
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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Would you be happy without money?

yes, definitely! happiness for me isn't based on material things. as long as I'm with people I love, I wouldn't mind it at all <3

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Does your name have a meaning? What is it?

I'm not sure if my parents chose it for these meanings, but apparently rebecca means 'to tie' or 'to bind' and anne means 'favor' or 'grace' (:
I know there are a few rebeccas on my mom's side of the family and some annas on my dad's side, so I might be named after some of them! or maybe even a family friend. I really have no idea haha

in your opinion, what should a man be like?

whatever he wants to be like <:
I feel like there's a fair amount of pressure from society for guys to act a certain way. I don't necessarily think that people should strive to follow what other people want them to be, but rather,,,,,they should figure out for themselves who they are and be genuinely themselves. I find people like that very admirable.

How did you come up with your username?

I'll answer for all of my most common usernames <:
krexxa was based on one of my old friends' usernames. she went by trexxa, and me being super young, I thought it was super cool and wanted to match hers. I chose a k because I liked kit kats and was going by kittyluv98 and kitteh on other sites back then.
pallaleiga is from the swedish verb 'palla', to steal fruit (usually apples) from someone's orchard or tree. I made up the ending and it means nothing LOL. buuuut apparently 'pallaleiga' means 'platform rental' in icelandic, so,,,,,whoops haha
pyroeis is the name of the greek god of the wandering star, nowadays known as the planet mars! it's also part of the scientific name for a species of butterfly, chrysoritis pyroeis, the sand-dune opal.
ciel / ciiel / ciiels_realm was based on ciel from black butler. I used to be obsessed with that anime LOL

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Do you believe that most women don't give guys their number in the first time? when is it appropriate to ask for a number? how long do i have to wait?

for me personally, I avoid giving out my number at all unless I trust the person a lot. it's much easier (and cheaper!) for me to message over social media like discord, instagram, or snapchat instead.
it takes a good amount of time and chatting elsewhere first before I'm okay handing my number out, and getting it just means you're in my close circle, not that I'm attracted to you. it means that I want to chat when I don't have access to wifi or to call you in the case of an emergency.
I think preferences like this are different for each person, so my advice would be to talk to the person and see what they're comfortable with! ask what platforms they're open to chat on. most girls //probably// won't be interested in advances from strangers, so try getting to know them first before asking for their numbers <:
there have been cases where strangers have pressured me into giving them my number, but I usually block them asap for my safety.

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Where were you 3 hours ago?

I haven't left my house in,,,,,too long to keep track of, actually ? I'm not going anywhere for a few more months with the virus unless I absolutely have to! mostly because my dad is high risk and I don't want to risk getting him sick. I might also be high risk, we're not sure-- but I don't really care about me, it's all about keeping other people safe!

You are an atheist. How did u come here, why are u here, and where will u go after you leave from here, here itself, how did it come? from nothing? **(115) Then did you think that We created you uselessly and that to Us you would not be returned?**

I am indeed an atheist <:
I honestly don't think that there's a reason why I'm here, but that doesn't mean that I can't have a purpose in my life that I create myself. I can still make a difference while I'm here, even if my existence is ultimately meaningless. whether that's helping animals, making people feel loved, etc.
I really like science a lot, and I do think that there has to be a logical explanation for why the universe exists. we just don't know what it is yet, and we might never know. that's a-okay to me. but evolution is definitely a thing, and it's one of my favorite things to research!
to me, religion seems like a thin veil used as an excuse to hate other people which I really don't like and it's why I'll never associate myself with it. at my friend's church, I was told that the thing I wanted to do with my life was wrong. I was forced to look at pictures of scientific discoveries and chant "fake" over and over again. it seemed like some creepy cult,,,,,I was so uncomfortable! and every time I see my grandparents, they go on a long rant about people who aren't white "infecting" their church and how "the gays" are some evil entity trying to convert them LOL. god forbid they find out I'm lgbtqa+ myself,,,,,
I'd rather just love people and be happy. I can uphold a good moral code on my own without religion telling me to do so! and for the universe,,,,,it is what it is. I don't need a reason why I'm here to feel satisfied or live a full life. I'm content with it remaining a mystery (:

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If you run away from your problems, does it count as exercise?

I hope so x"D I'd get a lot of exercise done that way LOL

Do you still use email?

not very often! I only really use email to communicate with teachers and to join various websites. I don't chat with people there anymore.

