
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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Do you prefer to be alone or around people?

(repost due to a typo, sorry !!)
hm,,,,,I'm conflicted because I want to say both.
I love being around people — it makes me so happy to see my friends! my biggest motivator to get through high school was seeing my classmates every day and I think I would have dropped out if it wasn't for them.
however,,,my anxiety spikes in social situations due to my agoraphobia making me feel trapped in conversations, so I tend to isolate myself a lot. I like being alone because I don't panic and I can actually relax.
one of my friends put it best: I'm an extrovert stuck in the body of an introvert. I love being around people and crave social interaction, but my body doesn't like it and it makes me an anxious mess against my will haha. it's torturous xD

Coming back to answer some questions~ ?

Krexxa’s Profile Photomars ✨
it's been a hot minute, but I'm no longer busy since I'm on lockdown so I'm back to answer as many questions as I can! ^v^

Please keep my friend in your prayers, please! ??? We are hoping for a speedy recovery! This world is very scary these days! ????

I'll definitely be thinking about your friend a lot and wishing the best !! I hope they can recover asap and will be okay ?? sending lots of good vibes your way - stay strong ???
Liked by: niko146789

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If you could play any musical instrument, what would it be?

I'd really like to learn how to play the piano someday. my family has both a piano and a keyboard, but I'm hopeless at either LOL. I've always admired pianists a lot and it would be really cool to be able to play songs like that someday!
I'd also like to learn how to play the mandolin and guitar, but not as much as a piano xD

first Coronavirus death in the United States

aw yeah, I saw ): I hope everyone in washington is alright!

Do you have a phobia? What is it?

I have many phobias djsfhkdsfhsk
I actually have a current diagnosis of agoraphobia, but I also have emetophobia, neopharmaphobia, trypanophobia, macrophobia, bathophobia, and aerophobia that come along with it, just to name a few.

What would you do if you woke up in another body?

that would be a lot of fun LOL
I think I'd freak out at first. like REALLY freak out, and try to explain to other people what was going on without looking absolutely insane. but after a few hours, I'd accept my fate and walk around pretending to be whoever it is xD
it would definitely help with my anxiety, just suddenly being in a different body and being able to say whatever I want without fear.
I don't think I'd do anything crazy, but moreso just,,,,,be brave? I wouldn't have to worry about the consequences of my actions and words as much, although I certainly wouldn't mess their life up on purpose LOL

What’s your opinion of the common phrase towards veterans “thank you for your service” FYI I’m a vet and I’m not saying that so you’ll thank me, I want to know your honest opinion of the phrase.

I think that a lot of people thank veterans (which is kind, and I do appreciate it!), but they don't actually do anything to help them. actions speak much louder than words in my opinion!
one of my family members was severely wounded in the korean war. while I wasn't alive back then to experience that event, I saw firsthand how little care he recieved afterwards while I was growing up. the VA was terrible, he was living in a "house" the size of my living room that was falling apart, and he never got the proper care for his disability that he needed.
we really don't do enough for our veterans. I'm glad that certain things are starting to fall into place to get them the support that they need, but there's still so much room for improvement.
every vet deserves top notch care, both for their physical health and mental health ? we should work hard to get that for them, not just thank them for the sacrifices they made.

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Liked by: Hi Bitches•

What does your aura look like?

someone once told me that I had a crystal aura, but I don't know,,,,,I've been very anxious lately so it's probably more like a red shade? 0:

A good root beer float ?

root beer floats are the BEST omg........tbh I'm tempted to go buy a very expensive tub of lactose-free ice cream just to have one again
from: a lactose intolerant person that misses them very much

Do you like Lana Del Rey???

I love her ??? she's a queen
I discovered her back in 2013. I found some fanart of her on a drawing app, thought it was cool, and posted it to instagram so I wouldn't lose it. one of my friends was quick to ask if it was lana and I ended up listening to her music to check her out! been a fan ever since (:
I was super worried about her mental health for a bit because of her darker lyrics,,,,,but now that she's dating sticks, I feel much better !! he's a great guy and I hope they stay together for a long time. seeing her smile so much when she's with him makes me so happy ahhh

do you like orange juice? pulp or no pulp?

I love orange juice so much ?? I'm not a fan of pulp, but I think a little tiny bit of pulp adds to the experience LOL

What is your favorite sporting activity?

I really like playing soccer !! I used to play on local teams as a kid. hockey is pretty rad too, but I can't play on ice - only street hockey (x

Do you know anyone who's birthday is on February 29th?

JRRmoo’s Profile PhotoChips
yes! shoutout to my brother's friend sueloyd. I hung out with her a handful of times and she was super sweet and funny ?
we used to joke about her being a baby since she only had a true birthday two or three times LOL. this year, she'll be turning five ??

What is the appropriate age for marriage?

