

Ask @jughkook

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Which idols have you seen irl and when and where?

big bang at the great tour kr in 2007, b2st at their showcase in sg 2009, shinee at swcsg 2010, myname debut stage 2011, bangtan 2013 & 2014 (i've answered for bangtan before so you can scroll down)

whr r u staying in korea when u go for Bts begins?

i'm staying at jamsil which is quite near the olympic hall!

You going for bts concert in Malaysia also?

if it's red bullet again or if it's not their own solo event then nope but if it's episode 3 or maybe bts begins then i might...not sure tho haha

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when's the next date bangtan is gonna have concert? gonna put my off days on those days so that I can catch up on their previews XD

the next one should be at beijing on the 21st if i'm not wrong?

do you have any interest in other groups aside from bangtan?

hmm currently my attention's mainly on bangtan but i harbor a tiny interest in groups like cclown, myname, ikon and dmtn~

can you list all the idols you have been a fan of since you got into kpop 8 years ago? list them accorrdingly plz?

bigbang, shinee, b2st, infinite, exo (only predebut and mama era tho), myname, teen top, bangtan, cclown etc

Do you always lock your posts in the fancafe ?

yes i do most of the time especially on the TO. BTS board

how much did you get for Os? ^^ you must have done very well since you're in psychology studies! its fine if you dont want to say haha im just curious.. ^^

L1R4 6 points hahaha

when were the times u saw bangtan can u list them down? :)

the first time was at their mini fan meeting in korea (the one where they read their letters to armys and cried)
second time was at their 1st muster fanmeet in korea as well
the third time was at red bullet sg just last december!!

spreads positivity once again and again HAHAHAHHA I HAVE DONE THIS MANY TIMES IM A REGULAR

THANK YOU ANGEL //cues holy music//

in bts now2 dvd is there english tranlate?

yup! i haven't watch it yet tho but that's what they specified when we preordered it!

You've been a KPOP fan for 8 yrs?? Wow that's hella long I salute u! I only got into the fandom 4 yrs ago and I thought I was long enough lol!

haha yup!! it's my 8th year this june~ sorry for the super late reply btw omg there's too many asks and i couldn't get to this question earlier :((

how many times did you see bangtan?

3 times and it'll be my 4th time this coming BTS Begins concert in March!

Hi are u going to bts begins? Since i'll be going too, do you mind if we go together?:/

hi yes i am!! i don't really mind but i'll be with my korean friends! where are you from haha

28일 콘서트가요? 언제 한국에서 올게요?

네 갈게요!! 24일그날밤 서울에 도착할거에요~

I don't know why Jungkook wear the loose outfit. That boy body is freaking fit as hell. Its like they trying to keep his innocent image. Bring hot muscled maknae to meeeee. ^^

DAYUM yes but then again i want him to be an innocent little baby forever ㅠㅠ
Liked by: 별이 김랩모니

aahhh so there are no specific spacing? no wonder. sometimes I see ppl put a lot of spaces some times the same sentence some ppl rarely put spaces like what you did below. THANK YOU!!! ^^ I'll work hard!!!!

yup hahaha it's quite confusing at first but hey good luck i'm sure you'll do well!!!! all the best ^~^

Sorry but can explain to me why is this 요 yo? the o is silent right? so the below o one is..??

yup the top ㅇ is silent but ㅛ is pronounced as "yo" on its own that's why!


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