

Ask @itsmajo17

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If Ian promised to do one thing for you, no matter what, what would you choose?? if u know what I mean ;)

LMAO. I think... Him being my best friend. Or visiting me from time to time. Or asking me to spend a day with him and Nina so the 3 of us can later.. I MEAN.. *cough* WHAT?
Liked by: Valeria Tovar

Would you go lesbo fir Nina? O.O

Why else would I use the #LesbianForNinaDobrev hashtag? LESBI HONEST.

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YOU CRAZY GIRL I LOVE YA <3 you're making me jealous.. you ask Brianna but not even me :( ahah lol kidding love ya babe :)

Hahaha I asked her because she posted her link and I thought "Hmm Ive never asked her anything :)" I love ya tooo ! I'll think of some questions for your ask and for the email! lol

Then does it mean i dont like myself?

No :) What I mean is that you have no idea how awesome you are, and that you deserve much better than those people. But also, that you have the power to change that. Always think about what's best for you ;)

Why do ppl care about ppl who doesn't give a fuck about them?

Wow this reminded me so much of Perks of Being a Wallflower... Have you seen/read it? If not, you totally should. And I could easily answer with a quote from the books, but that's more specific for loving someone in a romantic way. It says "We accept the love we think we deserve", right? It still applies. I think what this means is that people underestimate themselves, they don't think they're good enough so they accept what "they can get" even if it's nothing, like you said. It sucks that we care and people don't give a fuck, it sucks. But I think it's in our hands to change that. :)

How would you feel in someone you know on twitter commited suicide?

If it's someone I didn't know then It would be a shame, I'd feel bad but not as bad as if it was something I actually talked to. If it was a friend, it would kill me. I dont know what I'd do. Because the worst part is that you're miles away and can't do anything :'(

Would you turn off your emotions of you could?

Serious answer: Not at the moment... but maybe if I were going through a difficult time (like Elena right now, for example) then I would.

Did you ever had a moment when you thought that everything was over? a moment where you had lost hope?

There have been moments where I've lost hope, yes. But I know I must go on, so no "everything is over" moments, just hopeless ones.

would you like to ba a vampire then?

Believe it or not this is a question I've thought about a lot lol... and the answer is yes. Who knows maybe I'd end up getting tired of it, hating it but I think I'd like it.. :P

Do you sometimes wish that vampires were real?


Did you ever got hate?

On twitter or on here? I don't think I've ever gotten hate on twitter. I'm not famous or anything so people don't mind me haha. Maybe a couple of SErs xD And on here I got hate ONCE. It felt pretty badass tbh. lol.

Would you ever close your account?

Hmm.. maybe. If I was going through some really bad stuff in RL that not even my DEFamily could help with... I think I'd do it. But as in "im upset, im closing this thing" or "tired of drama" or "bored" stuff NOT AT ALL :D I'm way too attached to internet, fangirling and people on here.

do you really think one day you'll meet one of your twitter friends?

People may think I'm DElusional (See what I did there? LOL) but I do. Don't get me wrong, I'm realistic and I know no way in hell I will meet all of them, nor I will meet them this year, or next, hell, not in 3 years at least. BUT, I know that IF in three years, I am still friends with a couple of them (the ones I'm saying I will meet right now) then it is possible. Not only twitter friends, but I also have a couple of online friends that I met through other "social networks" (dont worry not unsafe haha) and for example, ive known 3 of them for 4 years. Can you believe that? 4 y e a r s, i think once we've overcome that.. then meeting is the next step ;)

Do you sometimes wish you could go back to the convention?

Yes :') Whenever I remember it I want to go back. Not because I regret anything I did, or said, but because I'd love to re-live it... <3

What are 5 of your favorite accounts and why?

