

Ask @ishter

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How did you start learning piano? I want to learn how to play the many anime openings on piano but I don't know how to start. Did someone teach you or did you just pick this skill up by yourself?

I started learning piano by learning classical pieces by myself. As you can imagine, it was very very difficult and I never managed to finish most of the pieces I practice lol.
I picked it up myself, got a few non-classical lessons but I went self-study from there.

Being self-taught, do you have a tip for other people that are trying to teach themself or maybe something crucial you forgot yourself in the earlier stages? Thank you for everything Tehishter. I've started playing piano 6months ago. Your covers were a HUGE inspiration.

If you can't get a teacher, then the second most important thing is watching videos that will help your technique and to prevent bad habits. Bad habits are the main problem with self-studying pianists as they don't have a teacher to point out the wrong technique.
Search "Choreography of the Hands: The Work of Dorothy Taubman" on YouTube. It'll help you a lot~

Do you plan to have a show or visit your fans here in the Philippines?

I do hope to return to the Philippines someday (maybe a concert if I'm famous enough lol). Being a 100% Filipino, the Philippines has a special place in my heart.

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can u rank your top 10 most difficult transcriptions

Eh... not really. I've always made my arrangements in an improvisational way so it's not too much focused on difficulty but rather the "singing tone" of the piece.

Language: English