

Ask @LadyClaudii

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OK then... how about the rail station closest to where you used to live?

What's the point in knowing that anyway?

Oh right fair enough. Btw its a shame your in a relationship cos you are beautiful but i respect the fact your in a relationship so i aint going to try and chat you up

Thank you :-) And thanks for respecting it after all :-)

do you have any names you have always liked

I like Heather for a girl and my boyfriend likes his own name for a boy because all the boys in his family are called the same. :-)
But we both are still way too young to have kids right now Hahaha

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I didn't ask for an address, lol. just the rail station :P

I know, I was just being sarcastic. Still I prefer not saying in which area I live :-)

Oh cool. So where abouts in london are you?

Just Central London. I prefer not giving any details. I keep moving from home every now and then anyway :-)

hope it works out well for you two what names

Hahahaha What the fuck, no, we haven't thought about names yet, come on Hahahaha

Dont really get why its creepy that was the first questioned i asked u

Hahaha Sorry, thought you were the same person as the other questions. They keep coming so fast all the time now and I always assume they are from the same person when I get Q's in english. I'm 18 by the way :-)

hope you two are happy together and are you two planing a having a family

We definitely are!! Thanks :-)

What's your local railway station?

Wait, I'll give you my home address and postcode so you can come to meet me anytime :-D

ok then babe btw u think your really beautiful

Using the right spelling is free, you know? I don't really even know if you're saying that I think that I'm really beautiful myself or you do think so. :-S

Hi, could you like the first answer on my ask.fm please? :) I'll return and like your answers

Uh.. I'm not really into this likes-for-likes thing, sorry.

¿Personaje de libro/película/serie con el que más te identifiques?

Ja'mie King de Summer Heights High Hahahahaha

Veo que no sabes leer. Te preguntan de donde eres, no donde vives. Ponte gafapasta, a ver si aparte de moderna, aprendes a leer o a mejorar tu comprensión lectora. ;)

Sé leer perfectamente, por eso no hace falta que te preocupes. Soy de España y todos lo sabéis, no tengo por qué decir de qué pueblo ni de qué provincia soy si no me da la gana.

¿sabes de más chic@s que les guste sws? que sean del sur, gracias c:

¿Del sur? @RosalieTombar !!! Es una de las chicas que también lleva lo de SWS Spain :-D
(Qué mal me ha sentado eso, hace tres mil años que no hago nada relacionado con eso... D-:)

Te explico... Estoy enamorada de un chico desde hace tiempo, y cuando estoy con él me hace feliz, pero sé que yo no puedo darle todo lo que él necesita para que sea feliz también. Así que no sé que hacer...

¿Y por qué no puedes darle lo que necesita? :-S ¿Te lo ha dicho él? ¿Qué pasa, necesita un riñón nuevo?
Yo creo que si estás enamorada y te hace feliz estar con él, deberías seguir haciendo lo que haces y seguir a su lado. Tiempo al tiempo, a veces dos personas no se enamoran al mismo tiempo y normalmente siempre hay una que se enamora antes, de todas formas. Así que no te preocupes :-)


Language: English