

Ask @jughkook

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If the deadline is in 30th , I must be really late? I'm from malaysia ;;-;; what if my gift would arrive late huhuhu /better luck next time/

well then maybe you can try for seokjin or taehyung's birthday which are in december so there's still a period of time haha

may I ask which Jimin fansite? I want to send him a gift for his birthday c:

썸! @951013SOME ^^ the deadline is 30th Sept!

jasmin can u explain to me what happened to jungkook? is he having problems with his family??

nope, he just released a song cover which he wrote the lyrics to and the lyrics are about his feelings towards his family.. he hasn't been able to meet them for awhile and it's just heartbreaking to know that he has to be away from his family at such a young age because of his dreams ;__; but don't worry there is no problems between him and his family!!
Liked by: 김랩모니

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Really? Means up till now we have not seen those unrevealed photos?

yup! well i've seen it though haha i am a leveled up member on the fancafe

how did you learn korean? you speak korean so well

i didn't really learn it officially or anything haha it's just that i've been into kpop for 7 years so i kinda grasped the art of understanding the language throughout the years haha i learnt the writing of hangul from a youtube video and from there, the korean alphabets and vowels are very familiar to me now! i'm honestly very average omg lol i have a lot more to learn ;_;
Liked by: 김랩모니

No english ): hm then what are fancafes for? And do seoul have bts cafe like how beast has ?

sometimes the boys will upload selcas in the fancafes which only leveled up members can see, and these photos are not to be uploaded anywhere else so if the main reason people join fancafes and try to level up is so that they can view these secret photos haha
as for a bangtan cafe...? nope i don't think they have one lol

since ur an experienced kpopper do u think army fandom has been the craziest and bangtan is a special grp bc of their dumbness n stuff?

i'm not sure if you mean "craziest" in a positive or negative way haha but the army fandom definitely is a very fun fandom imo, honestly everyone is really nice to one another but of course like in every other fandom, there's bound to be one or two unfriendly ones. i won't say bangtan is "special" because that is a very biased opinion hahaha i like them so obviously i'll say they are special to me! some groups i used to stan before have also been really dorky and etc so yeah bangtan isn't the only "dumb & weird" group hahaha it really all boils down to how biased i am towards bangtan so i can't really give a definite answer but they absolutely is special in my heart *wink wink*
Liked by: 김랩모니

what is ur fav bangtan song? kk just curious~ u can name more then 1!

bulletproof pt 2, 2학년, 그게말이돼, n.o, let me know, all cyphers, beautiful, 95 graduation, born singer, miss right, so 4 more hahaha i'll just stop here for now
Liked by: 김랩모니

hello jasmin! may i know how did you send a gift to jungkook? because i want to send in something too but i have no idea how. 부럽다잉 thank u! ;u;

ok i have like 13 asks asking the same question so i'll answer just this one, you guys can all refer to this post!!
so me and my friends actually gathered some sg armys who wants to give their presents to bangtan and we collected them and sent it over to a jungkook fansite (wild for the night) who helped us send it over to bighit as part of her fansupport! if you are nervous about sending it straight to bighit by yourself then lookout for fansites holding fansupports. i recently sent some clothes for jimin's upcoming birthday through a jimin fansite as well! honestly there have been a lot of complications as to whether or not it's reliable because of past rumors and i was a bit worried at first. but now that i've witnessed that bangtan did indeed receive my gifts i'm really really glad. so it's really up to you if you want to mail it to bighit's address bec i'm sure some people are hesitant about bighit's methods of distributing gifts lol. you can easily find the address on the fancafe or even on google!! hope this cleared some of your doubts~

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Hey!! When u sent the text message to vote for bts did u have to pay?

i'm not very sure but i think even if it did cost money it wouldn't be very expensive!! i've been sending sms votes since n.o era but my phone bill is still cheap hahaha

first of all i want congratulate you bcs namjoon wore your gift! i wonder if you gave any branded shirts to them. i want to give em something too. i need some advices so i can give em something proper if they do care about branded items

thank you!! ;w; well the shirt that namjoon wore was about $139USD? ;__; it was from tocco toscano (an italian brand i believe?) some other shirts that i sent to them were about $30++ and i haven't really seen them wear it yet so you can be the judge on this haha but i'm sure they do appreciate even the cheapest items!! ^^

I wonder if oneday I can meet BTS, eonni do you want to answer my question? Why you'd like to be ARMY?

haha why not! well there wasn't a particular reason? i just got really attracted to this rookie group's charms back then haha and then i couldn't stop looking up things about them so yeah i became a part of the fandom! honestly i think this is the most fun i've had in a fandom up till now (in my 7 years of being a kpop fan) so i'm glad bangtan could make me feel things i've never felt before :)

dunut forget to describe fried chicken too aka yoonkook winks

lmao i can totally tell from the yoonkook and here goes:
liachica who calls me the jachica thanks for the kawaii nickname btw <3
lia is your typical shy girl but you know she's the nicest hehe
also the only yoonkook shipper i know ahahah //adds on to the special snowflake list//
we can spazz like no tomorrow whenever it comes to bangtan lmao you can always cheer me up with your craziness so thank you ;_;
let's meet up soon to have some chicken with the taeyi too ehehe OH AND ALL THE BEST FOR YOUR EXAMS MY LOVE ❤️❤️❤️
Liked by: Essa ㅈ ㅣ ㄴ

until what age r u gg to continue spazzing abt bangtan?

omg this is a question i've been wondering about constantly haha i'm really not sure but maybe once i enter the workforce i won't be fangirling as much as before?? bec honestly this is just my teenage phase and i'm going to have a family and all in future so i guess entering adulthood pretty much ends it all ;__; i am scared of that day tbh haha but of course even when i grow old i will still remember the times i spent on kpop and bangtan, looking back, i'm sure i'll only have nice and precious memories omg sorry i'm getting a bit emotional here lol

walao you ask that banana lo she always call me laksa im so sad

Essa ㅈ ㅣ ㄴ
ok i'll describe you here okay 울지마ㅠㅠ
lmao okay so the essa is very special to me too hehe she is like a da jie jie even though i'm technically older hmph haha but yeah essa is super reliable and a very friendly person because we can really talk about life and other stuff like we are that close ;__; i love you too and thank you for always being there ❤️ we have to all meet up in future too ok ;;
Liked by: Essa ㅈ ㅣ ㄴ

did u n lia have yall fanaccount since debut?

did you mean like have our accounts since bangtan's debut or?? if so then yup!!

do you mind describing taeyi's laksa :-):-):-)

mwahahaha ok walao why you suddenly make me crave for laksa smh haha ok the taeyi is a rare species found on planet banana and she has her own special language which everyone has to try and decipher lmao she is my special snowflake and her love for vmon is undeniable *wink* i love meeting up with her because her reactions are the bomb HAHAHA let's promise to meet bangtan together and collapse together if they come here okay hehe ❤️ i love you so much la <333
Liked by: Essa ㅈ ㅣ ㄴ

hi jasmin :-) do u kn any fansites that ship jikook/taekook/maknaes?

not sure about jikook omg i want to find some too!! but i know vtt_kook and backspace_com but backspace not so much now i guess T_T as for maknae line i only know of petit prince sorry i'm not of much help ;_;

excluding your self ( & jimin ) who is the biggest jikook shipper you know and why ? ( Sorry same anon i just wanna know ^^ )

@densingboi/@zzimins omg alyanna is definitely my spirit animal when it comes to jikook <3


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