Do you think that nowadays boys have become more feminine and girls more masculine?

ooh, this is a good one ?
I don't think that we've necessarily changed as people. we've always been this way - where men are somewhat feminine and women are somewhat masculine - but those sides of ourselves have been repressed to fit into societal norms.
the mindset in the past was that "real men don't cry, like girly things, or act kind", and that "women are supposed to be pretty, helpless, and stay at home". any toughness in women was seen as a threat, while any softness in men was seen as a weakness.
I took a class on gender and identity, and part of it was learning about how we naturally don't fall into categories as children that are "appropriate for our gender" unless we're taught to be that way by adults and peers around us. we're pretty random as far as personality goes. for every gender, some of us are more masculine, some of us are more feminine, and some of us are mixes in between,,,,,but people around us mold us into the category that we're "supposed" to fit into.
there was a really interesting study on toy selection in young kids that I remember well. it shows that young boys enjoy playing with dolls pretty frequently, but their parents either make them change because it's not masculine enough or they convince the kid to play with "tough action figures" rather than those feminine dolls. it's rare that a parent allows their son to play with those dolls like he naturally wants to. and the same can be said for girls, although there was slightly less of a push for them until they got older since tomboys are more accepted. so,,,,,society is the one that programs us, really.
I think that we're just starting to accept it more and we're being more open with each other about it. we're less afraid of being judged for those sides of ourselves and wanting to be more genuine rather than a version of ourselves handed to us by society. and I think that's pretty darn cool! (:

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Do you have a secret account on facebook?

nope! I have one facebook account, only really to keep up with family and share posts on lost animals / animals available for adoption. I'm on other websites way more often.
my account used to be a secret back when I was younger since I wasn't allowed to have social media, but now that I'm older, I don't really care about that anymore haha

what do you see most beautiful when you look through your bedroom window?

the trees ? it's extra beautiful when they flower in the spring!

Can you remember the 1st movie you watched

SWEET_SOLO’s Profile PhotoIamsoe
no, I can't. my parents have always been a fan of movies so got exposed to them very early on, even as a newborn <:
my dad used to watch horror films with me as a baby because I was 'too young' and couldn't understand anything LOL. which was fine until I actually //could// understand it and got scared to death by mosquito, a film from the 90s. I remember having nightmares about this one scene with men being attacked on boats for a long time after that. I was very young, maybe a toddler?
my favorite movie when I was a kid was always the three lives of thomasina. wholesome and fun (:

Do you have any foreign friends and if yes where are they from?

I do! ^v^
my friend callum is from the uk. he's awesome <3 he's definitely the foreign friend I chat the most with right now.
I also have a friend in turkey. her name is hale, but she goes by domi online. we met in 2015 in a bts skype chat, based from a website we both were on.
I made a friend in south korea as well, although chatting can be difficult sometimes with the language barrier haha. his name is seunghyeon! his birthday was yesterday (:
Liked by: Kate N

what do you want to be ?

I thought I knew, but I'm not really sure again ?
last year, I was dead set on becoming a geneticist. I wanted to get a phd and work on fun projects, like bringing back the thylacine or figuring out how new coat color mutations in animals worked.
I'm starting to wonder if I can even do that. I struggle with school a lot, so staying in school long enough to get a phd seems unlikely. and the research projects and papers and stuff required to get one seem incredibly daunting,,,,,
so I guess I need to reconsider what I want to do with the rest of my life since that plan seems incredibly far-fetched ?

Would you rather to be in love or to be loved?

I'd rather be in love <3
I don't want to let other people down if they love me. I can only see myself as a burden on them right now due to my current life circumstances, so having people love me would make me nervous,,,,,even if I really want it.
plus,,,,,I kind of miss that feeling of butterflies when you talk to someone you like. I miss the insane nervousness when you hear a notification go off on your phone, your heart racing in anticipation to see who it is. I'd love to feel that again (:
Liked by: Kate N

Congrats on 3000 posts! ?

oh wow, thank you so much !! I hadn't even noticed 0:
I've definitely answered a ton of questions since I joined around 2013 or 2014, but I never thought it was this many LOL
Liked by: Kate N

Flip-flops or sandals?

I like sandals better visually, but flip-flops are much easier to take on and off so I tend to wear them more often haha

what is your criterion to accept someone on snapchat?

I'm pretty chill with snapchat! I'll accept most of the people that add me on there, but I always hide my location with people that I don't know well for my safety.
generally, I won't add people if they're obviously spam bots or seem,,,,,scary? but I'm chill otherwise and love chatting with people there (:
feel free to add me @krexxa if you haven't already !! ^v^

I thought that by this time in my life, I'd...

...be part way through college, on track to get a phd. I also wanted to have a job by now so I could be living in my own apartment with my own car.
I planned on pursuing my goals and being super successful in school. I wanted to get my license and be way more social, hanging out with friends often.
I might not be there yet, but,,,,,someday I'll get there <:
Liked by: Katrina Wolfe Kate N

Does your favorite color change? What is it now? Or what has it always been?

it's definitely changed a lot over the years (:
when I was a kid, I really liked the color red! everything had to be red. when playing board games, I got the red piece/team. I had red chairs. I liked the red, cherry-flavored vitamins the best in mixes of grape and orange. and I even had a reddish pink carpet in my room that wasn't found anywhere else in my house.
in high school, I went through a cobalt blue phase after watching black butler. I really, really liked ciel and thought it was super edgy and cool xD
then I had a pastel phase that I'm still partially in. I used to like a pastel, peachy orange the best, but nowadays,,,,,I like just a regular old pastel pink! I feel like I'm returning to my red roots LOL

Why do we all want to swim in turquoise, crystal clear tropical waters? maybe cuz we're turtles!? ?

you've cracked the code ?


Language: English