
Jamie Gibson

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You are so young, so beautiful and has so much hatred in the heart. I really hope you change this behavior and stop writing so dispresiveis things about so many things. I like you and want your best (: Please stay on the line Love ♥ Forgive me for my bad english, I'm really still learning!

Omg I don't have "hatred in my heart", I'm genuinely so, so nice! I'm not a hateful person whatsoever! I'm blunt to questions on here because I try my best to be formal :-)

What's the difference between "loving someone" and "being in love with someone" ?

You can love being with someone and love them as a person, you're willing to fight for them, sacrifice for them etc etc but to be in love is an euphoric state of emotion and means you feel it in your bones; you couldn't imagine life without this person and all you think about is them. That's my view anyway.

Before you used to like Demi L when u was with kell you've got previous fb status , saying he's got Demi stuck in your head (when u was going out) so just bc u n him broke up u now don't like Demi ahah you're fake

I've never liked Demi Lovato dumbass. Kell wrote a status saying I was singing along to one of her songs- I did this to make him happy. Everyone person out there who knows me/of me who isn't a complete imbecilic asshole knows for a fact I hate her. Call me fake again you pussy, off anonymous.


Language: English