
Jamie Gibson

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what do you look for in boys?x love you jamie!

I've been asked this before and I answered it... Eh I dunno- I don't really look for "boys" hahaha that makes me and you sound like pedophiles. I like guys that are fairly tall, toned but not too muscly, deep voiced, hairy, smart, funny, fashionable, dark haired and they gotta be kind but bitches to people that are mean to me (so basically a boyfriend-bodyguard hahaha). They've gotta be the 3 C's: caring, cute, complimenting...I like it when guys put you first for example, giving you their jumper if you're cold, etc. So yeah I'm not too fussy :)

What are your opinions on self harm and why people do it?also what are you opinion on photos uploaded of cuts as a person and as a photographer?

Honestly, I think half of the people that do it, do it as a cry for attention, whereas the other half who've actually been diagnosed with something like depression, do it because they mean it. Seeing people post photos of their self harms are those people who you can easily tell do it for the attention, unless the harm is fake for photography or art, then that's more than alright like it shows emotion, etc...


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