
Francesca Tan

Ask @itsfranxcesca

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Where do you work out at? You have a trainer? :O How much do you pay for it? :) Mind sharing please!

Tampines Fitness First! Yeah have to pay of course!

Please lah you are still beautiful (: good to hear u gained some weight, if not, a bit too skinny lah ):

Okie I will thank you xx :)

What press conference do you have? (:

It wasn't a press conference! Just a press launch of a skin care product which I'm rly looking forward to but sadly.....I couldn't make it this morning sigh hating myself

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Hi, any websites to recommend me get cake for 21th birthday party. Thank you for your help. (:

I've tried shibertysweets and thecupcakeaffair! I wanna try cremeberry so bad! Go check their instagram out their dessert tables look SO awesome

What cardio workout do you usually do? Mind sharin the video? :)

I run/cycle in the gym sometimes but doing mostly weights now... My trainer says I shouldn't be doing too much cardio if i wna bulk up a lil and be toned!

Do you feel weird when wearing shades out? Like everybody is looking at you?

Nah I feel like a superstar~ ^_^

Gain weight please dear! You are so skinny T_T But beautiful ^.^

I gained weight after my HK trip already!!!! It's obvious!!!!!!! :(

Hi babe, love your eye make up! Do you use falsies?

Thank you! I think my makeup can be better :/ Yup I do!

How do you prepare your hair before a photoshoot? Do you use any hair products to make your hair stay in olace?

I don't ever prepare my hair :x

What jobs will you be doing if you stop modeling? Actually what's your major in SIM

Business. No idea.... I wna set up my own business! Or be a air stewardess.

Do you know how to manage important exams like O and N's examination? It's so stressful!!! :(

Gah don't ask me... But one tip I can give is to do your tys a million times. They are not lying when they say questions rly do come out from there! And sleep before your paper! It's important!

Do you think girls with high forehead with long face shape is ugly? :(

NO?! I wish I've a high forehead! Kaykay has a high forehead and she's gorgeous


Language: English