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Ask @Krexxa

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Do you still have your wisdom teeth?

re-answering this question because I might not have them for much longer rip
my bottom ones are coming in at an angle and are semi-impacted ))): the one on the left is causing a heckin ton of jaw pain
hoping they'll turn and I won't need surgery eyyyy

Good Morning/Day/Night! 😊 Do you get many *personal* questions?

hi, good morning/day/night to you too! 💜
I get some personal questions, but they're mostly from the same troll. I don't hate it, though,,,,,,it's actually quite amusing to check my inbox daily to see if he's sent anything new xD
sometimes I'll get some from my twitter moots which is cool!

Tell me which scent you like other than perfume !

I love lilacs 💜 my family has a lilac bush in our garden. its flowers smell so lovely!!
every spring, I would pick some flowers to bring to school with me and hide in my desk. the smell of lilacs brings back so much nostalgia.

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NERVOUS™,,,,,,,,,,,,things were going well with a possible internet crush(??????! or friend) until I got too excited and sent a long message on accident
crossing my fingers that I did not just screw myself over by overwhelming them or something dumb like that

Did you pass out candy to trick or treaters last year?

XoTeaTea’s Profile PhotoTianca ♛
my mom passed it out in my place since I was stressing out trying to carve my pumpkin at the last minute xD
we were extra careful with covid, though. my mom wore a mask and gloves, then she took a shower afterwards and changed into clean clothes. we made sure to sanitize //everything//.
we barely had anyone show up, though, so it was kinda pointless LOL,,,,,but it was still fun (:

The Addams Family movies: yay or nay

QueenLibra88’s Profile PhotoKIᗰᗰIE ᗷ
yay (: I haven't seen the original, but it's on my list of movies to watch. I saw adams family values a few years ago and really enjoyed it

It’s 80 degrees outside. Is it ok if I wear a grey hoodie with black denim shorts. *im a female*

if you want to, more power to you! don't let anyone stop you. just be careful that you don't overheat or get dehydrated <3

My depression is killing me... How can I forget my past...

katsevill’s Profile PhotoKat Y.
the biggest thing for me was not trying to forget the past, but acknowledging that it will always exist.
no matter what we do, we cannot change the past,,,,,,we can only move forward in our lives to create our futures. try to think about the present - you are so strong for still existing despite hardships!! be proud of yourself!!!
you have so much power over your future. it can seem hard to move on from things that negatively affect you, especially trauma, but you WILL get to a place someday where you feel okay. sometimes it can take a bit of time, you can't rush that healing process. you made it this far, though, and you're still here. don't give up yet. you deserve to see the good things that will come your way.

True or False: Pregnancy is a way for a woman to ball and chain a guy?

false, it's entirely possible for parents to split up after a child is born. you don't even have to see your kid at all, the most you have to do is pay child support (and a good chunk of people don't even do that, unfortunately).
I've never, ever met a woman who would do that to a man anyways. it's not common at all. I've only seen a few outliers in the media.

What are you most Afraid of?

honestly, I'm not really sure anymore,,,,,,,,,the thing about panic disorders is that they start with one thing, but evolve entirely into another beast.
I think I might fear being afraid?? I used to be terribly afraid of being sick in public places, now I'm just so scared of being afraid that I get scared just thinking about it LOL
anxiety is weird sometimes

Hey guys i just broke up with my man last week and is it proper for me to wait for a year before getting another man or i should find for one now

it's okay to wait ^-^ it can take time to get over someone and move on. find someone else when you're ready for it, don't feel pressured to be in a relationship you can't put your 100% into. take care of yourself first and foremost!


Language: English