
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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How would you describe your style?

my clothing style in particular is a very odd mix of things LOL.
I'm absolutely head over heels in love with swing dresses from the 50s and long, high-waisted, pleated skirts, especially with floral prints. I don't have many right now, though,,,,,but my mom has offered to see if my uncle would let me have some of my grandmother's old clothing from the 40s - 60s since she wore a lot of dresses and skirts back then and was small like me.
I also love soft, pastel colors. and big sweaters. and thigh-high or ankle socks, but rarely something in between those lengths. boots, platform sneakers, or heels are a must.
so,,,,,my style is very cutesy, I'd say?
on the other hand, I like to wear a lot of merch from bands, tv shows, and artists that I like. some is baggy, some isn't. some is dark, some is bright. even t-shirts with odd quotes or that were hand-me-downs from family and friends.
I like cozy pajama pants if I'm at home. sometimes I'll wear soft and stretchy skinny jeans or leggings when I'm out, but I usually dress for comfort instead of looks nowadays since I've been tired and slacking off.
so,,,,,my style isn't very cutesy at all xD
I think it really depends on how I'm feeling as to whether I wear my 'good' clothes for dressing up all cute or my lounging ones in horridly clashing colors. and,,,,,recently, I've been having way more bad days than good ones? but I'm wearing one of my favorite shirts right now anyways aah

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From 1-10, how good are you at swimming?

probably a five ? I can swim short distances, but I tire easily and I find it hard to keep myself afloat. I'm also terrified of deep water so I can't even go near it without panicking sksksksk

Do you prefer fish or meat?

definitely fish! although I consider seafood to be a type of meat, fish is much easier on my stomach than other meats are.

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Dear Anon there is nothing wrong, ugly or ,shitty‘ about these drawings. Those are amazing works made by a lot of passion so stfu. I like the stuff you’re posting on dA especially the way you digital coloring them. We should do a collab.

lnSomniaNight’s Profile Photo➧ ⁰⁷¹²⁴⁶ ┊ RE8ISNTSCARYATALL
oh gosh, thank you so much !!! I really appreciate you standing up for me ???
I'm always down for a collab, and this goes for anyone reading this — hmu any time at all if you want to do one (:
+1 answer in: “your art is shit”

Should animals perform in circuses?

I don't see the harm in having animals perform so long as they're treated well, they're not overworked, and they're not dangerous to handle ( both for the safety of the handler and the safety of the public ). it can actually bring a lot of awareness to certain species when people see animal ambassadors, and some animals love the attention (:
I've considered becoming a handler myself, but not for a circus. maybe for something like ironwood wolves instead ?

your art is shit

I think you forgot a word there, I think you meant 'the shit' ?
in all honesty, though, I couldn't care less about what other people think of my art — I draw to please myself, not to please you, and I personally think that my art is great. it might not be perfect, but I'm not aiming for perfection. I've made so much progress since I started taking art seriously and I will ALWAYS be proud of how far I've come regardless of how hard my singlular hater tries to bring me down LOL
I can't believe that I'm actually popular enough to have someone like you in my life, thank you so much for dedicating your time to me !! it means a lot, boo ??
+1 answer Read more

Have you ever been betrayed by someone close to you

krrice’s Profile PhotoKevin R Rice
yes, definitely.
I was betrayed by my ex who was my closest friend for a very long time. I thought I could trust him and I told him many of my deepest secrets, but he ended up telling my other friends behind my back that he was only dating me because he knew he could manipulate me and wanted to play some idiotic game for 'fun'. I thought at first that my friends had just said that out of jealousy, but they were definitely telling the truth. I regret not listening to them sooner.
it was hard to believe that someone who seemed to care so much about me had never really cared for me at all, and if anything, probably disliked me. he gave me a lot of gifts and made me feel so special. it was absolute betrayal at its worst.
I'm so glad that he's cut from my life now. he was awful and manipulative and actually scared me at one point when he tried to pressure me into things that made me uncomfortable. I hate his guts. I hate him with a passion. I'm glad that I'll never have to see him again.

