتي للرؤية الشرعية
أسأل الله لكم التوفيق والبركة
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They get to like my post, that's all 😇. I rarely have time to look up other profiles and like their posts and follow them, and I have only about five people I'm following on here. I'm sure there are many great accounts and I wish I had more time to learn from them.

حضرتك انا بعمل العاده السريه ومش قادر ابطلها وكل مره اعمل فيها كده بقعد استغفر ربنا كتير وبدعي ربنا اني معملهاش تاني ولكن برضه بقع فيها تاني فياريت تنصحني بحل عملي وسريع وجزاك الله خييرا

لا بأس عليك إن شاء الله، ما دام قلبك كاره المعصية ويبغض الوقوع فيها، وتحرص على تجنب مقدماتها من الفكرة والنظرة، ثم تقع فيها رغما عنك، فذلك قوله تعالى: "الذين يجتنبون كبائر الإثم والفواحش إلا اللمم. إن ربك واسع المغفرة"

If I'm travelling to my mums house I pray the full Salah as I regard it as my home too. My husband doesn't know whether he should pray qasr pray as he says he feels as its his home too.

Rulings are not based on feelings. After marriage your only home is the one you or your husband own/reside in. If you're visiting your mother in a different city for four days or less, and neither of you have a home in that city, then you both do Qasr.

هل هناك معجم للمصطلحات الشرعية بالانجليزية؟

mustafaelmasry’s Profile PhotoMustafa Mohsen | مصطفى محسن
نعمقرأت ثلاثة أيها جيد، وكلها غير مستوعبة. من ذاكرتي: بلال فيليبس، وموسى فيربر وجون ستيرلينج، وكلها منشورة كهامش على كتبهم.

I've been in a relationship for 2 years. I repented and blocked him. He came back and proposed but he's not giving me a fixed date. I said we will hold our talk till you are ready. He got mad and accused me of weirdness. Who's right? Is he honest?

Without doubt, he is certainly lying.

signed up for a language course ,, went to the centre to find out that we are six students and im the only male there ,, the language teacher is also female ,,, is this wrong and should i stop going ? i feel guilty and sad but i am learning so much ,,, Jazak Allah Khair in advance .. make duaa 4 me

May Allah grant you a good wife who'll teach you the language you want 😂👌👍

My family is pressuring me to get married to a man. So far I have rejected all men who asked for my hand because they weren't practising. Should I get married to him with the hope that he will start practising the deen? He's decent and has a very good character. I'm scared to take the wrong decision

No. Hold on to your principles, and may Allah grant you the good husband you're looking for.

هل هناك علماء معاصرين يؤخذ منهم العلم خاصة علم الحديث اذا كان هناك ماهي أسماءهم

نعم، هناك المئات. إسأل في مدينتك وستجد إن شاء الله من تتعلم منه.

Are you classes on fiqr online based and is it for brothers only?

There's usually an online streaming option but so far I haven't had time to release any recordings.
It's open for everyone.

http://ask.fm/MajedJarrar/answers/137809018178 لو تعدل إجابتك وتضيف إليها المكاتبة وأنها خيار مفتوح للمملوك أن يكاتب مولاه ويكتسب ويتحرر. مشكلة الناس أنها تسمع كلمة (العبد) ويأتي في ذهنها تاريخ العبيد في الولايات المتحدة وفيلم twelve years a slave !

احسنت نعم. القصد ان التصور نفسه خاطئ.

I stole about $60 from a peer when I was in grade 6. I want to repent for that sin. I can seek tawbah but would ihave to ask for forgiveness from the individual i stole from and repay tge money? Im only 15 right now and going to grade 10. Will allah not regard that deed ?

Theft is a major sin in Islam, and God Almighty is happy with your decision to repent.
When a sin involves someone's right, repentance has four conditions:
1. Regret
2. Stopping the sin
3. Determination to not do it again
4. Returning the right
If you know the person and is still reachable, you have two choices:
1. You return it to them in this world (they don't have to know, you can drop it in their mailbox, into their backpack or locker, etc)
2. You return it to them on the Day of Judgement, in the currency of your own deeds.
If you don't know who they were, or lost touch completely with them, then you could also
3) Give it in charity and ask Allah to accept it on behalf of that person, or start a charitable investment in their name.

السلام عليكم ؛ أنا فتاة ؛ هل أمسح شعري كله خلال الوضوء أم فقط شعر الرأس؟

قال العلامة البهوتي رحمه الله، والكلام عن وجوب مسح ظاهر الرأس في الوضوء:
"وظاهر كلام الجمهور : أنه يتعين استيعاب ظاهره كله ( وعفا بعضهم ) وهو صاحب المبهج والمترجم ( عن ترك يسير منه للمشقة ) قال في الإنصاف : وهو الصواب انتهى وقال الموفق : والظاهر عن أحمد في الرجل وجوب الاستيعاب ، وأن المرأة يجزيها مسح مقدم رأسها ، قال الخلال : العمل عليه في مذهب أبي عبد الله أنها إن مسحت مقدم رأسها أجزأها ; لأن عائشة كانت تمسح مقدم رأسها ذكره في الشرح . ( والمسنون في مسحه ) أي الرأس ( أن يبدأ بيديه مبلولتين من مقدم رأسه ، فيضع طرف إحدى سبابتيه على طرف الأخرى ، ويضع الإبهامين على الصدغين ، ثم يمرهما إلى قفاه ، ثم يردهما إلى مقدمه ) قاله في المغني والشرح لما روى عبد الله بن زيد في وصف وضوء النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم قال { فمسح رأسه بيديه ، فأقبل بهما وأدبر ، بدأ بمقدم رأسه حتى ذهب بهما إلى قفاه ، ثم ردهما إلى المكان الذي بدأ منه } متفق عليه ( ولو خاف أن ينتشر شعره ) قال في الإنصاف : هذا المذهب مطلقا ، وعليه الأصحاب وعنه لا يردهما إن انتشر شعره انتهى وجزم بالثانية في الشرح والمبدع ، رجلا كان أو امرأة ( بماء واحد ) فلا يأخذ للرد ماء آخر لعدم وروده" ا.ه. (كشاف القناع)

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Sheikh how did you suggest I become a student of knowledge? Are there certain books I need to read or courses I must take? I'm 17 years old...it's too late for me to attend a Madrassa and I don't think there are any courses or classes available for me in my area...I am truly lost

Start with the Quran - learn how to read it, memorise last tenth of it and learn their meanings before you're twenty. I'm restarting a beginner's course in Fiqh next month inshaallah, pm me on Facebook if you're interested.

Why does it feel like it is so hard to attain Janaah and avoid Jahanam/punishment of the grave? It seems like you have to know EVERYTHING and follow everthing correctly to avoid any sort of punishment? So many mathabs and opinions! How does one even know what is truly correct? :(

Feelings can be influenced by the devil, your sins and your mental state.
The facts, as God says in the Quran: "And God wants to accept your repentance", "God wants to lift off (your burdens) of you", "God wants ease for you and he doesn't want hardship for you", and dozens of proofs to indicated that if the path to hell seemed attractive, then the path to paradise is definitely straight forward.

opinion about Muhammad bin abdulwahab????? why dont u reply???????

If you don't know the Sheikh and want to learn about him, read his books or what his contemporaries said about him. If you know but are trying to debate, or test me based on my answer, then I'm busy, please try again later ☺
Religion isn't sought by taking people's opinions about other people.


Language: English