

Ask @Kels214

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Have you danced this week?

Yes. I did the Bystarlight music video with natalia, taylor, jq and mac. Then rehearsal tonight for sundays parade

the anonymous negative person is obviously interested in OTW and what you do too! how else do they know that your mom added your summer intensives to YouTube? FYI summer intensive mean you learn a routine in 4 hours, usually 1 hour per day, then perform it!

true dat. oh yea, sorry summer mode on, not really thinking :P very true and sometimes u learn more than one routine.

you shouldn't respond to any of the negative comments, only the positive ones.. ❤ OTW crew

Yea I shouldn't have but I needed to set that person straight, I promise I won't respond to any more negativity

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your crew has talent! What's OTW crew done for projects this summer?

Thanks :) and well we took july off but some of the members did a bystarlight music video and I think that's it

What is your busiest day of the week?

used to be sunday, had cheer at 10-1230 and then otw at 130-330 or 130-430. now idk

Do you like to spend your free time alone or in company?

depends on how im feeling but mostly with company

Wow people need to stop being so rude to you... Guess they r all just jealous and need to get a life ! Screw them !! They wish they were Kelsey !!!

well thats life, what can you do, right? you cant change them. your sweet anon <3

Who are your best friends ?

ummm, my boyfriend michael, sam, taylor x2, danica, charlotte, ellie and i believe a bit more. i can tell them anything <3

What does it mean to be independent?

what is says on internet: Adjective-Free from outside control; not depending on another's authority.... Noun - An independent person or body... Synonyms - free - substantive - self-contained - self-sufficient
What i say: You stand out being the person that you are. You get to be who you want to be. Does not matter what you are like, (personality, style, clothing choices) as long as you are true to you and not act like someone you are not.

What is your favorite song at the moment?

TKO by Wynter Gordon or Cell Block Tango from the musical ''Chicago''


Language: English