

Ask @jughkook

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are you able to translate what jungkook wrote? ㅠㅠ thank you!

1st pic: there are too many books we need to read so i can't do very well ㅠㅠ (in school)
2nd: prices have gone up a lot!!!! (probably talking about general living expenses) it's too expensive for students ㅠㅠ

What does that article say? The one with Jungkook holding the sign??

it's news about some of the things teenagers are bothered about most haha so the words jungkook was holding up were actually what he's bothered about as a teenager in his 10s!

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Hi jasmin! I just want to ask if the posters in this BTS 3rd mini album are only limited or it is like ORUL82 where posters are not limited? If you know?

wait did they confirm that there will be posters tho omg

This concept is fucking us up!! Our boys .. how I love them.

i'm always very intrigued by deep and meaningful hidden messages THIS CONCEPT IS MY LIFE

jasmin please don't get discouraged bc off those anons.. it hurts to see you sad.. .

hey i'm not sad don't worry haha!! ❤️

You always try to act close w fansites , speak Korean , buy melon streams , go to Korea for concerts ...what r u trying to prove lol . That you are above the other international ARMY ?

i was never trying to prove anything lmao...rather, i think it's you yourself who wants to prove that you feel inferior or something...? i'm sorry if that's really what you think but i never ever felt like i'm more superior than anyone just bec i know a little korean/am able to go to korea for concerts....i'm just another bangtan fan who really supports them and i'm also just here to make more friends.
i won't say more but i'm not a person who does things for the sake of superiority, i do things purely out of deep passion and love. thank you very much.

how do you buy the signed albums on mwave?

wait for their mwave meet & greet session haha you can lookout for details on how to join then!
Liked by: SWIFT

you're not buying the albums on mwave?

i'll still be getting the signed ones on mwave when they have their meet & greet! but i guess i'll sell the one without signature after that haha

How much did the albums cost including shipping fees? ^^

i preordered it on synnara's website and i had a discount coupon so my shipping was cheaper and in total, for both albums, it was about $35sgd!

hey jasmin ! i think ppl have alrdy asked you but, would you be willing to help me with the fancafe's lvl up questions ? bc since i'm french and i don't speak korean it's pretty hard... i tried for a while but i understand nothing haha and i feel guilty to follow acc who post the fancafe's pics :/

you can actually answer fancafe level up questions in simple english, i had a friend who answered most of the level up questions in english and she passed bec the online staff could understand basic english answers. for understanding the questions, i can't really help to translate the questions (if that's what you're asking for) so i apologize :( you can try to separate their level up questions into shorter parts and put it into google translate bec you'll find that google's translation makes more sense when there are lesser sentences instead of a whole paragraph where their trans are pure rubbish 😂 all the best!

are all albums bought from mwave meet and greet sessions in upcoming bts album, are they all gonna be signed!????:)

it's a lucky draw so usually people buy in bulk for higher chances to win!

Dear beautiful jasmin.. Why are you so perfect? Please take care of your precious self ❤️ -anon.

i'm not even close to perfect...but thank you for sending this anon <3

are you parents being supportive of you going to concerts overseas? because my mum doesn't even allow me to go to TRBinKL bc she says it's meaningless, she dk how much it means to me..but I still decided to go anyway :\ just that I hope she supports me

my parents are fine with it as long as i'm using my own money but of course they still get worried and it takes some persuading as well haha

So how old were you when you went to Korea alone? Where did you stay? How many days did you spend there? Ahh I'm sorry for all those questions bc Im planning to go there alone too so I'll be super grateful if you share your experience. ><

i was 14/15 can't remember...i stayed at a hotel bec i went there for educational purposes and it was sponsored by my school. i was only there for 2 or 3 days since it was all a planned event by my school for a korean competition! i had to go by myself and i was so nervous being all alone (especially when i had to attend a competition there 헐) but i had the foundation of basic korean so i could still communicate a little with the people there so it for more or less okay for me being alone in korea! ^^ i'm not sure what's your purpose of visiting korea this time round but i'm sure you'll have fun nonetheless!! do have a korean guidebook with you is what i'd suggest if you're completely new to their language/culture!
Liked by: 김랩모니

There is a rumor going around in the intl army fandom saying that Jhope don't like Jungkook. Cus there isn't really a pic of them together and hang together in bombs. Do you think its true?

lol i actually think hoseok and jungkook are really really close! idk who are those saying they aren't but they have been so intimate with one another and furthermore, i don't think there's any tension amongst the bangtan members at all bec they're all such good friends haha there are so many photos of hoseok with jungkook and they're also really close in bangtan bombs so whoever is spreading these baseless rumors are probably new to the fandom lol

Who is this anon is telling about the consequences of spending money? Forget them. Live your life right now and have fun. Before you know it you will have a full time job and a family and you won't have chances to go to concerts and stuff anymore. I'm beung clichés but YO fucking LO.



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