I don't think that there is necessarily a right or a wrong answer to this one ?
a lot of people would probably say that it depends on the maturity level of each person involved, but I don't think that's always the case. to me, it also depends on the individual dynamic of each couple for whether or not it's a good idea.
I knew a couple that got married very, very young. one was 15, the other,,,,,probably 15-18? I can't remember exactly, but they were dating in high school. they ran away together to another state where the minimum age for marriage was 14 or 15 and got hitched. I wouldn't call either of them mature by any stretch of the imagination, yet somehow things worked out well - they had kids which had grandkids and they stayed together for many decades until the man passed away a few years ago. (note: I don't personally think that it's okay for minors to get married due to the potential for pedophilia! I'm unsure what the state/national laws are now regarding minimum ages as this was quite some time ago, but hopefully it has risen since then.)
on the other hand, my parents got married in their 30s after both went through college and had steady jobs. and I've heard stories about some lovely elderly couples that met at retirement homes and got married (:
for me personally, though...I don't think I'll be getting married for some time, if I decide to get married at all xD
I want to make sure that I've found the right person for me since I don't want to spend the rest of my life unhappy. I don't think that I'd even consider marrying someone if I haven't been in a relationship with them for a solid handful of years...plus, I really want to get through college first and probably also find a steady job so I could afford a wedding asfjksrdhkngf. if there's one thing that I've learned from my parents, it's that houses, pets, and even kids (although I'm unsure if I'd ever have any) are expensive as heck.
thankfully I've got time to figure it out! I'm still young (:

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Roller coasters or water slides?

water slides all the way ?
I loved going to water parks as a kid, which is ironic since I'm afraid of deep water and getting my face wet LOL. but I always had a blast! water slides are super fun (:
I was heartbroken when my local water park shut down, even if I think it was long overdue. I wish they could have turned the place around rather than close it completely,,,,,it was only about 15 minutes away and it would have been cool to visit more often!

Which is more important to you: someone who has a similar sense of humor, or someone who has similar interests?

ooh tough choice. both are definitely important in a successful relationship - both romantic or platonic for that matter - but I think sense of humor outweighs similar interests just a little bit!
I came to realize recently that some people I've been hanging around don't have the greatest sense of humor. in fact, they have one that can actually be harmful towards other people like myself. I definitely draw the line at that level of purely cringe-worthy humor that is racist / sexist / homophobic / etc. it just isn't funny and I really don't like it.
the displeasure of enduring their jokes and having to put on a fake mask around them became too much to bear. it's hard to laugh at hurtful jokes directed at you or at other people. so I've kinda,,,,,cut ties for now, which I think will be for the better, although it was quite difficult to do.
my sense of humor is more wholesome and soft. I don't think it's funny to laugh at the misfortunes of others beyond a certain light point (ie: me spilling my cereal is funny, but me almost drowning is not). nor is it funny to make fun of others for things they can't control (ie: race, sexuality, gender, disabilities, etc; like,,,,,,using "gay" as an insult is not funny, but spinning it around and using "gay" in better contexts and more positive manners can be funny).
if they think it's funny to laugh at awful things, then I just,,,,,can't do it and that's the tea

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I have seen things and done things I'm not proud of. What's your story?

I think the thing that I'm the least proud of is bullying a kid from third to sixth grade. if I could go back in time and fix those mistakes, I would ):
I met him in second grade by sitting next to him in class - we were seated in alphabetical order and our last names started with the same letter. he seemed fine at first, just a background character that was kinda just there.
then he started to make strange noises.
I now realize that he was probably either coughing or clearing his throat from allergies (maybe because I had cats at home and he was allergic to fur on my clothes), but back then, it sounded like he was going to throw up. emetophobia has always been my biggest fear so I got really scared of him and anxious in his presence, even when he wasn't making those noises.
in third grade, my friends and I used to chase him around the playground and kick him in the shins. how we didn't get in trouble really beats me.
in fifth or sixth grade, we were car riders and ended up being picked up at the same door. he began walking with me every day and I thought it was annoying when he talked to me, when in reality he just really liked me and was going out of his way to be polite. I took him giving a gentle, legitimate recommendation to improve my art skills as an insult, and when he confessed his feelings for me and asked me out, I panicked again and began to bully him big time because I didn't know what else to do.
I made an entire facebook page dedicated to insulting him. I convinced kids in our class that he was disgusting and we'd laugh at him behind his back. everyone hated him because of me.
eventually he told his parents and they confronted my parents, who then confronted me. I can't really remember what happened after that,,,,,I felt so guilty, but not about hurting him. it was more so about disappointing my family. I later apologized to him in eighth grade when I came to my senses, and he told me that it was alright, but I never thought it was.
what's ironic is that I recently found an old 'contract' we made while cleaning my room. I'm not sure what year it's from, but it was him promising to pay me back or return a favor or something? I remember him making it because I doubted him, and both of us signed the back of it to make it official.
he was really sweet, I wish I hadn't been such a jerk <":

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What summer shoes do you find the most comfortable?

this one is a tough one !!
I usually like to wear a pair of three inch platform shoes in the summer. while they're comfortable for walking short distances, they really take a toll after a little while. //definitely// not comfortable after more than five to ten minutes standing up.
they've gotten pretty beaten up from the daily wear, though, so I got a few pairs of converse for christmas: red high tops and regular ones with sugar skull cats on them. I haven't really worn them enough to tell which is better yet, but the high tops are pretty tight around my ankles so they seem more prone to rubbing against my skin (even though they're my favorites LOL)

If you watched the Superbowl, favorite commercials?

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I just watched the halftime show, but there were some big time tearjerkers before it ?
I cry every single time I see that google commercial about remembering a loved one, and the one about the dog that survived cancer was so sweet, although I wonder if that money would have been better spent as a direct donation.....?
I think both of those were my favorites!

How good are you at saying "no"?

I really struggle with it! I never want to hurt anyone's feelings or disappoint them. the only time I ever say 'no' is if I'm extremely passionate or upset about something, but if I have to say it more casually, then I'll try to get my point across indirectly instead. 'no' seems like such a harsh word (":
it's gotten me into a lot of trouble in the past, though, for some pretty,,,,,upsetting reasons. I know I should be more forward with my emotions, but it can be difficult to be honest when it might let someone down! it's definitely something that I need to work on.


Language: English