
♚Queen Fareeda♚

Ask @itsfareeddaa

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I saw ur youtube channel and I subscribed, I just wanted tovtell u that u could join a network if u wamt, they wont lock u in with them so u could leave whenever u want . answer this if ur interested in joining.

Sure hmu on kik; it's ReedaBiebz

Is your new vid on youtube?!?!

Not yet I haven't finished editing it oOpS. I'll let YA know in my snapchat when it's up :)

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What do you wish for the most in the new year?

to actually be queen and people know me for my funniness and not that shallow reference of appearance, race, height etc. I'd rather be known as the funny Fareeda above all tbh

U shld close ur mouth and take a selfie for ur dp. Your mouth nd teeth are huge! Take a pic with ur lips together aka closed mouth lol

Someone really loves paying attention to my mouth...
AnywaYS nah I'm good. Ik how I look in selfies and what I like so?¿? Maybe if you came off anon, I could teach you how to take a selfie that please yourself and not others :*

But until then, here's a short quick tutorial on how to:
Liked by: .

Do you prefer Instagram or Facebook?

Instagram is being an overall pain atm. It has literally deleted me 5 times for no reason?¿?

Im just saying that from what i see... A twiiter account called peniscramps is not the most modest thing even if its just a name and i have seen you wearing shorts a few times.

1) if you know anything about demographics you'd understand why its named that.
2) how is a body part supposedly a """swear word""" please take sevERAL SEATS AND REEVALUATE YOUR LIFE. What are you 8??? Next thing you'll try to have me stoned bc breasts must be a bad word too!!1!1!1!
3) I don't even own shorts so I suggest you check in with your local optometrist and book an eye appointment; or a doctor to check if everything is ok up there.... The NERVE of you to try and start something with me... Smh
Honey.....You CLEARLY don't know me so I suggest you get your life together before you try to start analyze mine :*
Liked by: Naema Hassan

You know just wearing a hijab doesnt make you a great Muslim. Islam shohld also be a part of the way youbehave, the things you say, who who hang out with, and also the rest of your clothing.

Considering you're on anon and probably don't actually know me, is saying something. If you wanna START to judge me, get to know me first instead of making judgements by what you seem to think you see :))))
Liked by: Naema Hassan

Tbh fareeda fetus is on thomas street bus were goals ! Your so sweet and jokes ! And your always straightforward Thts good! I miss your hugs :( looks and personality 1000❤️❤️❤️

aww dw the new year will bring lots of hugs ;)

You wear a hijab and you swear. Isn't that bad in your religion. just asking

You obviously don't know me if you say I sWEAR LOL IM CRYING


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