

Ask @itsmajo17

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Do you think Ian and Nina broke up or it's fake?

I don't think it's fake to be honest. There are way too many factors for it to be fake. But I don't think they broke up either. My opinion is that it's just a break that they both agreed to (the reasons may include a fight, who knows?) but also because they were going to be apart all summer so... That's just my opinion :)

"MI ASK ES BILINGÜE PORQUE TENGO DOS CUENTAS DE TWITTER OKEY." Querrás decir tres *caugh caugh* jailed account *caugh caugh*

Ohhhh YOU KNOW IT, CARLAAAAA. Hahaha. Si, olvidé esa.

Por qué opacas la luz del mundo con la que irradia tu sonrisa?

Hahahahaha HOLA LALOOOOOOO!!!!

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¿Por que solo te preguntan cosas en ingles?

Pues no sé, supongo que a las personas de acá no les interesa saber nada de mi hahaha.

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?

Plane tickets to wherever Ian and Nina are, all the con and plane tickets I can afford! A car, maybe? A house in Miami or Italy...

How many hours a day do you spend watching TV?

I don't watch TV anymore, I watch TV shows on the internet, though. And approximately every hour that I spend awake.

Did you like the episode??

I loved it! It was heartbreakingly beautiful (which is my definition of TVD being perfect)


Language: English