

Ask @jughkook

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hi jasmin can i ask you why everyone say congratulation to you just now? is your birthday or?

haha no i got the signed summer package from bangtan!!!
Liked by: 김랩모니

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i thought you used to like exo

yeah well i still like their songs a lot, but not to the extend of stanning them plus i couldn't really handle the fandom so i left sigh
Liked by: 김랩모니

i like your new hair colour!!! What is the name of it? I want to dye that colour too kkk

haha thank you!! it's called intense auburn :)
Liked by: 김랩모니

your change of heart is quite fast haha i am curious but what does bangtan have that tt does not

well tt's been my ultimate group for 2 years i think it's fine if i switch now? i mean it's not like i don't stan tt anymore bec i still do! it's rly not about what bangtan has that tt doesn't bec i love both groups for the same factor: they are rly dumb and cute
Liked by: 김랩모니

will tt be back as ur ultimate when they have a comeback?

I'm afraid that won't be the case :( they will still be a group i really love and i will def anticipate their comeback a lot but my ultimate will be bangtan from now on ;;
Liked by: 김랩모니

who is your bias in got7

this is weird lol i don't think i ever mentioned me liking got7 or anything haha?? but hmm if i rly had to choose, prob jackson or mark lol idek
Liked by: 김랩모니 fifi

is bts ur ultimate bias group lor

lol is this a statement or a question bec the "lor" is very confusing but anw bts is prob my ultimate bias group yes but i still stan teentop (just to clarify)
Liked by: 김랩모니

how did you get into bangtan

ok so back when they had their debut stage, i was really impressed by their entire concept but didn't really get into them even during n.o i was just like "nope don't even think about liking a rookie grp it will hurt" it was actually until like the start of this year i was just scrolling through youtube then i chanced upon the bangtan elevator prank video (then I went to search for the full episode of rookie king) did i fall head over heels in love with them lol shit cheesy but yes
Liked by: 김랩모니


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