
Mikayla LoveRideLaugh

Ask @LoveRideLaugh

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What are the best brand for jeans/shorts? what type (skinny, boot cut, flare, artist, super skinny, jegging)? What is the best quality?

i'm really not good at fashion

Have you ridden tackless before? How was it? Why did you do it? Did you teach your horse? Was it easy or hard? Any tips on how to teach it? Do you wear a helmet? Why or Why Not?

woah so first.
-Amazing, the first time was on my lease horse and it was bad because I was too young and had no idea what I was doing. Now that I have my own horse she has been taught how to move off leg pressure so I can use my legs when I ride her.
-I'm still teaching my horse
-It is hard to teach and I recommend asking a professional :)
-Yes I wear a helmet....mind your melon guys ;)
Liked by: FiftyNifty


Language: English