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Liked by: Sofía Ruiloba

h e l p

Krexxa’s Profile Photomars ✨
I just spent an entire hour trying to figure out how to add an item to my wishlist on hot topic,,,,,please help,,,,,,,,,,if anyone can figure it out, lmk. I'm begging you. I'm actually hopeless rn LOL
Liked by: Sofía Ruiloba

What is the purpose of your existence?

I'm honestly not sure. I like having the answers to things, like why I'm here, how the world works, etc. there's a lot of things that I don't understand and it really hurts my head.
for now,,,,,I don't like to think of my purpose, but rather of enjoying my time here while I still have it. I might not understand things, but I don't want to be sad while I'm here, I'd at least like to be happy so I can say that I had a good run in the end.

Ohio is a swing state, right?

yeah !! we always get hit heavy with ads during elections since we constantly shift back and forth between parties.
I've been really disappointed recently since we're swinging red again — I have pre-existing medical conditions that are getting worse so I really can't deal with insurance being able to deny my coverage or up my rates over it, especially since I'm jobless right now and my insurance under my parents is going to end soon. I'm going to be heading to the doctor pretty soon over my near-fainting and vision loss every time I stand or sit up and if this is indeed something serious, then I could be in really big trouble and won't be able to get the medical care that I need <":
currently hoping and praying that the absentee / early voting ballots are enough to change this outcome. this just really, really sucks. this affects me a lot and this isn't okay. feels bad, man
it also sucks that the drug addiction thing didn't go through. one of my exes had ( and still probably has ) an addiction to hardcore drugs and I don't think people with addictions need jail time, they need actual help through rehab. it just sucks.

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+1 answer in: “What are you doing right now?”

What are you doing right now?

I'm watching the election results on the news and practically biting my nails over it lmao,,,,,I'm glad that a lot of the people I wanted to win in ohio are winning, but I hope the prediction isn't right for o'connor vs balderson here in ohio and beto vs cruz over in texas. it makes me nervous and upset.
+1 answer Read more

Aww thank you for the compliment ^_^ I'm happy to hear that you're doing well :-) I've been good too, I've started a new year at college and I've got the feeling it's gonna be a good year, and I'm trying to quit smoking so that's good ?

I hope you have a great time at college ? I'm really hoping to enroll for college soon, but I've been putting it off for a few years due to health issues and I'm not sure if I'm quite ready for it yet. hopefully soon, though !! and hopefully I can figure out what I actually want to do for the rest of my life ?
and I wish you the best of luck with quitting smoking, I know you can do it !!! I believe in you ?
Liked by: Raitsu Saad
+1 answer in: “Hey Rebecca It's been a long time since we talked, if U remember LOL. So how you've been?”

If you was a super hero what would your super powers be?

it would probably be something cool, but rather useless for fighting crime. I think I'd be a peaceful superhero,,,,,maybe with the ability to speak to animals or grow plants with every footstep I take ( like the forest spirit from princess mononoke ) ??? ?
If you was a super hero what would your super powers be

How do you feel about snow?

I love snow so much !!! ❄? winter is my second favorite season, but snow reminds me of christmas which is my favorite holiday by far. I get to celebrate for three days in a row with my birthday being so close !! as a kid, I'd have to wait all year for gifts while everyone else had theirs spaced out, but it made it much more worthwhile in the end ❤

I love the rebranding. Very aesthetic ?

aw, thank you very much !! I thought I'd change things up a bit since I was getting tired of having the same profile since 2014? 2015? LOL
I took the photo of the bridge myself, while my icon is my favorite painting by william-adolphe bouguereau ?

Are you competitive or just do it for fun?

it definitely depends on if I think I'm good at the activity or not <:
if I'm not good at it whatsoever, I'll just do it for fun to have some laughs !! but if I feel like I should be decent at something, or if I really want to win, then I definitely get very competitive and get upset if I lose.


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