

Ask @jughkook

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what kind of ppl you follback ?

well definitely not those who follow and unfollow and follow again just for a follow back -_- um but like if i like your tweets or if we talk a lot, i will definitely follow you back!!
Liked by: 김랩모니

congrats on 1000 followers on twitter! :) you really have some of the best tweets hah your like one of the funniest perosn i follow on twt!

omG I DIDN'T EVEN REALISE IT UNTIL YOU SAID SO??? thank you hun omg ;___; i think i am too mean my jokes are not even that funny sometimes but ty!!
Liked by: 김랩모니

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what was your first and current impression of me!! ((I think I asked this before but ok pretend that never happened))

hahaha ok my first impression of you was that you are a very sociable and friendly hehe after we met i thought you were quite shy but still a really fun person!! you have a really cute and funny personality and i love you la ahahaha SEE YOU SOON YAAY
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What is your mum to you

my mum is my everything like even though i don't express it well, i love her a lot nothing can ever show or explain
Liked by: 김랩모니

hi jasmin sorry if i sound like a creep but i would just like to let you know that you are a very funny and nice person, i can tell from your tweets (: i like how you reply to everyone so nicely even though you might not know them (: i hope you have a nice day and your migraine gets better!

awwwww thank you so much anon ;___; you're so nice omg you flatter me really but thank you for making my day! <333
Liked by: 김랩모니

hi, i'm not sg army but i would like to join the project. i dont mind about the shipping fee to ur address but i dont know how to donate for the project. i dont have paypal either :( i only want to send a letter and maybe a novel for jungkook.

sure!! there is no need for you to donate if you really can't, dear!! it's fine! :) do fill up this form in the relevant spaces for intl fans and i will email you soon to let you know details on shipping it to me! ^^ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/viewform?fromEmail=true&formkey=dG42OTRZLXR0OHNaOWdXd3FlaEtyQlE6MA
Liked by: 김랩모니

can you describe jikook and why you love this ship

ok so obviously everyone knows how jimin is jungkook's number 1 fanboy yes no one can deny that fact nO ONE and we all also know how jungkook is not someone who expresses his feelings well but you can totally tell he adores jimin to a large extent BASICALLY THIS TWO ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER IT'S SO CUTE
Liked by: 김랩모니

your favorite jikook moment

every jikook moment is my favorite omg ;__; but omg if i had to choose one, it'd most probably be the latest bangtan bomb where jimin wanted to film jungkook and only jungkook that's freaking adorable ;__;
Liked by: 김랩모니


what do you want me to describe jikook or something lmfao but ok jikook is my number one otp what else should i say i can go on for hours
Liked by: 김랩모니

thoughts on ssupboi?!1?1!1!1 HEHHE

hahaha ghe you are so cute ok <33 so friendly and it's not even awkward on our first conversation hehehe but one thing is YOU WINK TOO MUCH DO YOUR EYES HURT
Liked by: ghe

I heard you write jikook FICS?!!! PLS liNK ME

omg haha i try but i am still on my first one bec no time ;; im currently writing a one shot jikook fluff so I'll put it on my twitter when it's done ok :)
Liked by: 김랩모니

do you think jungkook will be a good husband

wow i honestly don't know lmfao but i think whoever marries him in future will be so blessed :')
Liked by: 김랩모니

thoughts on erah hihi

although i've only recently met her she's such a nice and friendly yoongi stan ;; i love friendly people <3

what kind of people do you usually followbacK?

if you initiate a convo with me I will like you a lot and follow you back but people are usually just like "follow back"?? I don't even know you??
Liked by: 김랩모니

why do you always call bts little shits? It's very rude if they see it how?!

HAHAHA OH MY GOD LOL ok sorry for calling your precious bangtan little shits i was just in a lot of pain due to their existence i am sorry ok
Liked by: 김랩모니

you are 10 days older than me. lol XD btw, when will you receive the album from M&G?

i am not very sure haha it states on mnet's website that they will ship it out after bangtan finishes signing the albums so hopefully soon!! and hey chingu~
Liked by: 김랩모니


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