
mars ✨

Ask @Krexxa

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Wat is je persoonlijke top 5 van films?

What? I think this says 5 favorite movies or something?
01. Beasts of the Southern Wild - my top pick hands down like i can't even breathe
02. The Lovely Bones - creative, has a really deep meaning, and is super sad and depressing as par usual
03. Princess Mononoke - can I just die please after watching this like my life seems so meaningless and he music and ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
04. Spirited Away - god it was so fucking sad, studio ghibli makes me cry 10000% of the time but sooo good
05. V for Vendetta - that mask <3333 plus history yessss
06. The Life of Pi - tigers with a deep meaning.
07. My Neighbor Totoro - who doesn't fucking love totoro if you don't love totoro you aren't human
08. Howl's Moving Castle - just.. omg
09. The Cat Returns - best music in a movie ever like omg yes yes yes yes
10. The Phantom of the Opera - i had to sorry

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How often do you drink coffee?

It's interesting because I don't really like the taste of it, but I drink it at least once a week.

Do you think people are basically bad or basically good?

Basically bad. Were hard wired for survival, to be competitive and be the best no matter what. We'll to anything to beat others down without feeling regret unless society tells us to feel bad. Everyone is basically a conformist to society and it's rules.
Of course there are always those people who don't agree with society and decide to be their own person. Those are the people I associate with <3

Are you the type of person with lots of friends or just a few close ones?

Just a few close ones. Like.. a few few. /:

What art form do you like best?

Digitallllllll <33
But I can't draw worth shit compared to Pandora and Witchpaws omfg I suck

Which was your most memorable birthday?

The year I actually had a party back in third grade x"D
Only half of the people I invited (which was almost the entire class) came but I was totally chill with it because I had a great time even though it sucked in general
I tried to pass off giving Carolyn an invitation but I had to give them to the whole class if I was to give them out at all and I decided to give them to all the girls (except Carolyn because for some reason I hated her back then) and Holt (who was the only guy I invited because I had a huge crush on him back then). Carolyn was like "Where's mine" and I was like "Oops must of gotten left at home I'll bring it tomorrow" and I got all pissed but gave it to her. Oh well she got me a nice gift and we became friends the year after that so it all worked out in the end I guess

What is your least favorite food?

I have a few that I hate equally:
- mexican foods
- velveeta
- dairy products (except ice cream and stouffer's microwavable mac n cheese which is heavenly might I add)
- overcooked meat (aka my mom's cooking)
- undercooked meat (aka erica's mom's cooking)
- eggs (unless they have a lot of pepper and possibly a little cheese in them)

What does your last text message say?

That I've gotten? I was talking with Erica about going over to her house and she asked why I couldn't :(

What does it mean to be independent?

To not require interaction with others to stay mentally stable. So basically the complete opposite of me.

congrats on the chesian baby! have you decided her fate yet? <3

Eep thank you so much! We've been really blessed so far, first with twins (the very first set, actually) and now this amazing girlie <33
We haven't quite decided her fart, err fate, yet.. though from what I hear one of us will most likely be keeping her. x3
(For anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about, go here to see our newest addition: http://www.chickensmoothie.com/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=2508713 )

Who is your style role model?

Pretty much everyone that isn't my mom.. She just doesn't get style these days and won't let me get clothes I actually want /:

Do you prefer very spicy or non-spicy food?

Non-spicy for sure. Spicy foods, though occasionally quite tasty, make me //really// sick. :c

Which three words describe what living in your city is like?

egregious, diversion, conformity.
It's an outstandingly bad and unwelcoming place, though you can get away from it all with the right people. They are, however, hard to find because everyone is taught to act and think the same - everyone has to be perfect or they'll never fit in. Girls have to be preppy. Boys have to be jocks.
Thank god I've found them now, it was a terrible and lonely place without friends to keep me smiling > / / u / / <

What is your most treasured possession?

Probably a pillow I had when I was little. It's now a rag and a bag of stuffing, it also had to get patched up a ton of times, but I couldn't imagine losing it. Everyone has that one little object that they connect with the most because of the memories connected to it, and this little rag means the world to me with all of the fun I had as a child with it <3

What did you dress up as for Halloween (if you did at all)?

Zacharie from Off <33
My sister went with his toad mask and I went with his cat mask >v<


Language: English