

Ask @JustJustTom

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Your old hair was so cute I watched all of your videos from 2010 I love you why won't you be my boyfriend Ashley will be okay with it ;)

I don't think she would be lol

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When does it count that your dating? (like how many dates to have gone on) ~serious question

when you're both like "aye, you're fucking mine now" and then you date and do relationship stuff. I'm paraphrasing of course.

God created animals, one of each gender. He formed and created the animals. The chicken came first. Point proven.

Well damn... I guess you're right.

sooo what annoys you the media about justin Or justin himself? Because honestly Justin is like a really good guy that helps a lot of people out and I just don't see whats "annoying" about that?

lol well I'm glad you met him and found out first hand he's a good guy.
Liked by: Maddie Liuse Ashley H

You're stranded on a deserted island. You're going to be stuck there forever. Which would you rather have - a definite water supply or a companion?

water easily.. fucking human interaction.


Language: English