

Ask @kassy_12

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I'm not afraid. But if I take it off it u won't know who I am. because it's not my name

Well then take it off I don't know you anyways right?

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Don't worry just ask trey cause these people are so annoying! Get a life people.??

Yeah I know? but I trust Trey and not these anonymous people that don't show who they are.

it is trust us we know these things. u know u liked him jilian

No I trust what Trey says and okay if Jillian liked home it's okay!

trey's dating problems and what might happen to u

Oh my gosh? stop saying things that aren't true it's very annoying!??

Dated: Kaitlyn, Jillian, Natalie, Serenity, Katlyn, Kiki, Emily Wanted: Blossom Rejected by: Blossom Dumped by: Kiki and Emily

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