

Ask @ItsDollop

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I'm gonna wifey poppy or is she taken?

Nah She Aint Taken Pop Up And I'Ll See If I Can Hook U Up!! LOOOL

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Your mean. Someone said ask fm is dead and you said your mum is dead. What if the persons mum was actually dead. Some people are sensitive. Your nice but you need to be polite and accept that people have feelings as well.

Im Pretty Sure I Knoe Already That Im Mean, Thanks For The Pointless Paragraph Doe :))

How do you express your anger?

Loool By Making Indirect Facebook Status Loool But Mostly By Kicking It Out On A Football!!

What do you do most of the time,,?

Talk To Callum, Play Football, Take The Piss Out Of Mah Siblings, Play Fifa/PES Or COD....Jam On Mah Guiter, Listen To Music, Sleep, And......Eat Chicken!

Whats better boobs or bums?

hmmmmmm, Ohkay So If U Got Big Boobs But No Batty Then U Just Look Fucked Up, And If U Have A Big Batty But Small Tits Then U Look Like A Spaticated ChopStick... But Ur Batty Still Looks Peng.....Lool so I Guess Bums Are Better!
Liked by: Patrick

You are beautiful, no matter what they say, WORDS CAN'T BRING YOU DOWN OOOOOHH 88' im bored ._.

Looool Poppy..........Fuck Off!! :)

People just need to stop having negative opinions and keep them to themselves. Has anyone heard of civilisation?



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