

Ask @ItsDollop

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It's elysia. Can everyone please stop writing that I'm a bitch. It wasn't who wrote that. Dolapo is my friend , I wouldn't write something horrible like that ? I don't see why i should get the blame.

Heyy there!

Elysia isn't a bitch! & btw, for all you'se lot who think it was Elysia who wrote that, it wasn't! & I can tell you that for a fact. So shutup please! Moniqua inbox pls

Ohkay Shaniqua!

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Dollop why do peeps use this site to abuse you? Jst cause they are anonymous. Well you know what, say it to her face and lets see what will happen...

Loool Ikr Bitched Tooo Scared To Say Shit To Mahh.....Haaahaa.....Pricks.

Dolapo it's me elysia wtf. I ain't written anything on your ask fm I'll even show you !

Ahhh Kool,

Dont tell her she is a female dog, and if anyone needs to improve its you and your complimenting skils. BRING OTHERS UP, NOT DOWN

Bebz they Aint worth It, Thanks Doe...<3

She aint no hypocrit, ur just jealous cause you dont knw her. How do you know she isnt just playing with her friendd and talkin nice stuff about them. Your just jealous you areny as blessed as her to have such good friends. So do you know what you should do: DEAL WITH IT

Im Going To Pray For U Whoever U Are!<3

ur such a bitch. ive seen u when u hang out wid ur friends at skool and the way u treat them is bad. poppy in particular. bcos u slap her. and i don't mean to be nosy but i always hear u and tiah bitching bout all ur friends. and u always complain bout black people. ur a hypocrit and u need 2 improv


How do you decide what movie to watch?

Basically.........I Eat Chicken And Then....I Eat More Chicken....And Then I just Choose A Random Film.....And Also Eat More Chicken!!

Fucked? I Think The Word Your Looking For Is SexyAwesomeFunnyHot... I Could Go On Forever But One Of Those

Well Thank You Very Much Callum<3


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