
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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do you have a lot of friends?

not really, no! I tend to keep to myself most of the time and I'm not the best at starting conversations. I have a few very close friends who message me every day, though, so I guess they make up for it (:
at anyone reading this: feel free to message me whenever !! I'm always looking to make more friends <3 I love chatting with y'all

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Candles or incense?

I've never used incense before, but I really like candles ^v^ my dad is super allergic to them, though, so I'm not allowed to burn scented ones and have to keep them tucked away in my room. it'll be fun to actually use them when I move out!

Have you been watching the debate?

Michael Taub
nope, I didn't watch it!
at this point, I already know who I'm voting for,,,,,,so knowing where they stand on positions doesn't really matter to me. but I can see why watching could be helpful for people who haven't decided yet (:

How many times a day do you eat?

five, I think? maybe six. I eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but with a few snacks thrown in since I feel awfully sick otherwise.

So if feminism is fair why do men pay alimony in every case? feminism is just another word for misandry. Can't believe they even pay for women to do nothing.#jeremyrenner

women currently earn about 80 cents for each dollar earned by a man and need to work 20-25% more time than men to make up the difference. for women of color, the gap is even larger.
men are more likely to have jobs in high-paying industries or senior roles that are more lucrative. men also get promoted at a much faster pace than women.
until society treats us fairly, it only seems logical that men would be the ones paying.
in the case of child support, I believe most women have custody of children here in the united states. caring for a child is full time unless you can afford daycare. some moms can't work when they have kids, so how do you expect them to get the money to take care of their child?

What are you up to rn?

science nerd stuff x"D
I've been messing around with a molecular biology application. building DNA and amino acid sequences, running digests with restriction enzymes, looking at a green fluorescent protein derived from jellyfish, stuff like that LOL
I'm still trying to figure it out, but it's been super fun !!!

In october we have halloween, in november is thanksgiving and food-family gatherings, in december we have christmas and presents ....and december tells the other months previous that they've aged 1 year!!! Which month out of the three do you like the most? Why? what do you do in those months?

my three favorite months of the year (x
if you had asked me this question as a kid, I would have told you that december was my favorite with absolutely zero hesitation.
my birthday just happens to be the day before christmas eve, and because of this, my family would have a huge celebration for at least three days in a row for the holidays. I waited all year long for my presents back-to-back. of course I loved it LOL. sometimes hanukkah would happen around then, too, since my uncle is jewish and we celebrate with him (:
now that I'm older, though, I think october is my favorite month. halloween became my favorite holiday ( spooky month ftw !!! ), and I like autumn better in general because of the colorful trees, falling leaves, and mild temperatures. plus,,,,,we haven't gotten a lot of snow lately which makes winter seem boring, cold, and dead ):

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Who is the funniest person you know

probably my uncle LOL. he's an absolute riot.
he's so chaotic,,,,,but in a good, funny way? he's the type of person that will start a debate at thanksgiving dinner and just sit back and watch the carnage. he loves causing mischief, but he doesn't break rules since he's also very lawful. I love him xD
he also always has an arsenal of dad jokes at the ready. I love puns - top tier content. and he's super smart! he reminds me a lot of my brother LOL.

And your ideal man is like??

someone who shares interests with me (: not absolutely everything, but enough things that we can spend time doing them together and actually have fun.
it would be super cool if he was into dancing - we could learn choreos together! - and he absolutely has to like animals since I plan on having some cats and dogs in the future (or whatever animals he likes). being into nature, science, or similar music would also be rad, but not necessary.
I could never date someone who is rude to waiters or doesn't hold the door open for people behind them. I like gentle, friendly, quiet people who are caring. although,,,,,I also love very loud, outgoing, confident people who like to joke around? I guess I have a bunch of different "types" haha.
unfortunately, though, I'm not attracted to super masculine guys ): so he'd have to look a bit more gender-neutral or feminine or something. bonus points for a good fashion sense, but that's really his business and not mine.
other than that, I don't really care! tall, short, anything.

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Men and women are treated differently in America. Pregnant women are treated better than other people. #hotmess

tw // pregnancy, miscarriages
my friend is pregnant right now, so I think I have a good + relevant answer to this:
my friend's baby could pass away if she isn't treated well. she's at risk of having another miscarriage, so if she doesn't take it easy, her baby could literally die. that means being waited on hand and foot, just staying in bed and relaxing as much as possible. it's 100% necessary in her pregnancy. no ifs, ands, or buts.
babies put a huge toll on a person's body !! like a HUGE toll !!! imagine the morning sickness, hormonal changes, changes in your internal organs' placements, stretching in your abdominal muscles and skin, bleeding, cramping, pain of giving birth, possible tears that need stitches, and so many other terrible things. in my opinion, anyone who has to endure all of those things in a "normal" pregnancy deserves to be treated like a queen while pregnant, regardless of whether it's high-risk or not.
anyways, taking it easy and being cautious is far better than suddenly losing your baby. my mom had multiple miscarriages. it can happen to anyone. treat pregnant women well.

