

Ask @JustJustTom

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Would you ever dye your hair?

Nope but people used to think I did when I got my hair cut because it used to cover my eye brows so the sun would make my hair lighter in the summer while my eye brows would stay dark lol

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What are your opinions on sheep that are too fluffy?

I could see this being a question a random member in the audience would ask to candidates during a presidential election lol. I think sheep are great and some are very fluffy indeed and that they're an important aspect to our society.

Ashely just said your beating her haha, just gonna ask you a shit load of questions, cuz you just awsome (can't deny that lol)

We need more you's in this world. <3

how come you never seem to smile that much?

cuz I'm an angry lil fuck.... or just because i look stupid when i smile in photos 99% of the time lol

Ahahaaa I'd cheer wwith you, (btw hope you beat ashley lol) love you guys both but ashley: 99% tom: 100% you see my dialemma haha, anywayz bye nice talking to you about walking dead! Tc

Good talk, let's do this again some time since I know Ashley hates it;)

Do you frequently play chess and read novels and maybe wear high pants on a weekend?

I used to play lots of chess. Not much of a novel reader. I don't even know what high pants are.

Omg laughed way more than I should 'someone needs to get bit. I'm JUSSSAYIN' ahaha true though, beth is super pretty. Karl needs to pipe the fuck down I remember when he technically killed dale:(

Yeah but Dale needed to go too. I mean I was sad when he died, but he wasn't gonna get far in that world anyway. I'm just saying if Carl fell into a screamer pit, I'd probably cheer the zombies on.

Have you heard of skyler grey?

I know she wrote Love The Way You Lie and was supposed to do the chorus for it before Rihanna took over. She also wrote I Need A Doctor. And she has a single out with Eminem on it that's awesome.
She's very talented and underrated.

Are you beating ashley yet ahaha?:)x

I've been beating Ashley since Day 1. She's just being a little try hard now and catching up. ASK ME MOAR! :D

Tom your just perfect I mean: you obiously love eminem and you watch the walking dead, and you have super good hair! #perfection oh and you played rugby, too hot tom, too hot. Love the vids btw xx

Well if all I need is good taste in music, shows and awesome hair then I guess I'm set! Who needs personality when I have these looks:P

Omg ikr! And ricks always been awsome, but karl has changed soo much :O love his attitude now

karl's turning into a little punk though and he's tryna steal my girl Beth. Someone needs to get bit. IM JUSSSAYIN

hey you said you need to be awesome to see and, let's be honest, we're all fucking awesome :)

Anyone who watches my show is awesome. Just not THAT awesome;)

Hershal is awsome and I love glenn 2

Yeah Glenn's changed a shitload since the first season. Rick is just as awesome as anyone too!

If you had only one wish, what would you wish for? (Can't wish for more wishes :p)

I would wish I could make anyone who watches my videos laugh. I like making people happy:)

Who's your fav character from the walking dead? Mines daryl (btw if were voting, I vote for you to do a vid shirtless ;) )

Daryl's mine too, but everyone loves Daryl. Besides him though, actually his brother was really growing on me too in that last episode. Also Hershell is cool now. SO MANY GOOD CHARACTERS!


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