

Ask @LovatoAin

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what is the meaning of this quote >>>> "live on the good side, the bright side, the true side of everything"! ^^)

this is my own opinion.
it means you have to live your life positively. good, bright and true. they're all things that are positive, right? live on the good side; for example, everyone has their own good and bad side. instead of seeing their bad side, you should see and follow the good one. live on the bright side; follow the light that will bring you to a bright future. don't darken your future by doing something bad and negative. live on the true side; truth is always a priority. you can't hide the truth because sooner or later people will finally know the lies behind the truth. so, stay positive!
those were just examples. sorry if I didn't manage to explain it correctly. there are many things that can be related to that quote actually. so, think your own way! :)

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tak payah couple lah. jadi kawan biasa je lagi boleh buat awak bahagia daripada couple. couple tu boleh bawak kepada zina je sebenarnya. dunia pun dah tua. banyak kan tanda kecil nak kiamat dah berlaku sekarang ni? cukup ke amalan kita kat dunia ni? sekarang time belajar, belajar jelah dulu. pandai walaupun couple? hm tapi kalau tak dapat redha Allah tak guna jugak kan? tak payah fikir sangat benda cinta monyet ni. suka tu fitrah. tapi cubalah untuk pendam. sebab kalau awak expose awak suka dia, tapi dia tak suka awak, lagi sakit hati kan? sendiri tahu cinta tak boleh dipaksa. tak payah risau lah, sebab Allah dah tetapkan jodoh awak. yakin je dengan ketentuanNya. sometimes, couple ni pun boleh pecahkan hubungan dengan kawan. kawan nak campak mana? nanti bila ada problem, kawan jugak yang dicari.
maaf kalau terkasar bahasa. ini sekadar pendapat berdasarkan pengalaman sendiri. renungkanlah. saya pun hanya manusia biasa yg tak pernah lari daripada buat dosa :)

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Liked by: berق princess

tell me about ur profile picture... anything.. :)

kat daiso I didn't buy anything. while waiting for my mom, benda kat sana semua comel so aku pun saje main pastu adik aku tangkaplah gambar. the end.
Liked by: berق wiii. han

suke lagi tua ke muda?

muda sebab kita sentiasa happy, takde masalah, boleh enjoy bila-bila masa.
tua sebab boleh hidup bebas, pakai duit sendiri, tak bebankan parents, berfikiran matang.
Liked by: berق princess


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