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Are you a woman who wants more men wearing mini_skirts in public ? I doubt it. I have a male brain.

yeah !! clothing should be genderless. people should wear what makes them feel good, not what society pressures them to wear. it's a form of self-expression.
skirts are my favorite - they're super fun to wear and twirl around in, and they're much cooler than shorts with better air flow. I think more people should be free to enjoy them (:
one of my favorite k-pop idols, hongjoong from ateez, started wearing skirts and I'm living for it LOL. he said in a vlive that he asked his stylists to keep giving him skirts for performances because they make him feel pretty when he dances <3 we stan. like omg, look at him go <333 an absolute king

i hope when you're 24/25 the presidential debates are much better than the drivel on tv/yt right now lmfao

thank you LOL. that debate was,,,,,,,,,,,,,,really something. I wasn't watching (I don't think I could sit through it without getting a migraine haha), but I was losing braincells just hearing about it from family / twitter.
someone in my brother's dorm literally got up and shouted "F*CK THIS COUNTRY!!!!!!!!" part way through before leaving and slamming a door LMAO
this image sums up how I'm feeling right now x"D
i hope when youre 2425 the presidential debates are much better than the drivel

Apple or Android?

android all the way !! I've used both, but I never want to switch back to apple after switching to android.

Have you ever purposefully eaten something you're allergic to?

sirenic’s Profile Photo• . ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞AͨNͧGͭEͤL
possibly, yeah,,,,,and it was //incredibly// stupid of me LOL. I totally regret it xD
I may or may not be allergic to cinnamon. I'm really not sure? I love it a lot, and I used to eat it practically all the time, but it started making me very sick a year or two ago. my body completely rejects it for no apparent reason and even some cinnamon-scented soaps make my hands itch.
it got to the point where I had allergy testing done with a skin prick test, but it didn't show anything. there's different types of cinnamon, though, so I dunno. maybe I'm actually allergic to it. maybe it's just some weird intolerance. who knows.
anyways, every now and then I'll eat cinnamon because I think it's somehow "worth it" or that "a little can't hurt" when that's not true LOL. I've tried to avoid it for months, but,,,,,it's hard.
last friday, I decided to have a little piece of an apple pie flavored cookie. not even a full one, just a sliver! but sure enough, there was a small clump of cinnamon sugar in it which was enough to make me sick. now that I look back, I think that's why I was super sick on saturday,,,,,oops
I've eaten apple doughnuts. apple pies. cinnamon bread. peach cobbler (who knew?? I thought it only had brown sugar,,,,,). but by far the worst thing I ate: a CINNAMON ROLL !! I couldn't even finish it before I got sick. I can't get any stupider than that LOL

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Have you ever loved someone you have not met?

platonic love, yes! romantic love,,,,,not really more than a crush, no.
I think it's easy to genuinely care about people online. you can get attached to people that you've never met before, even if you've never seen their face or spoken to them. I care a heckin' lot about all of my friends online, and I follow some people avidly that I've never talked with (like musicians and celebrities). some of these people feel like family to me from the snippets of their life they share, even if the feelings aren't mutual.
while I've never found myself in a situation romantically loving a person online that doesn't live where I do, I wouldn't say that it's impossible. there's a first time for everything,,,,,although I doubt I'd fall in love with someone that I've never spoken to before! that would be a bit creepy haha. maybe if I'm their friend first.

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What are you going to eat for dinner??

I'm going to have a microwave dinner (: I'm not very good at cooking and my mom is on vacation right now so it's the best I can do LOL
I'll probably pick chicken noodles or fish with mac n cheese. I was very sick yesterday and I'm still recovering today, but I'm not sure how well I'm feeling,,,,,so I haven't decided which one I'm having yet. the fish is my favorite, but my stomach might not appreciate it xD we'll see!

If you were to transform into a magical creature, what would it be? (I would be a fairy)

I'd like to be a nymph 💜 maybe a dryad, epimeliad, or naiad.

Women will not marry poor men. Men will marry poor women. Men need jobs to survive. Steve Jobs does not. I am worried for Jobs.

real love has nothing to do with money - anyone who says otherwise is just being greedy LOL. I'd happily marry someone that our society considers as "poor". I don't need money to be happy or survive; what matters most is someone's personality.
as for steve jobs, I'm not sure what he has to do with the earlier statements.


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