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Larh.. Haha tamaula. Kang describe tak elok malu pulak. Aku takde keje skolah.. Haha

Lol haha main2 je..... relax nya kau T_T
Liked by: wiii.

Describe Khairumi gak>< Panjang punyyer~!!

Khairumi. Nama lain daripada yg lain. Cantik, comel, pandai, haha macam2. Suka kacau orang. Perangai kau sumpah tak matang -,- sekarang, start luahan hati lol since kau pun adakan kempen jadi friendly, aku try bhahahaha aku sebenarnya tak friendly mana pun. Aku tak tau ah kenapa kat twitter ke fb ke aku peramah gila (aku rasa) tapi bila kat sekolah, erm aku rasa aku pendiam + pemalu (bhahaha perasan gila) entah, kau rasa? Padahal kat sekolah rendah dulu, aku bising gila, tak macam sekolah menengah. Macam mana aku nak kembali kepada asal hah? Haha kat sini jelah aku rasa aku boleh luahkan panjang2 haha macam chat plak. Nak kat fb, aku bosan dah hoho. Kat twitter, tak cukup space pulak hoho apa2pun sorry atas semua kesalahan aku. Hmm harini aku tetiba rasa nak minta maaf kat semua orang. Kot2 aku tak sempat nak mintak maaf ke. Ampuni aku dong hahaha. Last sekali, stay strong kalau ada pape masalah. Cari aku walaupun kita tak rapat sgt, rapatkanlah jom haha :`) bukan setakat describe ni, surat untuk kawan hehe bye.

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Liked by: wiii. Zayner 's

Perfh gilela kaw.. Haha des punye memanjang. Bagos2 kerja sekolah dh siap ka belom haha

Alaaaa malu lah aku TT___________TT haha kau pun nak gak ke. -.- khb je dah siap. T_T kau tu plak
Liked by: wiii.

okay aku bosan. describe aku mcm karangan. haha klu boleh BI. ambuii aku merepek apa ni.

First, I wanna say hello to you. Second, forgive me as this essay might not be acceptable for you. Lastly, here am I gonna describe you, sincerely from my heart. You're pretty, smart, clever, friendly, tall, skinny, good looking, rich and strong everytime you're in trouble. All that you have are all that I'm jealous of. It's not that I'm not thankful for what I have but I wish that I could be like you. You're my bestfriend (although I know we're not really close like bestfriends do, I guess). I hope you would consider me as a bestfriend too. I'm sorry for any wrongdoings that I've done to you. Forgive me. Frankly saying, I judged you before. It was because that I didn't know you well. After I really know you, then I stopped. You know, I was so jealous of you, that's why. Hatred that I threw to you, has gone, flew away. So, don't worry. I promise I'll be a good friend to you, till Jannah. InsyaAllah. Erm, please don't hate me. I regret. From now on, if you have a problem, tell me because I'll be there by your side. If you're having a bad day, share the day with me. Share your feelings. Erm, nothing to tell you anymore, right now. I've lost the idea. I could cry because of this. Tears would fall from my eyes if I continued. Bye. Keep this in your mind. Remind me if I forget my promise. It's a shame actually to confess all these but I have to. You have the right to know what did I think of you before. I hope, this wouldn't make your heart broken. Jujur itu memang menyakitkan, like you used to know. Sorry because it took a long time to answer this. FYI, I'm not describing you but more to giving you a confession. SORRY FOR EVERYTHING. Aku harap kau tak ungkit. Aku harap kau terima.
* Sorry for such a broken English. As a practice.... Practice makes perfect.
* Huh sedih. Nak nangis lah aku :'(
* Nak bagi ni pun aku teragak-agak. Relakan jiwa......... Hm sorry
* Aku rasa aku banyak buat salah kat ramai orang, aku tetiba rasa nak mintak maaf kat semua orang.

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If you could enlarge any part of your body, what would it be?

my eyes. as large as Anis Safira's haha her eyes are pretty :)

do u speak english...?

I only can write/type in English. But when it comes to speak in English with people around me, I just can't. Idk why. I need more practice in order to speak fluently in English :) English is something fun to learn about, that's why I DO like English.
Liked by: wiii. nur


Language: English