
Jen DeLeon

Ask @jendeleon

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Jen, I don't know you personally, but I can tell you're beautiful on the inside and out. And I as a Christian just want to say that a girl is so attractive when she shares the same moral values :) I hope I can meet you someday <3 Haha i'm planning to work in the music industry

Awesome to hear that you have the same moral values as well, don't ever lose them! Hope to meet you too, love all my supporters. Happy Holidays!!!

What advice do you have for Journalism majors?

Start a blog! I am going to go really in-depth about this in a post, but that's one thing I highly recommend.

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How can you claim to be such a devout Christian but swear all the time?

Because no one is perfect. Do you really think every existing Christian out there doesn't swear, drink, or sin at all?

Would you date a guy with a foot fetish? :o

Nope. Lol only because I had a VERY awkward incident with someone who did. Now I'm scarred for life. (Wasn't dating him - it was a friend of a friend)

What do you think you'd be doing if you couldn't be a presenter or work in the music bidness?

A motivational speaker

how do you manage to keep up with all your social networks? you have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and your own website. how do you do it?! :o

I treat them like they're all a job - It was hard at first (mainly my site) but I'm getting used to it now! Also, I love social media so I genuinely enjoy keeping up with all of them.

How do you feel about your loans from Columbia and how do you deal with it?

Hate them, but I deal with it. Columbia was too expensive smh.


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