

Ask @jughkook

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what is your opinion of Charlene since you are friends with her? Just curious how it's like to be friends with her..or with you..

haha @KookiedUp is honestly an angel sent down into our army fandom tbvh, like omg she totally deserves the nicest army award of there actually is one hahaha she's also that really nice big sister i always wanted to have ;; it wasn't even awkward when we first met!! we all just talked and talked like we've known each other for a while haha!! i'm going to bts begin's with her as well and i can already tell it's going to be so much fun (though we won't be able to sit together ;;) but yes she's a really really nice person you can be friends with and i promise you'll love her a lot ^^
Liked by: 김랩모니

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Do you know how to save their ringtones ( fancafe ) to use it for our iPhone message ringtone?

i'm trying to figure out how too :( right now all i did was record jungkook's message tone on my phone and used it haha it doesn't sound hd tho ;;

Jasmin, hi i just wanna ask you some questions. How old are you? xD What kind of part time job do yyou have? haha. i'm sorry i want to work part time too, i need some advice. and i'm currently studying too!

i've answered these questions a lot of times haha maybe you can scroll down a bit ;; but if not i'll just answer these one last time hahaha i'm currently 18 years old, i work part time as a tutor (and also some random jobs here and there) ^^

Your hangul is so good unnie!! Im jealous >< im still learning n I hope one day I can be as good as you (: You are my motivation (:

wow i'm glad i could be your motivation!!! all the best ok!!! <3

hi there! do you have any idea on what's a 용바리? I've tried searching for it but that word doesn't seem to exist ;; In a sentence it's used like this : 용바리를 타고 가면서, 부른 노래는 ?

i'm guessing it's some kind of vehicle? i'm not very sure either sorry ;;
Liked by: rohann

Have fun at bts begins! >< just enjoy yourself and be careful!! You don't have to take photos just enjoy the concert! (:

thank you so much!! i'll definitely enjoy the concert~ ^^
Liked by: 김랩모니

where did you buy the melon streaming pass in kr?? is it expensive?

oh no bec when i signed up for the streaming pass they needed a korean phone number so my korean friend helped my buy it while i was there haha

help me translate this pls ;; 내 첫 반스라능 생각보다 예쁘다능 아직은 발시렵다늣ㅇ 220사이즈의 예쁨을 사진이 잡지 못하네

my first pair of vans turned out prettier than expectations, i'm still bare footed so i can't capture a nice photo of the size 220 shoe(?) [idk what this person wants to take a photo of so this might be inaccurate sorry]

hey Jasmin I know your korean is quite good can you help me translate this? ^^ Thanks: 어제밤부터 뭔가 좀...이상한 느낌이있어...누가...개속 나를 보고있는듯.....

since last night i've had a weird feeling, someone keeps watching me (lol omg)
Liked by: 김랩모니

Hey I think I saw you at muster fanmeeting last year haha xD like I think it was you but idk then I saw you saying you went for muster so I'm quite sure it's you now hah xp You were wearing a floral shirt if im not wrong ??

omg yes haha!!!! how did you recognize me tho lmao
Liked by: 김랩모니

Take photos of your seoul and bts begins adventure and upload them on Twitter plz!!! I really wanna experience it with you somehow kekeke

hahaha i'd definitely post some photos of my "seoul adventure" but bts begins i'll try my best haha i mean the security might be tight so yeah ;___;
Liked by: 김랩모니

haha another army here, i never talked to you before other than asking you a question here and you're nice, how do i make more army friends ;_;

ah let's talk more than ^~^ haha just go out there, say hi and do an intro of yourself!!! everyone likes a friendly person so just don't be shy hehe

i've always wanted to go to the min's too!! do you have the location or address?

yes!! it's at apgujeong rodeo! here's the address hehe: 서울특별시 압구정로 330 1층 112호, Seoul, Korea

Hi jasmin!! Tbhhh you're really nice and friendly and i so want to start a conversation with you in twitter but im too shy to mention you & you would probably think im lame lol even tho we follow each other back but we never had a conversation before ;; anyways hope i have a courage to talk to you!

omg we're mutuals??? haha who are you!! don't be shy omg why would i think you're lame ;; i love talking to people!!!!
Liked by: 김랩모니

How'd you learn korean on the Internet?

i watched one youtube video which teaches you the consonants, vowels and formation of hangul characters. that's all lmao understanding korean comes from me watching dramas/reality tv shows while understanding the meaning with the help of eng subtitles! over the course of time i'm now able to watch some shows without subtitles so it all really boils down to how you embrace the language haha

Where are you planning to go when you're at Korea?

THE MIN'S!!!! wanted to go to alice table but it's all the way at busan :( also gonna play a bit at lotte world since the place i'm staying at is like a 15 min walk from there haha
also shopping districts like dongdaemun etc~ but i'll probably spend the most time at the olympic park since the concert is held there hahaha


Language: English