I can't choose just F I V E. Also, depends because line between tvd accounts/friends/people/all of them is a little blurry.
@msholymonster: she is amazing. I can spend hours reading her tweets and never get bored. Also, I crack up at least once a day because of what she writes lol also, the way she fangirls >>>>>> :D
@tvdvampirelove: apart from being an amazing tvd account, (if you don't follow her, you suck) nicole is an AMAZING person. My TL feels so empty without her :( Hands down, one of the best TVD accounts <3 Also, she nicknamed me Mahie. LOL. Not everyone can do that ;) ILY.
@dobrevlooch: She and Lianne are like omg kjdhfkg i wanna be friends with them because they're so awesome. Hilarious and cute and their theories and their speculations and kjdhfkdghjkgh. I cant.
@Caitlin901: Caitlin has like the perfect account okay. Balance between fangirling and calm tweets, good theories, personal anecdotes, I LOVE HER :D<3
@Lalaloveliix3: FAYTHHHHH. Y'all are missing out if you're not bowing down to her. She's incredible. Always fun to fangirl with and so niceeeeeeeee and sweet and funny... I love her 5ever <3 Be jealous.
@foreverdelena21: Abby is badass. Simple as that. Not only will you get your healthy dose of DE tweets but if you take the time to know her you'll know how amazing she truly is. A real friend :') <3
@bbea1d: People who only follow TVD accounts suckkkk because they're losing the opportunity to meet this incredible girl. I don't care her tweets aren't all about TVD, i like the normal ones as well (even if she thinks her tweets suck) they dont. And EVEN if they did, she's too awesome for me not to follow her. I love you Bea (:
@_lighttomydark: CARO HAS AN AMAZING ACCOUNT OKAY. SHE ALSO LIKES THE SAME SHOWS I DO. It's perfect. And she's so coooooooool, the shows thingy only makes me love her more. <3
@damonandelena11: Looking for some good DE tweets? Updates and news about the cast? Pics? Destroy your own ovaries by looking at Ian photoshoots? THIS IS THE PLACE TO GO. Love love love her tweets AND videos <3.
They were 9, sorry about that anon! IM NOT ABLE TO CHOOSE. I also love these accounts: @tvdfancentral, @_thisismyescape, @coffeeheat ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤

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Liked by: Bea.

if you could go back and bring one person with you to the convention, who would it be and why?

OH MY GOD THANK YOU FOR ASKING CON QUESTIONS THEY'RE THE BEST TBH. This one is so hard, though. I think if I could I'd take my best friend because even though she's not exactly a TVD fan she gets me and accepts my fangirling so itd be awesome to have someone with me. If it wasn't her I think I would take any of my twitter friends that haven't met anyone from the cast and that deserve it <3
Liked by: Pam Ramírez

I am so jealous you met the TVD cast. I bet all of them were super sweet, but who was the nicest/sweetest cast member you met?

I know it may sound cliché when I say this but... everything is possible. Just keep fighting for it and you'll get your chance. That's what I did :) And thank you. Yes, indeed, they were all SUPER SWEET. Omg asking me to choose one cast member is like choosing between eating and breathing :p LOL. Okay well, when it comes to NICE/SWEET, I think it's a tie between Nate and Ian. I just wanted to HUG THEM EVERY TIME THEY TALKED. I know everyone says Ian is the (funniest, best, nicest, etc) but its not just because, well hello! It's Ian... but ITS 100% TRUE. Everything you've heard about him is true. I think he is the sweetest because, first of all, the way he holds you and stops you from falling apart in the photo ops is incredible and NO ONE else from the cast does that. It's like he knows just HOW MUCH it means to you and he wants to make it worthy. Then the way he talks to you, the nicknames... We know he calls everyone "sweetie" "babe" "love" blah blah but when he calls you that.. DO YOU THINK IT MATTERS?! You feel like the only girl in the world <3 Omg. (sorry, getting ian feels lmao) anyway, the way he talks to you is so sweet and he also THANKS YOU. he is the best. And then Nate because DAMN. His lines (autographs) were always sooooo long and moved soooooooooo slow and you know why? because he took the time to speak to EACH and EVERY single person that went to that convention. He personalized autographs, went out even when security didn't want him to, took pictures even when he shouldnt have, had an actual conversation with everyone... He is incredible. So sweet. SO humble and so down to earth... wow. I'm still speechless <3 :') Sorry about the long ass answer!

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Liked by: Bea.


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