
Jamie Gibson

Ask @JamieGibson

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plans for the rest of the week is kell still down?xxxxxxxx

Kell left me this morning :-( Uh well I'm going to a wedding in Blackpool and have to wake up at 4am in order to get there via my grandads mini bus; the journey shall take approx 5 hours (how exciting!). I'm pretty worried in addition to being excited because my auntie's made me the official photographer :D it sucks that she and others are depending on me, but it is so kind of her making me it because it'll help me. She has made a huge list of things and people and times that she wants photographed.

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OK. so , you have one week left to live, who do you spend it with, what do you do, eat, see, what places do you go? what do you wear each day? you have one week to do anything at all, be any place? how would you spend it? :) on the last day you can make one wish, what would it be?random question :).

kell, my mum / dad / 2 brothers / 2 sisters. we'd eat everything we all loved for example i love ribs, dad loves kebab, etc, so we'd all get what we loved / fancied and then we'd have an inital meal that we could all have the same of. we would go to the beach with blankets and watch the sunset and stars. i'd wish that my family and kell would all live happily (or) for there to be no such thing as depression or bullying- for everyone to always be happy

What's your favourite colour? Tv show? Movie? Hobby? Item of clothing? Favourite place? Favourite food? Favourite drink? Flavour ice cream? Flavour crisps? Cinema or movie at home?:-)

black, american horror story / family guy / american dad, harry potter(s) / jennifers body / perks of being a wallflower, photography / photoshop, black skinnies, bed / ldn / colch / clact / anywhere with kell, ribs / pringles / ice cream, milkshake, chocolate, pringles bbq, cinema!!!

i do feel privileged because it was a long answer x x and omfg it hurt a little bit :(( and its ok bby ill make sure i get you bacl

Hahahaha I doubt it you can't even look me in the EYE
Liked by: Natalie

What's ur fav.....colour , food ,person,place,animal,thing to do, ect.....

Black, ribs / pringles, Kell, bed / holiday / Clacton Pier / Beach / London / Colchester, aw guinea pigs!!! I like taking photographs and editing them and dancing and eating and smoking and sleeping and going on nice long walks with my boyfriend xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxkisses~

My mum hates when my boyfriend stays in mine he makes hi Sleep in the living room and I'm a boy so I can't get pregnant or anything but dose you mum mind kelley staying in your room?

My mum doesn't mind, no. If you're young maybe that's why she doesn't allow it. Age 21+ for same sex couples to have sex, etc.
Liked by: Rach Natalie

omfg i wasnt beeing serious about the questions dfghjk but enjoy tonight with kell;))) and thanks for the kick m8.

I answered them anyway, feel privileged? We will Emma don't worry :'DDDDDD
You're welcome. Although, I felt harsh afterwards because it felt like I kicked you pretty damn hard so I'm sorry
Liked by: Natalie

found some sxc questions for you too answer bby, enjoy:/// Age? Location? Single/Taken? Height? Bra size? Current bra colour? Spit or Swallow Cum ? Virgin? Been fingered before? Current underwear colour? Type of underwear most wore? Do you masturbate? Ever sent a naked picture? Ever received one?

16 from Kirby Cross, Essex. Taken, approx. 6ft. Do I wear a bra? No. hat's disgusting hahaha. No, no. Black and usually tighties. Yes. Yes and yes.

What is production?

Make-up design, costume design, lighting design and operating, sound operating, set design, prop design, marketing, finance, practically everything backstage of a performance or a movie.
Liked by: Natalie


Language: English