
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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Why is snapchat so popular? Do you use it?

I'm not sure LOL. I use snapchat's story feature for random updates about my day, pictures of my pets, and selfies. my username is krexxa if anyone wants to add me ^v^

Are you afraid of the dentist?

xD yeah, definitely. constant nausea and having someone poke and prod in your mouth is a v bad combo, plus my gums always bleed rip

Does anyone role play ?

I used to roleplay a lot more than I do now, but I still do upon occasion ^v^ I tend to go for semi-lit, one to two paragraphs per response.

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To your mind, what should every child have?

access to a good school, clean water, enough food, a home with heating/cooling, and good parents/guardians to care for them <3

What health issues o you have?

I have chronic lymphocytic colitis with IBS, and I also have a possible adrenal insufficiency that my doctor just prescribed meds for yesterday TTvTT
LC and IBS aren't too bad! I've been watching what I eat for five years now so I'm pretty used to everything by now. I do have issues eating away from home, though, caused by anxieties of getting ill in public. my LC also flares upon occasion and makes eating everything difficult, but it isn't as bad as usual which my doctors found odd!
it's the weird symptoms that the possible adrenal insufficiency is causing that really have me messed up right now tbh. the headaches, hot flashes, constant nausea that peaks three times a day, dizziness/tunnel vision upon standing or sitting up straight, sleep disturbances, and constant fatigue have made it hard to do anything at all. my entire life is on pause atm - I can't even stand for more than a minute without feeling sick, let alone go outside, see my friends, get a job, and start college. but it isn't a surprising diagnosis for me since most people with LC have an additional autoimmune disease, one of which is addison's disease, primary adrenal insufficiency rip

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+1 answer in: “What do you do for fun?”

What do you do for fun?

I tend to draw stuff and play games online, although when I was healthier I really enjoyed playing soccer, dancing, and going down to the creek across from my house to look for tadpoles ^v^
+1 answer Read more

Common Weekday Outfit PAP Or Explain Outfit?

firstly, this mirror is gross and the side profile of my face was even grosser so I covered it LOL
I usually wear oversized, baggy shirts to hide how skinny I am, although I tuck them in at the waist. I pretty much always wear skinny jeans or leggings if I go out, the jeans sometimes with a belt, but in this case I was sick yesterday so I just wore some cozy pj pants and the softest spirited away t-shirt. I swear, I'm almost always in merch LOL. if I'm home, it's basketball shorts and pj pants. my hair is usually up as well since it's messy and I'm lazy! I really need to cut my bangs again since they've gotten too long and fall to the sides, but being sick lately I haven't had the motivation 0:
Common Weekday Outfit PAP Or Explain Outfit

Where do you go when you have to think about something important alone?

I go to my local park and just wander around for a bit, exploring through the woods and wading through the creek looking for tadpoles. it's very peaceful there <3

Do you have migraines? How to deal with them?

my dad and brother both have chronic migraines while I have chronic headaches, although I'm not sure if they're regular headaches or migraines. they could also possibly be caused by an adrenal insufficiency, which my doctor just suggested I might have yesterday and I start on meds for it today 0:
the only things that work for me are taking medication right as I feel one coming on and sleeping them off. if I don't take meds in time, my headaches often won't stop, and I get so nauseous that the only thing I can do is sleep until they go away TTvTT
my brother on the other hand takes supplements as a preventative measure, both magnesium and riboflavin (vitamin b2). he was previously on topamax as a preventative medication, but he started to have permanent tingling from nerve damage in his face and had to stop rip

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Do you want to go hiking in the mountains? What do you think about this kind of vacation? ?⛰

I think that would be a ton of fun !!! I'd love to do something like that someday ^v^
I spent a lot of time hiking through the foothills of the appalachian mountains as a kid, particularly in the catskills, so I'm very fond of the rolling hills and climbing up steeper peaks/cliffsides <3 I really love the allegheny mountains as well, although I've only driven through them in the past !!

What stores are popular now? Do you like clothing they offer?

hot topic is really popular here ^v^ I love the clothes that they have - most of my wardrobe is fan merch from there LOL. maurice's is another place that I really like, although it's a bit smaller.

At what company would you like to work?

I'm not really sure 0: I don't have any major goals right now for my future since I'm not sure what I'd like to do for a living. I've changed my mind so many times in just the past few years, I have no idea,,,,,although physical therapy might interest me a bit? I'm still looking into it, though TTvTT

do you answer every question you get? c:

yeah !! the only questions I tend to avoid answering are nsfw ones, although I won't delete them. I don't delete any questions. if I haven't answered a question you sent in, don't worry! I'm probably still thinking over the answer or gathering the things you asked for <:

do you love yellow leaves? how they rustle under their feet ....

yes, definitely <3 I love the sound of crunching, fallen leaves with my footsteps, especially while wandering in the woods. I grew up exploring under the trees so I feel the most at home around them TTvTT
it's so beautiful when the leaves fall !! I could stay under the trees forever as the leaves rain down with every gust. I had the pleasure of visiting the catskill mountains in new york back in october, and I swear I've never seen brighter colors in my life omg, the leaves were so vivid and it wasn't even the peak week for color !!!

Name one thing you dream about at night!

tornadoes 0: I tend to have recurring dreams or dreams with similar themes and tornadoes are the most common thing. usually they follow my every move, so I end up going out into the middle of nowhere to keep everyone safe.

Anyone else get cold easily?

I do xD I'm very skinny so I lose body heat quickly, but this also makes me extremely sensitive to heat. I have to be colder than most or else I feel ill, so I usually can't wear long sleeves indoors, even in winter, and prefer light leggings and shorts over thicker, long pants.

Do you believe in karma?

interestingly enough, all of the people who have hurt me very badly have had karma bite them back incredibly hard. I hate to say that they deserved it, but they totally deserved it. karma is a very real thing, bb

Do you believe in the paranormal?

Swerve_The_Sergal’s Profile PhotoSwerve The Sergal
a part of me does, but a part of me doesn't. anything that possibly suggests something creepy/spooky really freaks me out with my anxiety, but I always tell myself that none of it is real and that I'm safe. part of that is truly because I believe in a more logical explanation for things, but at the same time,,,,,better safe than sorry against the demons who feed on weakness LOL
my family is really into paranormal things and conspiracy theories, yet we kind of know at the same time that things aren't,,,,,,real? we joke about the 'ghosts' in our house and have even gone as far as naming them to keep track of things - roderick is the fun, practical jokester who gets us with cabinets and such, while david is darker and more stern in an almost,,,,,evil way, the one who makes you feel like you're being watched. david is named after a rather evil ghost in one of my favorite stories, oculus by eerily.

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Liked by: Swerve The Sergal

Do you agree that after a storm comes a calm?

oh yeah, for sure! definitely both in the context of weather and in people. every bad time comes with a period of relief, whether it be going through a bad depression/art block and suddenly feeling happy again, feeling at peace/okay at last after the death of a loved one, or going through a tornado and just looking around after it's hit in the calmness. there's guaranteed to be a period of relief after a hardship, although the length of it may vary


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