
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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If you were an animal what would you be?

I think I'd be a deer or a rabbit <: something very shy, but soft and peaceful.

have you met someone from the internet??

nope >: it's pretty rare to meet people who live here in ohio so meeting friends in person is pretty unlikely, as much as I'd like to!

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Are you working this summer or are you just enjoying summer holidays?

I'm not working yet, although I should be <": my health issues are holding me back from college and work which honestly really sucks. I feel like I'm floating aimlessly through life rn and I miss going out and actually doing things.

Name your favorite song.

this is such a tough choice,,,,,I've thought about this question pretty much non-stop since I've got it because I just have so many favorites and it's incredibly hard to just pick one,,,,,but I need to just sit down and answer it already since I don't want to keep you waiting LOL
I think I have to go with butterfly (prologue mix) by bts, although their other songs sea, spring day, singularity, serendipity, the truth untold, tomorrow, and stigma were close contenders as well !!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1wecWZiCOIgKrexxa’s Video 148073231167 1wecWZiCOIgKrexxa’s Video 148073231167 1wecWZiCOIg
Liked by: aisha fari

Have you ever stolen or vandalized anything?

I have <":
when I was younger, I was a kleptomaniac. I'd steal little things from people when I went over to their houses to hang out, or even when I stayed with friends in hotel rooms for school trips. my targets were usually things that wouldn't be missed like makeup products on the bottom of the bag or small toys tucked away behind things or on the backs of shelves, anything that I could hide easily in my pocket or a bag. I've stolen shower gels that were fancy/expensive brands from my friends. I've stolen mascara, eyeliner, and eyeshadow from my friends, their moms, and even my grandmother. and any little stuffed animals or figurines that my friends had? I probably still have some in my room right now.
I also stole a few times from stores when I was a kid. one time, there had been a broken package in the sale/discount area and some magnetic toys were strewn about without a box. because their box was no where to be found, I tucked them away into my pockets instead. and another time, I saw a little round, bean bag stuffed animal with no tags or anything, so I hid it under my coat.
I've also vandalized the desks at school. I'd write messages on them and make friends with the people who sat there in other classes, or I'd draw art on them.
I was a pretty bad kid lmao

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Liked by: aisha fari

What is your favorite band and who is your favorite member in the band?

bts is definitely an ult fav, with min yoongi / suga and kim taehyung / v being my two biases. bts has gotten me through some really rough times with their lyrics about social issues and mental illnesses, and overall, they're absolutely lovely people who deserve the world ?
yoongi recently donated 10 kilograms of high-quality korean beef to 39 orphanages on his birthday, and he did it in the bts fandom name, not his own. like,,,,,when I say that these are lovely people, I really mean it. these are the loveliest, most beautiful, generous human beings on the planet and I will fight beside them until the end of time.
however,,,,,,if you're not a k-pop fan, I also really like the neighborhood / jesse rutherford ?
Liked by: aisha fari

You're stuck on an island. How would you spend your time?

firstly, I'd think survival: water, fire, shelter, food. but once those basics were taken care of, I think I'd pass the time making distress signals (so people could find me and know I need help), clothes (like hats n stuff), and building new things to help make living there more efficient.
if rescue never came, I think I'd probably build my own little town with fancy architecture and make some sort of paint so I could record my story and make art <:
keeping your mind focused on projects and actively doing things helps to keep you mentally strong in a survival situation, since thinking too much and losing hope is a death sentence.

Do you ever litter?

nope, never! I love plants and animals too much to ever do them harm, even if it means that I hold onto a piece of trash for hours until I find a trash can. it's the least I can do ?
my favorite place in the world, the park near my home, has been suffering a lot from litter and fertilizer runoff and it really pains me to watch the creek get clogged up and the fish all pass away from human indecency >:
we really need to respect the environment and appreciate the beautiful creatures within it before it's too late. it's so peaceful, lovely, and calming to just sit in silence surrounded by nature, and I want the people of the future to be able to experience that, too ?

How to become popular on ask.fm?

I'm probably not the best person to ask since I'm not very popular myself, but I think tagging your interests, following people, and liking their posts regularly is pretty important <:

Do you think taking away eyeglasses is a good punishment for kids?

I don't think that sight should be considered a priviledge that can be taken away. to me, sight is a basic human right. it's one of our five senses, and if there is something that can help people with poor vision see better, then it should be an open option for those people.
it's almost like,,,,,taking away a prosthetic limb from an amputee, or crutches, braces or a wheelchair from someone who needs them to move. as people, we have a right to our bodies and their basic functions. taking away a basic human right as punishment is,,,,,really not good imo.
as someone who wears glasses, I'd be lost without mine. I wouldn't have been able to see the board in school as a kid. I wouldn't have even been able to safely walk without my glasses, and I would have gotten headaches from my blurry vision. no kid should be subjected to that imo!
there are much better options for punishment, like temporarily taking away internet/computer priviledges, taking away toys/games, not giving them any dessert/candy, or not letting them go outside to play with friends. I learned very quickly not to act out or annoy my parents in order to earn these things <: it's a pretty simple concept: if a kid is good, they've earned those things for that evening or the following day, and if they're bad, they don't.

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What one thing do you really want but can't afford?

I'd love to get a new phone, but they're so expensive nowadays <": after looking at models, I think I'd like to get an lg g7 thinq? it's an android that has a headphone jack, a really nice camera, an sd card slot, convenient ai google search features, and a sleek design to match. but it's like,,,,,800 usd rip. I'll really need to save up for a while since that's pretty much my entire bank account and I'm currently jobless. I think I'll have to start taking art commissions again to be able to afford this aah

What is a footnote?

a footnote is something you might find in books or other written work <: it's usually at the bottom of a page and gives a bit more info about something that was said, like giving explanations, references, etc for a specific snippet of the text !!

Would you rather be 3 inches taller or 3 inches shorter?

definitely shorter !! even though I always wanted to be taller as a kid, I've really grown to like being smol. I'm 5'3 and 3/4 rn <:

What’s your sexiest photo in your camera roll?

this butterfly ??? there are literally 18 photos in my camera roll so it was either this or my cat's scratching post LOL
Whats your sexiest photo in your camera roll

Are you ticklish?

yes, very ? my friends in school would always gang up on me, tickling me or giving spider bites (side jabs) during class. they thought it was so funny lmao


Language: English