

Ask @joyceeness

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What's your favorite snack food?

Doughnuts, fries, brownies, chocolates, cookies. Don't forget junk food.

How many sms do you send a day?

Zero, nada, zilch just 'cause I'm FA like that. Except for Tweetitow, though.

When you are under stress, do you prefer to be alone or do you seek comfort in friends?

It depends upon the circumstance and the reason why I'm stressed.

If you could steal something and get away with it, what would you steal?

Your heart? :)) HAHAHAHA why am I so bloody corny today?

What’s the best gift you have ever given someone, in your opinion?

The gift of love HAHAHAHA kidding kbye :))

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?

An hour and 15 mins. when I'm late, an hour and 30 mins. on a normal day, and an hour and 45 mins. when I feel lazy.

How do you define “smart”?

It's a wireless service provider in the Philippines... and it cares. #SmartCares Ang corny ko kbye :)))))))))))

What is your relationship status?

If you can call forever alone a relationship status, then yes, I'm forever alone. :))


Language: English