
Jamie Gibson

Ask @JamieGibson

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do you like bvb, bfmv or bmth?

Haha. As if you just asked me if I like bvb. You're mad. I like bfmv and I love bmth but all 3 bands are so big to the scene kid crowds which saddens me. nah bvb are very very VERY shit.

do you think the Harry Potter films are better or the books?

Both are great, however, in the last movie we see Ginny get stunned by Bellatrix then Molly jumps in, in the book Luna was said to be with Ginny fightig with Bellatrix. That would have been pretty great seeing as they're my two favorites. You will never realise how geeky I feel for writing this answer hahaha wow

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Which Harry potter movie is your fav?

I love them all, but I could watch the Order of the Phoenix everday because of Luna and Bellatrix, along with both parts of the Deathly Hallows.
Liked by: Natalie George Ruth fay

What metal bands do you like

In This Moment, Of Mice and Men, The Bunny The Bear, Woe is Me, Asking Alexandria, Enter Shikari, Marilyn Manson (although he's known as a solo artist), While She Sleeps, Sleeping With Sirens, Alesana, Artist Vs Poet, Alexisonfire, Jamie's Elsewhere, Bring Me The Horizon, Bullet For My Valentine, Halestorm (unsure whether they're classed as metal), Evanescence, Attack Attack, My Passion, Miss May I, The Horrorpops, Nightwish, Before Their Eyes, I See Stars, Cradle of Filth, Motionless In White, As I Lay Dying, The Blackout, The Birthday Massacre, etc, can't be bothered to think of any more

what did/are you going to chose for alevels?

Definitely Photography. I dunno about others; I wanted to take A Level Media but my grades weren't good enough. I might be doing Production because its a BTEC, I done the GCSE and (I think) I got a Distinction and it relates to Photography. I was thinking about doing Textiles but that is apparently very very tough; especially with my old form tutor Ms Poynter. I was also thinking English Language but you need to have passed the English GCSE, etc. so unfortuntely, i have no idea.

do you like your family? / do you stay of school a lot? / how long do you have left of school? / is there any person you pretend to like? / do you think you will ever stop loving kell? / is there anything kell dose which annoys you? xx

Yes I like my family lol I guess I have quite a lot of time off too. I have one exam left tomorrow then I'm finished completely. There are many. I do not think so. Yes, but hahaha the annoyance in which he causes is always cured by his sweetness (oh my god so cringe :L xD)

do you have tumblr? or a website kind of thing? xx

Tumblr: gibbbson.tumblr.com
Facebook: facebook.com/youmaydie
Twitter: twitter.com/jamiegibsonyrh
About.me: about.me/jamie.gibson
Lookbook.nu: lookbook.nu/jamiegibson
Instagram: instagram.com/jamiegibsonyrh
Photography: facebook.com/jamiegibsonphotography

Can you not put your thing back in your ear? Or are you just leaving it to heal for a while? (Don't know what it's called)

I can once its healed (which it practically has) but I'm not sure whether I want to restretch. I mean, I want to, I'm just lazy as fuck and dunno if I can be dealing with all of that pain again but worse because its scar tissue. P.s, its called an ear stretch/gauge/flesh tunnel

you most like to eat Pringles your most liked movie is Harry potter you hate the term 'Facebook famous' you and kell are 4 months on the 21st when you grow up you want to do photography you love Brooke candy ...... if there was a GCSE on you I would get a A*

Hahahahahaha I love this. There are celebrities I love more than Brooke Candy- you'd be lucky to get an A :DDD

which "facebook famous" people do you like and why? which ones do you dislike and why? (people with over 50k or so that you know)

First of all, don't EVER say "Facebook famous"- even if you did use quotation marks for it...you just don't use that term unless you want to be laughed at. The people I like who have quite a few followers are obviously Kell, Amie Russel and Gozde Ali. People who I've met but don't speak to as much but still like: Will McGuiness, Tommy Arthur, Jacob Murray, can't think. People who I used to speak to but haven't met but still like: Reece Kay, Abbi Rose Roberts, Cemone Warren, Danielle Hunt, Caroline Pope, Harry Seaton, Erin Allsop, Alex Clark, Jake Hughes...I can't be fucked to think :)

Why isn't kell allowed to go to prom with youuuu??

Because only our year at our school are allowed to enter, he can watch the arrivals though and get in pictures!
Liked by: Natalie

do you go to kells house? - does your family like kell? - I know you met kell through the Internet but how did you met up and start going with each other? - does your parents like kell staying in your bedroom? - when you first told you parents about kell what did they say?

Yes, yes, we were speaking for ages and arranged for him to come to my place, they don't care and I dunno
Liked by: Natalie


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