

Ask @Kels214

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What would you change in this World?

carpooling, walking, taking the bus or biking more often to reduce pollution

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Would you rather go out for dinner or cook at home?

go out for dinner, unless someone cooks for me:P

The only reason otw is famos is cuz of mac harmon who is just famous for his looks not his dancing well except bboy but that's it

Thats not true. we all put the effort into our crew to get it where it is now and mac is a good dancer, thats why he is in OTW.

OTW isn't good at all to be honest. If you compare them to any other Vancouver dance crew, young or old, there is a HUGE difference. I'm sorry, but you and OTW and any of the members aren't going to make it in the dance world/community if you don't really start to focus and work hard and train.

we have only been together for ONE YEAR. sure we arent as good as other crews but we will grow and get better because as i mentioned before we have only been together for one year. also, if we wont make it into the dance world/community then why are the members of OTW in OTW? OTW is a DANCE CREW in the dance world/community and we do focus, work hard and train to the best of our abilities. this year OTW will come back better, bigger and stronger

You should take down your videos from harbour. They're embarrassing and you don't want any dancers watching those. You shouldn't put up videos unless it's 100% your best work.

my mom put those videos up, so if u want them down talk to her. i havent taken contemporary, jazz, street jazz in like a year, so sure they may not be my best work. ALSO i was taught the routine in a week or less. again, sure its not my best work but i can always grow from it.

What words made up Kelsatics? What about kelsenators, k-watchers, k-fans, KelseyOTWatchers?

im not sure lol :P yea, kelsenators


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