
Jazmen Monique Croker

Ask @Jazmennn

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If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

Chicken strips from Bojangles or nuggets from Chik fil a

You and Jaron have too much steez. Do you pull some cute shit and match his swag when y'all together or you just kill shit how you kill shit ?

Lol thanks .. And we prolly just kill shit how we kill shit

It can be whatever bagel and whatever cheese u want it to be you gorgeous piece of woman. It's a shame u taken cause id have you covered in all types of food. If u was single would u marry me?

Lol you're funny, peroooo probably not

You still want your bracelet nigga? Lol

Lmao man I've been beat for so many bracelets I don't even know which one you're talking about, but sure . Give it back

Can I dip you in cream cheese and spread you over a whole wheat bagel? Cus I wana heat you up so u can slide down the side of the bread. You might burn my tongue cus you so hot but its all good. Cause You fine as fuck.

Lmfao um can it be an asiago bagel with cheese from panera ? No me gusta whole wheat :/

you hangs with hoes , but you're not a hoe..... u like hanging with hoes ?

Oh wow .. I mean I can't really control what others do . & If I associate myself with someone who likes having sex, it's not really my business unless they're fucking me or my man

We used to be real close. Why couldn't we have been again? I miss it

Hmmm not sure how to answer that . I've fallen out with a lot of people


Language: English