
Jamie Gibson

Ask @JamieGibson

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do you get annoyed when kell doesnt shutup about demi lovato? haha

Why would I? Besides, he doesn't continuously talk about her, so no

are you comfortable with being gay because kelley has like pictures of the two of you and u have like non

You sure? You haven't been through my Instagram nor my Facebook photo albums then, no?

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OMGG your beautiful and perfect! NO JOKE! You should be a model! Really you should! LOVE LOVE LOVE how awkward you are! Random question!? Would you rather be a gay boy or a straight girl?Xxxxxxx

Thanks so much! That's so tricky. I'd probably prefer to be a straight girl because its less abuse, however being a girl brings periods and pregnancies and foOoOoOok that! Nah I have no idea

Do you like paramore's new song? "still into you" i sort of like it but its not the type of song they usually sing and the reason i started liking paramore was because they were like a rock bank but i hope they dont go all cheesey:-(!! what your opinion?x

Nah. I like "Now" though, which is pretty new.
Liked by: winnie Natalie Rach

Why did you start smoking?

Because everyone has to try it at some point. I was just one of those people who enjoyed it and couldn't get enough of it. It's harder to quit than I ever imagined because my family and friends smoke.

do you like paramore? if you do then that would just top your perfection x

I used to be obsessed. I still own literally all of their posters / pictures and all of their albums / live CD's and all 5 tshirts! I was so sad.

When did you come out? How well did it go down? Do you like bands like; Enter Shikari,Die Antwoord,Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco,Asking Alexandria and Black Veil Brides?xox

I didn't 'come out'; my parents had gone through my messages and confronted me. It went fine, the embarrassment was pretty bad, but its all done and gone now, the awkwardness stayed a minimum two days. I love Enter Shikari, Asking Alexandria and Die Antwoord. Fall Out Boy and Panic at The Disco are two of my old favorites; during my 'scene' years~cringe~. Hahaha Black Veil Brides are terrible
Liked by: winnie Rach

CA is the posher side to California! By 'posher i mean my dad works for the president!' But I hate being called posh haa! I'm just a normal teenager!:)


F F S THOSE PICTURES OF YOU LYING ON THE BED IN YOUR BOXERS WITH A FAG IN YOUR HAND. I CANT EVEN OMG WHGDLIEFRH SKJDMS'FMSW;CMHF they are perfect, your body is so hot! who actually took those pictures btw? x

They were taken by timer x

Hi! I live in CA and I've just seen posts of you in our schools 'most talked about social network news' it was taking about the hate between some people to you and we had to do a class project on bullying and that sort of stuff that was based around you! Hope you can answer this cos I <3 you both!:)

Wow, that's so strange and cool! But where is CA?

Hey, my best friend Trin loves you so much, me and her basically fangirl over you and Kelley at school all the time! We'd love if you replied, or anything really aha!x THANK YOU FOR BEING SO PERFECT

Hahahaha lovely!!!xxx
Liked by: winnie Eva

Hi! I'm that faith girl that's obsessed with you that my friend Libby told you about in your last question and she got a reply! I felt so happy!! You may not get chance to reply to this either but hope you can...I actually flipping love you! You're amazing! I never stop talking about you x

Thanks Faith lovely xxxx

My friend Faith absolutely loves you, you might not get time to answer this but i hope you can. She never stops talking about you its unreal, you've become her obsession like Will McGuinness is mine, she helped me try to get will to answer me and i found him on omegle, i hope i could do the same x

Aw so cuuuuuute x


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