
Jamie Gibson

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Why would you say anorexia is beautiful, yes in the sense it makes you skinny but its makes you hate yourself to the point where you wanna die and makes you do unspeakable things to yourself and your friends :'(

its emotionally beautiful

Just a quick one as i can't message kel, can you tell him that status i put up was not meant in a bad way.. I was only joking around :/ Can you please let him know that? Thanks :) "https://www.facebook.com/tehconnorsmith/posts/583803244965791?notif_t=like" that was the status :) Thanks again

why write it in the first place u ugly cock

what do think of people with braces? attractive or not? haha

someone with braces doesn't make them attractive or not but i do think they look really nice and sometimes i wish i had them but then i remember i have perfect teeth lmao :)
Liked by: Slut✔™

That atleast someone is happy, it gives me hope that I one day will be as happy as you to are, so thank you for that:D and don't let anyone tell you that you two or you as a person, are not good enough, or anything else, just be you:) you deserve it<3


i think people are taking you way too seriously, you ain't no celebrity, so don't act like one

i don't act like one oh my god

I'm a 14 year old girl, I have people telling me I'm anorexic, I don't think I am, but what happens if they are right, I cry myself to sleep most night thinking about it. I'm not 'attention seeking' I'm just another person in the world who's misunderstood, ps, you and Kell are adorable x

i think anorexia is beautiful :)

Do u judge people on their height? Like if u saw a dwarf or really tall person would u judge them? Probs one of the weirdest questions u have received lol xx


ignore the shit they say because you and kel are adorable, and you deserve each other, no matter what anyone thinks, you both will stand stronger than those bullies that have nothing better to do than try to tear people apart and make them feel like shit. i respect you both so much love you both xxx

tia nelson
thank you xxxxx
Liked by: tia nelson

You and kell are so perfect you have both inspired me to keep going cos neither of you care what People think about you thank you so much <3



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