
Jamie Gibson

Ask @JamieGibson

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I want to slap you for eating my pringles when im not home, I want to toy fight with you for touching my hair, I want to argue with you for wearing my clothes, I want you please you mean a lot to me and I don't even fucking know you


What advice do you give to other people who are gay but or afraid of coming out?

Well yesterday I said to this to a young dude that asked:
"Uhhhh I can't really answer because I never 'came out'; my parents went through my mob and noticed I was talking to a boy and was planning on meeting him- therefore by confronting me about it, I was then on considered 'out'. However, if I was to ever come out to family or close friends, I'd tell them via text message, whilst you're somewhere where you're most happy and would be distracted from the regret and sadness you may feel; it also reduces the awkwardness of telling those people to their faces. By text you can tell them and talk to them about it, tell them how you feel etc. Sorry if I'm no help xx"

how many questoins do you have and get daily?

I have 15026 in my questions box and I don't know, it depends on whether I share it that day. If I share it I'll get about 20-30 and if I don't I'll have around 10 (just a guess)


Language: English