
Jamie Gibson

Ask @JamieGibson

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i really want to get my nose pierced. but my parents wont let me, what should i do? im 14 btw

my parents wouldn't let me then suddenly i asked my mom as a randoms nd she actually said yes ?wtf? lol

What is like your dream day? Like who with and stuff?<3

w/ kell. w/ food and movies and ~*~* the internet *~*~

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ur perfect I dnt think you like me cos kell don't but we do inbox each other at times u r nice but how do you put up with this hate? I mean you can inbox me anytime cos ur lovely omg but how do u deal with it ? Lylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylylyly xxxx

we don't get as much hate as people imply we do. haha :)

i think your perfect and i dont no why people give you shit, you and your boyfriend are really hot and id just love to be you tbf


how bigs your stretcher?:-)&does it hurt? i'm thinking about doing one of my ears but idk x

hiyarosie’s Profile Photorosie
atm 22mm and yh obviously it hurt but the pain starts to fade after the first 10mm of stretchin x
Liked by: rosie

If you were to write a book what would it be about?

probably troubled teens that live on the internet (me)
Liked by: han

If you knew someone had 30 seconds left to live would you tell them?

probs not cos 30 seconds aint a lot of time ??lol??

please can you and kell do some video's together this weekend because they are perfect!

maybe after easter ????

I had a dream that you and kell knocked on my door to surprise me for my birthday and I screamed etc... And I woke up this morning and burst into tears because I realised it was just a dream and the only way I can ever talk to you is on here anonymously:-( still crying now!!! I love you and kell:-)

awww omg


Language: English