
♚Queen Fareeda♚

Ask @itsfareeddaa

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K so some girl at my school is saying I slept with this guy who I don't even know and he doesn't even go to our school but he apparently knows everyone at my school and my bf is rlly mad what should I do??

your boyfriend shouldn't be mad if he's listening to other people than his own girlfriend. Bring that point up and sees how he takes it. Plus don't listen to that girl, people throw lies around all the time and it's not worth your time to worry about them

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Tell her that looks awesome and and a serious reply would be cool

either she's asleep or she's ignoring you. GOODLUck figuring out which

who does khadeeja like

Wow I just reaLIZED I READ THAT AS WHAt does Khadeejah look like I'm crYING
but yeah she likes a living species of the male form

Do you know what Areeg is interested in (music, hobbies, etc)

ironically she literally just snapped me omg  ask me again in like 5 mins and I'll have authentic facts

so this kid likes me and he asked me out and i said that i didnt really know him that well. he took it the wrong way and now he like tries to sit next to me in classes and talk to me all the time and its really annoying. what do i do?

politely tell him that he needs to chill and stay in his laNE
I meanNNNN, tell him that you're not interested in going out with him and if he would kindly stop bugging you. Also throw in that you don't mean to be harsh but you don't want to snap at him one day and no hard feelings

Just because I was different then you you called me rude stuff without even knowing me. And I have also with my own eyes seen you judge other people and make them feel like shit. You're not above us. If anything your personality is shit. The least thing we need is you changing Khadeejah.

1) what the God do you mean by "just bc I was different" that literally makes no sense; did you die and come back to life in the span of writing out this crap or?¿?
2) maybe you should go for an eye exam bc I don't make anyone feel like "sh*t" I can think of one one person and it was only because she had it coming for her previous actions towards me so :))))
3) gee golly gosh I wonder how I'm supposed to say ""rude stuff"" about you with out even knowing you!1!11!!!!
4) you NEEDA take a seat
5) LEMME just state some things: I. Don't. Treat. People. Like. Sh*t.
I literally do the complete OPPOSITE. If you even KNEW me then you'd understand that. You can say all you want about what I LET you see but my true personality is a complete contradiction of how I act. Yes I am heLLA sarcastic and slightly mean occasionally but deep down (gasp) I'm actually caring. I literally put everyone's needs and feelings before my own. I can feel like breaking down and you would still see me trying to make a joke to make others laugh.
I have so much pressure put on me because I KNOW that I'm one of the few sources of happiness people have in a day from all over the world; not just school friends. Making sure people are happy and not sad or anything is my #1 achievement and goal in life and I try my hardest to do that every day. Yeah I may be annoying but sometimes people need that extra annoyance for them to crack.
I personally know what it's like to be feeling like crap and put on a happy face. Feeling like you want someone to ask how your day was, how you're doing or just pick up on your sad vibes without you having to come out and say it. I KNOW what it feels like. That's why I do everything in my power to be there for people and get it out of them in hopes of them feeling better. I love to help people and give them advice and make them not feel as alone/confused/whatever. People say that I've helped them through things and I like to believe that that's true bc in the end I just want people happy. I've had people say I've saved their lives. I've helped people stop cutting. I've had people tell me that I'm their source of happiness everyday. I have people telling me that their day was horrible and after going on my IG, talking to me or watching my snapchat story leaves them feeling happier. IK that I make people happy so the fact that you even have the NERVE to accuse me of making people feel like sh*t is extremely shallow, disgusting and uncalled for on your part.
6) I like my personality just the way it is tbh. Yeah there are some things I can work on but you wanna know what that's called? SELF improvement. Not "stranger improvement" so therefore you can't tell me something about MYself.
7) IK I'm not above anyone and never act like that what the acTUAL GOD. I literally don't treat anyone like I'm better than them or whatever.
8) Khadeejah is her own person and can make decisions for herself about whether being my friend or not is beneficial for her

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Actually you do because you judge people so fucking much. Just because others are different you point out stuff and make them feel bad even though you're not fucking perfect yourself. You don't know me but mutual have told me and you yourself have judged me because of the way I talked.

Ok lemme break this down for you because you've obviously got your head so far up your @ss that you think you have the right to be attacking me
1) I don't JUDGE people in the way that you're implying. Yeah I will say something upon first impression and turn it into a joke of the sorts but it's NEVER in the intention of "if this person ever heard it I hope they feel bad about themselves"
2) IK I'm not perfect lol
3) I never intentionally try to make others feel BAD. Period. Yeah I may guilt them bc reasons but I never intentionally treat someone in a way that will have them feeling bad about themselves for however long.
4) yes I will admit I do point out stuff about people but ONLY with my friends that I'm comfortable enough with. Never an insecurity. It's meant as a joke and I usually can tell if I've taken it too far and I WILL apologize. I'm not perfect and I don't know how everyone receives what I say, but with my friends if I make a "jab" at them, IK my limit and apologize if I've unconsciously pushed it. My friends literally mean the world to me and I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I personally said/did something to hurt them consciously or unconsciously.
5) tbh the only person I can think of who I've made jokes about how they talk is Ahmed. And we're friends and he knows I love him and I'm just kidding so idek who you are to be saying I make fun of how you speak???
6) I totally get that others are different so I can't even begin to understand why your "mutual" or you would even use that as a way to describe whatever I've supposedly done to you...

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ok so this guy said he would date me and i was like umm ehhh because my friend was around when he said that. but the truth is that i would date him. so how do i fix it w/o confronting him?

You gotta confront him either way. There's no way around it so I suggest getting him alone and setting things straight

why are the answer to your questions so long?

Bc I talk a lot in general and that translates into when I type. Idk I just gotta get my full thoughts out

You say you want to help people but yet you're rude as fuck to basically everyone you aren't friends with.

I am literally the same person to everyone unless they give me reason not to. I don't even KNOW how you come to the conclusion that I'm "rude" to people in not friends with. Bc if I go by that logic I wondER HOW YOU EXPECT ME TO MAKE FRIENDS HUh. This is totally uncalled for and you're at a fault bc I am never rude without reason. I am literally smiling 90000% of the time and talking to everyone that will respond so I don't even know where you came up with that conclusion?????
And if you're from IG then you need to take a seat bc I literally talK TO EVERYONE WHAT THE GOD. IK so much things about people that you think are the sweetest people ever yet I STill give them a chance and befriend them unless they do something to me or my friends. In all honestly I have no reason to WASTE my time being rude to people idek when it isn't called for. I'm not like SOME people who clearly don't understand the facts and just want to cause trouble.
You clearly don't know me irl or from IG if you're up in my ask saying things like this and that's actually really hurtful and an INSULT to everything I stand for. Goodbye.

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Ahmed herzillah says mean things about girls that's why I think he's a dick

And honestly Ahmed is a handful but he doesn't mean to be rude or anything so if you're getting butthurt you obviously don't know him well enough
Liked by: Nabaa ♡


Language: English